be logical and easy to Week 3: For this assignment, each student will analyze an organization with which he or she is familiar (except Amazon or Wal-Mart) or any organization of his or her choosing. For your chosen organization, analyze the organization according to the strategies listed below:

Business-Level Strategy
Corporate-Level Strategy
Ace my homework – Write an 1100 to 1150 word paper where you analyze your chosen organization’s business level and corporate level strategies. Identify your chosen organization’s business level and corporate level strategy. Give some detail describing how your organization’s business and corporate level strategies are used to give your organization a competitive advantage. Be sure to point out any issues that you believe need to be addressed. Suggest possible solutions to address any issues. (Just because you are giving your opinion does not mean that you give it in the “first or second person”)! Your paper should be in proper Ace homework tutors – APA format and should follow the Formatting & Writing Styles guide.

Make sure to follow Ace homework tutors – APA formatting style and provide reference(s). Your paper should also follow the Formatting & Writing Styles guide provided for you. The assignment should be in an MS Word document in formal report format and should include the following:

Title page
Your title page and the title of your assignment should be Assignment # 2. (It is assumed that the assignment will be in Ace homework tutors – APA Edition format).
New Times Roman font face type and this includes page numbers and headers.
Page number should be in the upper right hand corner of your paper.
12 pt font type size for every part of your paper and this includes page numbers and headers.
An Ace homework tutors – APA formatted reference page is to be included.
Your title page should include the- Assignment title, your name, the date, the class and the instructor: Dr. Jimmie S. Warren. (All should be in proper Ace homework tutors – APA format).
(Do not use first person pronouns (I), second person (you), or some third person pronouns (we and our) when writing this assignment. See the Formatting & Writing Styles Guide document.follow)

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Research Helper
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