Dissertation Topics & Good Thesis Ideas
Which states benefited from the three-fifths compromise?
I would like to add that this compromise gave the South much more political power and changed history. For instance, in the Election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson defeated incumbent John Adams, but had there been no Three-Fifths Compromise, Adams would have won the election. Not only did the compromise give the South more members in […]
1) The cost to prepare bottom-up estimates will typically run how much more than the costs to prepare the top-down estimates? A. About the same B. About twice as much C. About three times as much D. About four times as much E. About five times as much 2) Resource shortages, in the form of […]
Assignment 1: Essay – Exploring Ancient Mysteries
Due Week 4 and worth 100 points Choose one (1) of the topics below and develop a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (of at least 250-500 words) which adequately address the topic you have chosen. Topic Choices There have been many theories regarding how the pyramids at Giza were constructed. Most experts agree that […]
HIS 103 Week 1 Assignment
In this paperwork of HIS 103 Week 1 Assignment you will find the next information: What characteristics were unique to their society?How did foreign societies affect their development?How, in turn, did they influence others?What was the role of women?What was their overall impact to the history of the world?
Choose three (3) wars in which the United States participated during the period covered by this course (the Cold War may be one of your choices). Why did the U.S. enter each war (for what purposes)? Was there any opposition to entering these wars? Compare the standing of the U.S. in the world before or […]
Art history
One paragraph answear for each quation 1-Forum – Reflection Worship: Myth and Great Enclosure Why do you think there has been such a long history of misunderstanding regarding the Great Enclosure in Zimbabwe? Minimum of 2 posts. In one post, you provide your opinion and in the other you comment on someone else’. After you […]
200 words. In 30 mins
Due in 30 mins. 200 words. Summary hermid ibis is endanger species. Three issues that why it is difficult to recover. First, its habitate distinction issue. Its habitate decreasing along with the human invasion and expansion. So it cannot build nests in its habitate. Second, Hermid ibis’s eggs and young birds are very vulnerable to […]
Write a 500 word double spaced paper
Write a 500 word double spaced paper on Guernica by Picasso. Use the movie, library and online research to assist you with this paper. Structure the paper as follows: Introduce Guernica and give a brief history of the work and why he painted it. Next, talk about the formal and conceptual part of the painting and answer […]
Writing History 300-word Discussion Essay
The Linotype Film Website: https://essays.homeworkacetutors.com/write-my-essay/linotypefilm.com/; – Roy W. Howard, “Newspaper Mass Production,” The North American Review, Vol. 225, No. 842 (Apr., 1928), pp. 420-424. – John J. Fry, “‘Good Farming-Clear Thinking-Right Living’”: Midwestern Farm Newspapers, Social Reform, and Rural Readers in the Early Twentieth Century,” Agricultural History, Vol. 78, No. 1 (Winter, 2004), pp. 34-49. Then discuss: […]
Graphic Organizer and Five-Paragraph Essay, English Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.
These are the instructions for this Assignment. Graphic Organizer and Five-paragraph Essay Now that you have an understanding of both the Salem witch trials and of McCarthyism, it’s time to exercise that understanding. You will be writing a compare/contrast essay on both of these topics. More often than not, students will do a great job […]
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