Substance Abuse: Girls and Women

Developmental theories, as discussed previously, seek to describe
the psychological, emotional, and perceptual changes people
undergo during their life span. As such, these theories attempt to
identify key developmental stages and the changes that might
occur. For example, the transition to college frequently involves a
search to define oneself in the context of the larger world and an
interest in both cultural and intellectual exploration. As part of this
process, students participate in new social interactions and may
be exposed to increased opportunities to participate in substance
use and other high-risk behaviors. Developmental theories
attempt to provide points which explain healthy and unhealthy
behaviors that individuals choose. This week you examine how
theories may account for substance abuse in girls and women.
For this Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion, review the week’s Learning Resources and
choose a type of substance abuse (i.e., alcohol, tobacco, illegal
drugs, or prescription drugs). Research girls’ and women’s use of
the substance and consider how developmental theory accounts
for effects of this substance abuse. Also consider theory-based
interventions you might apply to these effects.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 the substance abuse you selected. Describe two
immediate and two long-term effects of abuse of this substance.
Explain how developmental theory accounts for the type of

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