SWOT Analysisanalyze the internal and external environments of the organization “Whole Foods” (https://essays.homeworkacetutors.com/write-my-essay/wholefoodsmarket.com/)along the following terms.Description PointsI Write a brief company history, including a mission statement if available. II Thoroughly explain at least two major strengths and two major weaknesses (review Chapter 8) of the organization.⢠For each strength, discuss why this strength can be considered a distinctive competence for the organization.⢠For each weakness, discuss what the organization could do to minimize that weakness. You should have a minimum of a full paragraph for each discussion of each strength and weakness.⢠Note that bullet points are not acceptable. III Thoroughly research and analyze two opportunities and two threats that this organization is facing. Each of these opportunities and threats must come from a force or forces occurring within a dimension or dimensions of the general environment within the organization’s external environment (keep in mind that an opportunity or threat can stem from more than one dimension within the general environment). Be sure to include in your discussion the relevant dimension of the general environment from which each of these forces is derived that are creating the specific opportunity or threat for the organization.PLEASE NOTE: The dimensions of the general environment are outlined in Chapter 3 and in the Week 1 Lecture.⢠Include in your analysis an explanation of how each of the opportunities and threats will likely impact the company and why. Include other companies/industries on which this may also have an effect. You should have a minimum of a full paragraph for each discussion of each opportunity and threat.⢠Note that bullet points are not acceptable. IV Briefly summarize your SWOT analysis.⢠Discuss how the organization can capitalize on the opportunities that are occurring from the dimensions from within the general environment and how the organization can neutralize the threats that are occurring from the dimensions from within the general environment.⢠Note that bullet points are not acceptable. V Paper Format⢠Correctly produced APA parenthetical citations and Reference list. You must have a minimum of three external research sources in addition to the Griffin text.⢠Spelling, grammar, and organization1. List at least FOUR sources you will use to obtain information about the firmâs strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Discuss what categories of the SWOT elements of information are readily available on the Internet. What categories of data are difficult or impossible to find on the Internet? (When using the Internet, be sure to provide specific websites or URLs.) NOTE: You cannot use Wikipedia or another type of information-sharing website as a source for the SWOT.2. Rate, from the best to the worst, each of the sources you indicated in #1 above as being sources you will use in your analysis in terms of its probable reliability. Discuss the steps and/or actions you can take to validate the reliability and accuracy of the information you obtain. (Points : 20)3. As a manager, how confident would you be in basing strategic decisions on the information that youâve obtained online for the SWOT? What other sources of information can you use to effectively complete the SWOT Analysis?How can you check or cross-check the accuracy of some of the information? How could regulations such as The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (see the link under Webliography) assist in ensuring the accuracy of the information? How confident are you about the accuracy of the information in your SWOT analysis? Why or why not?
Is this a fair that Men and Women are becoming more equal
It is true to say that often through out time, in various circumstances and situations, individuals have been discriminated based on their gender. We would think that after numerous years of battle for equality, we would have reached the point where the role of men and women at home merged and the different responsibilities shared. […]