Assignment: Finalize Selection of a Project and Funder

   In this week’s Online assignment help tutors – Discussion, you proposed a project idea and explained why it might be attractive to funders. You also distinguished it from other projects that have tried to solve the same problem or meet the same need. As you have no doubt discovered, locating an RFP that aligns […]

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Earth Science

(1) With the aid of neat, informative, well-labeled sketch(es) explain the following regarding mid-ocean ridges and the process of seafloor spreading: (One full page) How and where oceanic crust forms? How and why the age of the oceanic crust changes as you move away from the mid-ocean ridge? How and why the thickness of sediment […]

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The Pedestrian

The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury Utopia: an ideal place (fictional) This short story is an example of Dystopian fiction – dealing with a society that embodies a flawed perfection – achieved at a cost. In the story, Ray Bradbury attacks a society which is, in effect, a police state – a totalitarian regime. The sole […]

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INPATIENT, OUTPATIENT, AND ANCILLARY SERVICES Cultural competency is extremely important in health care, as the consumers we serve come from diverse backgrounds. Inpatient and outpatient services account for the largest sector of health care services; however, cultural competency extends to all health care sectors. It is vital that as a health care professional, we are […]

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Point/Counter – Point Should Banks Engage in Other Financial Services Besides Banking? Point: No, Banks should focus on what they do best. Counter – Point: yes, Banks should increase their value by engaging in other services. They can appeal to customers who want to have all their financial services provided by one financial institution. Who […]

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Power, Privilege, and Classism

  iscussion 2: Power, Privilege, and Classism Power, privilege, and classism are interconnected. The more privilege you enjoy, the more power you have to access opportunities that build wealth. The more wealth you can amass, the higher your social standing. It is important to note that having wealth is not an indictment. However, the privileges […]

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PSY4202 COMMUNITY PSYCOLOGY Week 4 – Assignment: Locate Websites that Online assignment help tutors – Discuss Poverty and Education

  Instructions Begin this assignment by reviewing the two Haberman articles (Haberman, 1991; Haberman, 2004). Haberman coined the phrase “pedagogy of poverty” to describe the way poverty affects education.  You may find the Revelations-Emotions-Questions-Disagreements format helpful in organizing your thoughts on the subject. This format asks you to note: What were the most important revelations […]

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Reflection Essay on Twelve Angry Men

According to Rose, the jury system is flawed; discuss Rose Kealy A jury is a body of people who are sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them. This is shown and demonstrated in the play, Twelve Angry men, written by Reginald Rose. However, in the […]

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Content and Process Theories of Motivation

Concepts Definition             The content and process theories of motivation provide human resource managers with the basic understanding of personal needs deficiencies, and how these needs can be transformed into motivated behavior. Content theories of motivation (also referred to as needs theories) focus on the needs that motivate behavior. The content approach focuses on the […]

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Understanding Nourishes Belonging

Understanding nourishes belonging. A lack of understanding prevents it. Belonging is not a solo act. For belonging to exist there must be some facilitation on the sides of two separate parties. Belonging hinges on how these parties create an understanding of each other. Many of Emily Dickinson’s poems reflected the difficulty which she experienced upon […]

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Assignment: Finalize Selection of a Project and Funder

   In this week’s Online assignment help tutors – Discussion, you proposed a project idea and explained why it might be attractive to funders. You also distinguished it from other projects that have tried to solve the same problem or meet the same need. As you have no doubt discovered, locating an RFP that aligns […]

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Earth Science

(1) With the aid of neat, informative, well-labeled sketch(es) explain the following regarding mid-ocean ridges and the process of seafloor spreading: (One full page) How and where oceanic crust forms? How and why the age of the oceanic crust changes as you move away from the mid-ocean ridge? How and why the thickness of sediment […]

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The Pedestrian

The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury Utopia: an ideal place (fictional) This short story is an example of Dystopian fiction – dealing with a society that embodies a flawed perfection – achieved at a cost. In the story, Ray Bradbury attacks a society which is, in effect, a police state – a totalitarian regime. The sole […]

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INPATIENT, OUTPATIENT, AND ANCILLARY SERVICES Cultural competency is extremely important in health care, as the consumers we serve come from diverse backgrounds. Inpatient and outpatient services account for the largest sector of health care services; however, cultural competency extends to all health care sectors. It is vital that as a health care professional, we are […]

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Point/Counter – Point Should Banks Engage in Other Financial Services Besides Banking? Point: No, Banks should focus on what they do best. Counter – Point: yes, Banks should increase their value by engaging in other services. They can appeal to customers who want to have all their financial services provided by one financial institution. Who […]

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Power, Privilege, and Classism

  iscussion 2: Power, Privilege, and Classism Power, privilege, and classism are interconnected. The more privilege you enjoy, the more power you have to access opportunities that build wealth. The more wealth you can amass, the higher your social standing. It is important to note that having wealth is not an indictment. However, the privileges […]

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PSY4202 COMMUNITY PSYCOLOGY Week 4 – Assignment: Locate Websites that Online assignment help tutors – Discuss Poverty and Education

  Instructions Begin this assignment by reviewing the two Haberman articles (Haberman, 1991; Haberman, 2004). Haberman coined the phrase “pedagogy of poverty” to describe the way poverty affects education.  You may find the Revelations-Emotions-Questions-Disagreements format helpful in organizing your thoughts on the subject. This format asks you to note: What were the most important revelations […]

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Reflection Essay on Twelve Angry Men

According to Rose, the jury system is flawed; discuss Rose Kealy A jury is a body of people who are sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them. This is shown and demonstrated in the play, Twelve Angry men, written by Reginald Rose. However, in the […]

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Content and Process Theories of Motivation

Concepts Definition             The content and process theories of motivation provide human resource managers with the basic understanding of personal needs deficiencies, and how these needs can be transformed into motivated behavior. Content theories of motivation (also referred to as needs theories) focus on the needs that motivate behavior. The content approach focuses on the […]

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Understanding Nourishes Belonging

Understanding nourishes belonging. A lack of understanding prevents it. Belonging is not a solo act. For belonging to exist there must be some facilitation on the sides of two separate parties. Belonging hinges on how these parties create an understanding of each other. Many of Emily Dickinson’s poems reflected the difficulty which she experienced upon […]

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