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Need computer science help with Forensic Examiner
Question description This week you are reading about some of the forensic tools used by Computer Forensics Examiners (there are many). While two of the more popular tools are Guidance Software’s EnCase and AccessData’s FTK, there are other tools that are available and should be part of your toolbox.Once you have properly identified and collected […]
According to a 2009 study publ
Question description According to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Urban Economics, the average commuting distance of all community college students is approximately 5 miles each way; however, I believe the average commute exceeds than 5 miles for HCC SouthShore students. 20 statistics students at the HCC – SouthShore campus were surveyed. The average […]
Reinforcement and PunishmentId
Question description Reinforcement and PunishmentIdentify 3–5 examples of gender-related behaviors that are developed through reinforcement or punishment. Be sure to provide a balanced view for boys and girls, and select examples which apply to the development of both boys and girls.Explain, in detail, how these behaviors have been shaped by reinforcement and punishment.Describe your own […]
Mastering Physics Problem 11.2
Question description Mastering Physics Problem 11.26You have a weekend job selecting speed limit signs to put at road curves. The speed limit is determined by the radius of the curve and the bank angle. For a turn 450 m and a 7.0 degree bank angle, what speed limit should you post so that a car […]
Need science help with Three 150 word questions on Fossil Fuels
Question description Fossil Fuels and Alternative Energy Resource Worksheet Using textbooks or other resources, answer each of the following questions in 150 to 200 words. Select a fossil fuel. How is this fossil fuel used? What are the adverse effects on the environment?Select a local or regional alternative energy resource. How might this resource be […]
Question description statement of your jounery in class. Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss what you feel you have accomplished so far this semester. Use reflection and describe revelations from your experience and observations from class,videos and instructor’s comment (instructor’s comment) : important when you dance:Shape formrhythmbreathBassa/ liberia / west […]
It’s time to apply a planning
Question description It’s time to apply a planning activity to your 3-4 page, research-supported, documented persuasive essay.For this module’s 1-2 page assignment:Use a suggested activity to complete a planning activity Word document for your chosen persuasive essay topic.All planning activities must include a clear main idea, at least three major supporting details, and at least […]
Putting two formulas in one cell in Excel
Question description Hello, long time no talk…I have another excel question for you…How do I add a second formula to a single cell. I want the answer to the calculation to be rounded to either a 0 or a 5, I have the formula =round(a1/5,0)*5 , but i cannot get it to work. I have […]
Creating a report
Question description Guideline: The responses have to be well thought out and complete with professionalism. The responses have to also correspond with the questions completely and be answered completely.I NEED THIS ASSIGNMENT BY 12- MIDNIGHT CENTRAL STANDARD TIME NOVEMBER 21TH, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service.2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service112016: 2024 – […]
Need help with a loop question re: C# programming
Question description Here is my question – I am looking for help regarding the correct code for this task:Ace my homework – Write a for loop that prints 49 through 1 separated by a comma. Note, you will need to use a condition inside of the loops so it does not print the comma the […]
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