Best Thesis Topics and Ideas on Different Subjects
Inspired Pursuits: Rosemin Manji, Founder, RR & Co. Bespoke Luxury Management
MENA’s creative entrepreneurs talk on what it’s like to turn a passion project into a business venture, and share their insights for pursuing creative ambitions in the MENA region. Having worked in the fashion industry for more than 17 years, ’s influence in the sector shouldn’t be measured based off just her social media presence- the founder […]
Assignment 1: LASA # 2: PowerPoint Presentation
Assignment 1: LASA # 2: PowerPoint Presentation Utilizing the information you compiled for your literature review paper, and the feedback you received from your instructor about the literature review, prepare a 10-15 minute Power Point presentation on your topic, summarizing the key points and conclusions. Be sure to direct this presentation to an audience in […]
Cross Cultural Management
A culture defines the world view and perception of an organization or a group of people. It encompasses their language, style of communication and the way of doing things. In a variety of cultures words share aspects of meaning with their translations therefore it is vital in communication for people to create a shared meaning […]
French Culture and Its Influence on Multinational Enterprises
Abstract When conducting business in France there are many challenges to overcome, including the ethnocentrism of their cultural heritage and the long line of historical principles that play out in French society. Through research it was found that the French approach business in a style of-their-own with true class and flare. They set the stage […]
Insecurity in Nigeria
INSECURITY IN NIGERIA Underlying the quest for national security in Nigeria is the issue of political morality, which focuses on the question of defining the relationship between the state and the various groups in the society. Political morality properly construed seeks to establish and sustain the essential conditions for the smooth functioning of the state […]
Theory of Consumer Choice and Frontiers of Microeconomics
Purpose of Assignment Week 5 exposes students to subjects that are intended to whet their appetites for further study in economics. Students will use the theory of consumer choice and the impact of the concepts of asymmetric information, political economy, and behavior economics, to describe how consumers make economic decisions. Assignment Steps Scenario: You have […]
David Walker’s Appeal
Chatarpaul 1 David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World is aimed towards African-American slaves and freedmen. His goal was to have all his “brethren”, rise up and fight against slaveholders and farmers. Walker called for vengeance against white men, but he also expressed the hope that their cruel behavior toward blacks would […]
Air Force One Movie Review
Air Force one is movie released way back in 1997. It is about how a president was able to save himself, family, and allies from the people who hijacked his plane. In the world of terrorism, the USA president, James Marshall portrayed by Harrison Ford, takes a stand against evil and as a consequence his […]
Thessalonians Thessalonians is based on two different letters that was written to the Christian community in Thessalonica. The purpose of the first letter was to clear up some of the misunderstandings about the return of Christ. The second letters purpose was to still clear up some of the misunderstandings about the Day of the Lord […]
Presentation and 2 papers of 525 words
Signature/Benchmark Assignments are designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. Signature/Benchmark Assignments are graded with a grading guide or an automated rubric that allows the University […]
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