Best Thesis Topics and Ideas on Different Subjects
Weapons of Mass Destruction, Political Assignment Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.
Question description 1.) After viewing the video for this week, the notion that “technology has been instrumental in creating these weapons” was repeatedly highlighted. Write a word essay – Evaluate if technology is something that will continue to evolve making it more likely or unlikely for terrorist groups to use a WMD?Complete the Week 1 […]
desire to pursue Utopian visions, Philosophy Assignment Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.
Question description Question BAddress the tension between a “new humility” and the desire to pursue utopian visions enabled by development. How should we respond to such visions? What moral values or virtues are being pursued?REQUIRED READING:Winston, M., & Edelbach, R. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Society, […]
C++ Swap links with singly and doubly linked lists
Question description In C++: Create a singly linked list and a doubly linked list with 20 elements in each one. Choose any type of data to fill these but they must be pre-populated. For each type of linked list, swap 2 adjacent elements by adjusting only the links (not the data).
Ch 24 Radioactivity Review: Beta Decay
Question description Thorium-238 1st under goes beta decayA.What occurs in the nucleus during beta decay?B. What nuclide forms? C. The nuclide under goes alpha decay. What happens in the nucleus? What nuclide forms?D. Was radiation given off if so when?
“Terrorism” Please respond to the following:
Question description “Terrorism” Please respond to the following:On September 11, 2001, the United States became the victim of a coordinated terrorist attack. Although 9/11 is the most notorious terrorist event against America, it certainly is not the only attack. From the e-Activity and other research, choose a terrorist event against the United States (other than […]
Research proposal
Question description In this module you will begin by selecting a company that you are interested in researching. Using the Rasmussen online business databases, find a company or organization in a business journal article or a company or organization case study, and then decide on a research project that would suit the company or organization’s goals.Contact your instructor if you have any […]
What is Marginal Revenue Product and Wages?. Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.
Question description Marginal Revenue Product and WagesWhat is the link between marginal revenue product and wages?Due to there being discrepancies between the productivity and resource offerings (i.e., education, skills, experience) in labor markets, is it justified for one employee with a higher marginal revenue product to earn a higher wage than an employee with a […]
Discussion Employee Pay, Writing Assignment Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.
Question description Employee Pay” Please respond to the followingFrom the e-Activity, compare the salaries for the same job in two (2) different geographic locations within the United States. Speculate on two (2) economic influences that may impact the pay difference in the two (2) geographic areas you selected. Justify your response.* From the scenario, provide […]
Atherosclerosis, Write 800 to 850 words, health and medicine Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.
Question description Atherosclerosis is a common disorder of the arteries. A modifiable risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis is hypertension. Discuss the pathophysiology of both disorders and the mechanisms by which hypertension contributes to atherosclerosis. Discuss the current medications used to treat both disorders and the pharmacologic actions the medications have in altering the […]
connect your writing to your everyday, Writing Assignment Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.
Question description Draw from your lived experiences and connect your writing to your everyday, concrete realities. Consider the lens through which you view the world, the way you feel, see and experience reality. [Provide at least 2-3 direct quotations from the text under consideration in your response!!] 1) Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi and Patrisse Cullors, […]
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