Greenfields Butcher
Student handout – Greenfields Butcher Indicative Pricing


This quote is provided by:

Greenfields Butcher

ABN 39 393 393 393

Brown Street

Greenfields VIC 3999

Product description Price/kilo Pack size Pack Price Estimated weekly qty
(indicated by Crave Catering)

Pork Mince $5.00 5kg $25 5kg
Pork butterfly steak $8.00 5kg $40 10kg
Pork Ribs $10.00 5kg $50 10kg
Beef mince $6.00 5kg $30 10kg
Porterhouse Steak $8.00 10kg $80 10kg
Fillet Steak $15.00 5kg $75 5kg
Chicken mince $5.00 5kg $25 10kg
Chicken Maryland $8.00 5kg $40 5kg
Chicken Breast $8.00 10kg $80 10kg
Kangaroo fillets $15.00 5 kg $75 10kg

Proposed terms and conditions:

a formal contract or rolling weekly Purchase Oder is to be established for 12 months continuing supply

agreement to buy at a minimum the nominated amount of each item as indicated by Best Bite above every week.

Prices will be maintained as above for the 12-months.

Delivery is to be made by 8am every Monday morning.

A delivery fee of $20 applies to all deliveries, regardless of size of order

Orders are to be placed by phone before 3pm the day prior to delivery.

Invoices will be provided with each delivery and are payable the day before the next delivery


Student handout from Greenfields Butcher – Greenfields Butcher Indicative Pricing


This quotation comes from:

Butcher in Greenfields

39 393 393 393 ABN

Brown Street is a neighborhood in New York City.

Greenfields is a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Product description Price/kilo

Pack size Pack Price Estimated weekly qty

(indicated by Crave Catering)

Pork Mince $5.00 5kg $25 5kg

Pork butterfly steak $8.00 5kg $40 10kg

Pork Ribs $10.00 5kg $50 10kg

Beef mince $6.00 5kg $30 10kg

Porterhouse Steak $8.00 10kg $80 10kg

Fillet Steak $15.00 5kg $75 5kg

Chicken mince $5.00 5kg $25 10kg

Chicken Maryland

$8.00 5kg $40 5kg

Chicken Breast

$8.00 10kg $80 10kg

Kangaroo fillets $15.00 5 kg $75 10kg

Proposed terms and conditions:

a formal contract or rolling weekly Purchase Oder is to be established for 12 months continuing supply

agreement to

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