Changes in Education Sector in Rural Bangladesh

Education Sector Education sector has faced significant changes over decades in rural Bangladesh. Earlier the maximum level of education that people received was mainly upto primary education. The drop-out rate was very high. The number of female students was very low and they used get married while studying in primary level. As a result, the […]

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Can a Person Really Make Up for Past Mistakes?

CAN A PERSON REALLY MAKE UP FOR PAST MISTAKES? No one can erase the past. When a mistake is made, whether it be huge or small ,it can damage us for life or make us stronger. Mistakes can be positive by learning from them and passing on advice to others. It is the way we […]

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The definition of the genre of the Bible

John The genre of this book is gospel. The key theme of John is Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and he is the one who gives everlasting life. Key characters in this book are Jesus, John the Baptist, Lazarus, and Mary Magdalene. The first part of John tells of Jesus’ ministry and teachings. […]

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In the many million years of human history,man has been immensely successful in making his today better than his yesterday. Elf he had not shown the capability of uplifting and aggrandize himself,he would have not had the right to call himself the Crown of Creations and God’s Viceroy on Earth. Halls prodigious Journey from burning […]

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Barack Obama or Socrates for President

The United States of America’s presidential election is always been the major political event in the entire nation, on which set of prominent, outstanding and powerful politicians in the whole American nation are set to challenge each others capabilities. Under the unified goal, the list of clever American politician showcases their profound abilities and qualities […]

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Distance Is No Barrier to a Strong Company Culture

You know those meetings where you sit down with co-workers to talk about your favorite books or what tattoo you might get next? No? Let’s face it: Not all meetings represent time well spent. Surprisingly, when co-workers don’t work in the same central location, meetings where colleagues are allowed talk about whatever they  than those with […]

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Leadership Essential Business concepts

Ideal Types of Leadership as Patterns of Affective Meaning: A Cross-cultural and Over-time Perspective Andreas Schneider1 and Tobias Schro¨ der2 Abstract We propose that macro-level ideal types of leadership, as described in the classic work of Max Weber and reflected in the contemporary management literature, are mirrored in micro-level affective meanings. Within Osgood’s three-dimensional affective […]

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Chapter 20 – Neurofinance

20. 1 INTRODUCTION In this book we have argued that cognition and emotion are powerful influences on people’s decisions. Traders are, of course, no different. This chapter begins by considering what we know about what sets a successful trader apart from other people. We have all contemplated the oft-debated question of nature versus nurture in […]

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due in 4hours from now page 1 or 2 agin

 PART 1: ARTWORK SELECTION 1. Select one work of art from each of the time periods listed. The artworks should each be from a different culture and time period. Each of the artworks you select should be linked by the exploration of a similar theme. Play the Curator’s Apprentice game for guidance on how to […]

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Data analytics

An investor with $10,000 available to invest has the following options: (1) he can invest in a risk-free savings account with a guaranteed 3% annual rate of return; (2) he can invest in a fairly safe stock, where the possible annual rates of return are 6%, 8%, or 10%; or (3) he can invest in […]

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Changes in Education Sector in Rural Bangladesh

Education Sector Education sector has faced significant changes over decades in rural Bangladesh. Earlier the maximum level of education that people received was mainly upto primary education. The drop-out rate was very high. The number of female students was very low and they used get married while studying in primary level. As a result, the […]

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Can a Person Really Make Up for Past Mistakes?

CAN A PERSON REALLY MAKE UP FOR PAST MISTAKES? No one can erase the past. When a mistake is made, whether it be huge or small ,it can damage us for life or make us stronger. Mistakes can be positive by learning from them and passing on advice to others. It is the way we […]

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The definition of the genre of the Bible

John The genre of this book is gospel. The key theme of John is Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and he is the one who gives everlasting life. Key characters in this book are Jesus, John the Baptist, Lazarus, and Mary Magdalene. The first part of John tells of Jesus’ ministry and teachings. […]

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In the many million years of human history,man has been immensely successful in making his today better than his yesterday. Elf he had not shown the capability of uplifting and aggrandize himself,he would have not had the right to call himself the Crown of Creations and God’s Viceroy on Earth. Halls prodigious Journey from burning […]

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Barack Obama or Socrates for President

The United States of America’s presidential election is always been the major political event in the entire nation, on which set of prominent, outstanding and powerful politicians in the whole American nation are set to challenge each others capabilities. Under the unified goal, the list of clever American politician showcases their profound abilities and qualities […]

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Distance Is No Barrier to a Strong Company Culture

You know those meetings where you sit down with co-workers to talk about your favorite books or what tattoo you might get next? No? Let’s face it: Not all meetings represent time well spent. Surprisingly, when co-workers don’t work in the same central location, meetings where colleagues are allowed talk about whatever they  than those with […]

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Leadership Essential Business concepts

Ideal Types of Leadership as Patterns of Affective Meaning: A Cross-cultural and Over-time Perspective Andreas Schneider1 and Tobias Schro¨ der2 Abstract We propose that macro-level ideal types of leadership, as described in the classic work of Max Weber and reflected in the contemporary management literature, are mirrored in micro-level affective meanings. Within Osgood’s three-dimensional affective […]

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Chapter 20 – Neurofinance

20. 1 INTRODUCTION In this book we have argued that cognition and emotion are powerful influences on people’s decisions. Traders are, of course, no different. This chapter begins by considering what we know about what sets a successful trader apart from other people. We have all contemplated the oft-debated question of nature versus nurture in […]

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due in 4hours from now page 1 or 2 agin

 PART 1: ARTWORK SELECTION 1. Select one work of art from each of the time periods listed. The artworks should each be from a different culture and time period. Each of the artworks you select should be linked by the exploration of a similar theme. Play the Curator’s Apprentice game for guidance on how to […]

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Data analytics

An investor with $10,000 available to invest has the following options: (1) he can invest in a risk-free savings account with a guaranteed 3% annual rate of return; (2) he can invest in a fairly safe stock, where the possible annual rates of return are 6%, 8%, or 10%; or (3) he can invest in […]

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