The average weight of 40 rando

Question description The average weight of 40 randomly selected mini vans was 4,150 lbs.  The population standard deviation was 480 lbs.  Assume the variable is normally distributed, find a 90% confidence interval of the true mean. Assume the variable is normally distributed.

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Communications Analytical Paper

Question description Analytical Paper 2 requires you to illustrate media and technology’s impact on culture and social roles and relationships. This summative assessment is not an opinion paper and should not contain your opinion on the events. It should contain your analysis of the topic using a variety of sources to provide appropriate perspective on […]

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temperature of the pool water

Question description A balloon contains 3.2 moles of air and has a volume of 0.051 m3 when it is submerged 5.0 m below the surface of a pool of pure water. What is the temperature of the pool water? (You can assume that the temperature of the water and of the air is the same.)

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20 pages maximum position paper in education

Question description The topic is group work. There are three reflection question: 1. The advantage of group work. 2. The disadvantage of group work. 3. What’s the differences between single work and group work?Based on the topic that you choose to present on for discussion leaders, develop a 20 page maximum position paper. In this […]

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Need help with a 2-3 page business letter for accounting class-apa style

Question description Need 2-3 page business letter for accounting class quick books.  Paper is required to be Ace homework tutors – APA style. I need help writing my essay – research paper read instructions attached thoroughly before bidding.  Specific textbook needed for this assignment as mentioned on instructions. Original work only!Acc Assignment Week 8.docx 

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Decision-making Process Lecture

Question description List and describe each step in decision-making. What is the importance of this decision-making model in understanding organizational decision-making? What are the six types of organizations and what distinguishes each? What is the best organization type for policy analysis and good decision-making within organizations? Why?

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Economic growth

Question description How do we measure long-term economic growth of a country? What are the key determinants of long-run economic growth?What is the relationship between economic growth and productivity? What is the major source of growth in labor productivity?

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Solving Systems of Equations

Question description Mr. Johnson bought 22 cupcakes and 30 drinks for his class. Ms. Richards bought 30 cupcakes and 35 drinks for her class. Mr. Johnson spent $44.40 and Ms. Richards spent $53.75. How much does a cupcake cost?$How much does a drink cost?$

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Product and Price Elements of the Marketing Mix

Question description Brand Over PricingThis discussion focuses on the importance of branding. As Winer (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap) suggests, if you are dissatisfied with the present position, the brand needs to be repositioned and the value proposition may need to be changed.Topic 1:Over the years, many famous brands have […]

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Adding two formulas to one cell in excell

Question description Hello, long time no talk…I have another excel question for you…How do I add a second formula to a single cell.  I want the answer to the calculation to be rounded to either a 0 or a 5, I have the formula =round(a1/5,0)*5 , but i cannot get it to work.  I have […]

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The average weight of 40 rando

Question description The average weight of 40 randomly selected mini vans was 4,150 lbs.  The population standard deviation was 480 lbs.  Assume the variable is normally distributed, find a 90% confidence interval of the true mean. Assume the variable is normally distributed.

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Communications Analytical Paper

Question description Analytical Paper 2 requires you to illustrate media and technology’s impact on culture and social roles and relationships. This summative assessment is not an opinion paper and should not contain your opinion on the events. It should contain your analysis of the topic using a variety of sources to provide appropriate perspective on […]

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temperature of the pool water

Question description A balloon contains 3.2 moles of air and has a volume of 0.051 m3 when it is submerged 5.0 m below the surface of a pool of pure water. What is the temperature of the pool water? (You can assume that the temperature of the water and of the air is the same.)

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20 pages maximum position paper in education

Question description The topic is group work. There are three reflection question: 1. The advantage of group work. 2. The disadvantage of group work. 3. What’s the differences between single work and group work?Based on the topic that you choose to present on for discussion leaders, develop a 20 page maximum position paper. In this […]

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Need help with a 2-3 page business letter for accounting class-apa style

Question description Need 2-3 page business letter for accounting class quick books.  Paper is required to be Ace homework tutors – APA style. I need help writing my essay – research paper read instructions attached thoroughly before bidding.  Specific textbook needed for this assignment as mentioned on instructions. Original work only!Acc Assignment Week 8.docx 

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Decision-making Process Lecture

Question description List and describe each step in decision-making. What is the importance of this decision-making model in understanding organizational decision-making? What are the six types of organizations and what distinguishes each? What is the best organization type for policy analysis and good decision-making within organizations? Why?

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Economic growth

Question description How do we measure long-term economic growth of a country? What are the key determinants of long-run economic growth?What is the relationship between economic growth and productivity? What is the major source of growth in labor productivity?

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Solving Systems of Equations

Question description Mr. Johnson bought 22 cupcakes and 30 drinks for his class. Ms. Richards bought 30 cupcakes and 35 drinks for her class. Mr. Johnson spent $44.40 and Ms. Richards spent $53.75. How much does a cupcake cost?$How much does a drink cost?$

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Product and Price Elements of the Marketing Mix

Question description Brand Over PricingThis discussion focuses on the importance of branding. As Winer (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap) suggests, if you are dissatisfied with the present position, the brand needs to be repositioned and the value proposition may need to be changed.Topic 1:Over the years, many famous brands have […]

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Adding two formulas to one cell in excell

Question description Hello, long time no talk…I have another excel question for you…How do I add a second formula to a single cell.  I want the answer to the calculation to be rounded to either a 0 or a 5, I have the formula =round(a1/5,0)*5 , but i cannot get it to work.  I have […]

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