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Write one page single spaced using Times New Roman 12-point font worksite the source.StephenProthero’s Comments on Religious Illiteracy – Video is found in Chapter 1onlinecontentmaterials and at theYouTubeRELG VanVoorstChannelStephenProthero, a professor of religion at Boston University, is the author of Religious Literacy, a 2007 bestseller arguing that North Americans are woefully ignorant about religion, even if they are deeply religious on average. This position has been widely confirmed in other studies and surveys.Prothero sees an improvement of religious literacy among believers and nonbelievers as important for several reasons.How does Prothero’s skillful use of humor help to engage his audience and advance his point? What is his point?What could be the reason that, according to Prothero, Americans both don’t know much about Islam and also admit that they don’t?

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