week 2 discussion 1Yahoo CEO Bans Telecommuting” Please respond to the following:Imagine you are the CEO of Yahoo!, and outline the relevant obligations, ideals, and effects that you believe should be taken into consideration before developing a company policy regarding employees working remotely. Examine the ways in which the obligations, ideals, and effects that you have outlined might conflict with one another, and propose how you would resolve those conflicts.week 2 discussion 2Hacking Into Harvard” Please respond to the following:As applicants began to defend themselves against the penalties handed out by the business schools, they appealed to both consequentialist and nonconsequentialist criteria to support their actions. Some responded by pointing out that their intentions were never malicious, while others argued they did not think checking their application statuses would cause any real harm. Review the case study and analyze the actions of the students from a Kantian perspective. Consider whether the actions taken by the hackers were permissible according the standard of universal acceptability.eek 6 discussion 1″Cape Cod Wind project” Please respond to the following:The Cape Cod Wind Project is not only an important environmental issue, but also an important political one. From the e-Activity, either justify or challenge the appropriateness of the government’s influence. Provide an argument to justify your position.dissn 2″Poverty and Pollution” Please respond to the following:After reading the case study, predict the effects of pollution permits on poor, less-developed areas like Brazil’s “valley of death.” Assess the effectiveness of incentive programs on manufacturers in less-developed areas. Based on your assessment, provide an argument in support of either pollution permits or incentive programs.week 7 dissn 1″Abercrombie & Fitch and Civil Rights” Please respond to the following:From the e-Activity, determine whether Khan has a legitimate claim of discrimination or if Abercrombie has met its obligation to provide reasonable accommodation. Depending on which party you find to be at fault, propose two recommendations to mitigate future conflicts such as this.week 7 dissn 2″Have Gun, Will Travel⦠To Work ” Please respond to the following:Use the criteria of just cause and due process to determine whether you believe Weyerhaeuser’s decision in the case study to fire its Oklahoma plant employees who kept guns in their vehicles was fair. Either support the company’s actions by illustrating how they met the criteria of just cause and due process or challenge its actions and suggest additional steps Weyerhaeuser should have taken to handle the situation in a morally responsible way.”Home Depot® Adds Benefits” Please respond to the following:The access to resources that large companies such as Home Depot® have enables them to provide employee benefit programs like those described in the e-Activity. However, not all employers are so fortunate. Formulate two strategies that a manager, without the benefit of a large amount of resources, could implement in order to increase job satisfaction among employees. Propose the approach you would take to implement these strategies, and examine the potential benefits and pitfalls that you should consider during implementation.”Protecting the Unborn at Work ” Please respond to the following:From the case study, support or challenge the moral status of Johnson Control’s fetal policy. The U.S. Supreme Court highlighted studies that showed men working in the factory also placed their potential offspring at risk because the lead exposure negatively affected sperm. Reexamine the factory’s policy in light of this evidence, and determine whether or not it is morally justifiable to prevent women, who could reproduce, from working in the factory while simultaneously permitting men, who could reproduce, to keep their jobs.week 9 discnn”CompUSA Executives Allegedly Stole Millions” Please respond to the following:The CompUSA e-Activity mentions that the Fiorentino brothers violated their “fiduciary responsibilities” to the company, which ultimately resulted in the company losing millions of dollars; however, one may question if there are ever legitimate business reasons to engage in such activities. Support or challenge the position that, at times, there are legitimate business reasons for accepting bribes or kickbacks.disss 2The Housing Allowance” Please respond to the following:In the case study, Dale Garmanâs actions could be described as whistle-blowing. Using the criteria provided in the text, examine whether or not Garman was justified in blowing the whistle when he discovered Wilson Mutambara was misrepresenting his housing situation to his employers at NewCom. Suggest alternative or additional steps Garman should have taken when he discovered Wilson Mutambara was deceiving NewCom.week 10 “Sexual Assault in the Military” Please respond to the following:The reporter from the e-Activity concludes by stating that members of the Senate Armed Forces Committee believe, “You can’t change the culture without first changing the system.” Differentiate between what you believe constitutes âthe cultureâ of sexual harassment and what you believe constitutes âthe systemâ in the reporterâs statement. Defend or criticize the statement made by the Senate Armed Forces Committee.”Hoop Dreams” Please respond to the following:In the case study, George Raveling views his higher salary as justifiable because he has alternative job offers; however, advocates of comparable worth argue that employers should not make compensation decisions based entirely on market considerations. Propose the method you would use, if you were the hiring manager, to determine the compensation an employee deserves. Suggest the key criteria you would consider when determining the worth of an employee, and justify your response.week 11Criminal Background Checks” Please respond to the following:The legislation under consideration in the e-Activity does not prevent employers from obtaining background checks of job applicants who will be working with âvulnerable peopleâ identified by the law, but it is likely that some employers who are not included in this particular category will still find the new policy problematic. Construct an argument in which you take the position of an employer who is opposed to the new legislation.”Facial Discrimination” Please respond to the following:The case study touches on the fact that many companies build their brand around certain customer expectations that often include the appearance of an employee. Defend such a company policy of maintaining strict guidelines for employee dress and appearance. Predict what you believe would be the most compelling counterargument to your defense, and outline your response to that counterargument.quizes Question 15 out of 5 pointsChoose the statement that gives the most accurate description of etiquette:Answer· Question 25 out of 5 pointsEthical relativism supports the theory thatAnswer· Question 35 out of 5 pointsWhich of the following is not one of the four basic kinds of law?Answer· Question 45 out of 5 pointsWhen ethical relativism is put into practice, it implies thatAnswer· Question 55 out of 5 pointsWhat criteria concerning moral judgments should we agree with?Answer· Question 65 out of 5 pointsOur relationship with the law is best described by which of the following?Answer· Question 75 out of 5 pointsIf an argument is valid, thenAnswer· Question 80 out of 5 pointsThe following is a logical fact.Answer· Question 95 out of 5 pointsThe authors use the murder of Kitty Genovese to illustrateAnswer· Question 105 out of 5 pointsWhich of the following is an accurate statement?Answer· Question 115 out of 5 pointsWhich of the following characteristics distinguishes moral standards from other sorts of standards?Answer· Question 125 out of 5 pointsThe code or principles of conduct that a person acceptsAnswer· Question 135 out of 5 pointsA proper perspective of religion and morality isAnswer· Question 145 out of 5 pointsHow did Aristotle view morality?Answer· Question 155 out of 5 pointsGood moral judgments should be logical andAnswerPrimary social goods includeAnswer· Question 25 out of 5 pointsWho is more likely to be sympathetic with the idea of reducing the disparities of income in society?Answer· Question 35 out of 5 pointsAristotle’s formal principle of justice states,Answer· Question 45 out of 5 pointsAccording to libertarianism,Answer· Question 55 out of 5 pointsThe veil of ignorance assures us that people in the original position will beAnswer· Question 65 out of 5 pointsRawls rejects utilitarianism becauseAnswer· Question 75 out of 5 pointsTalk of justice and injustice appeals to the related notions ofAnswer· Question 85 out of 5 pointsIn Nozickâs example of Wilt Chamberlain, he argues that other theories of economic justice inevitably fail to respect peopleâsAnswer· Question 95 out of 5 pointsThe veil of ignorance proposes thatAnswer· Question 105 out of 5 pointsTo the libertarians, their concept of liberty includes a commitment toAnswer· Question 115 out of 5 pointsIn Anarchy, State and Utopia, Robert Nozick advocatesAnswer· Question 125 out of 5 pointsThe Supreme Court gave decision making power for Eminent domain to theAnswer· Question 135 out of 5 pointsThe difference principle of Rawls statesAnswer· Question 145 out of 5 pointsFrom John Stuart Millâs viewpoint,Answer· Question 155 out of 5 pointsEminent domain is the ancient right of government to take what from an individual?AnswerSince Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1994,Answer· Question 25 out of 5 pointsUnions employ two kinds of boycotts to enforce their demands. These two kinds of boycotts areAnswer· Question 35 out of 5 pointsGriggs v. Duke Power Company, which prohibitsAnswer· Question 45 out of 5 pointsThe hiring process needs to include screening, testing, andAnswer· Question 55 out of 5 pointsThe Wagner Act of 1935Answer· Question 65 out of 5 pointsThe English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561â1626) called conscious and unconscious biases and stereotypesAnswer· Question 75 out of 5 pointsChoose the factual statement concerning wages:Answer· Question 85 out of 5 pointsAccording to David Ewing,Answer· Question 95 out of 5 pointsGroups of 18th century skilled artisans formed secret societies for two basic reasons. Which of the following is one of those reasons?Answer· Question 105 out of 5 pointsAccording to common law, to legally dismiss an employee, an employerAnswer· Question 115 out of 5 pointsWhich of these is a valid reason for not hiring a potential employee?Answer· Question 125 out of 5 pointsIn the interview process, the interview should avoid rudeness, coarseness, condescension, andAnswer· Question 135 out of 5 pointsIn union terms, a direct strike occursAnswer· Question 145 out of 5 pointsFair personnel policies and decisions must be based on criteria that are clear, job related, andAnswer· Question 155 out of 5 points.222222328186035px;”=””> 1he case of FTC v. Standard Education was important in the legal transitionAnswer· Question 25 out of 5 pointsIn 1972 Congress created one of the most important agencies for regulating product safety. This agency is theAnswer· Question 35 out of 5 pointsAccording to the legal doctrine of strict product liability,Answer· Question 45 out of 5 pointsCritics of advertising generally agree thatAnswer· Question 55 out of 5 pointsDue care isAnswer· Question 65 out of 5 pointsCaveat emptor meansAnswer· Question 75 out of 5 pointsThe consumerâs main source of product information isAnswer· Question 85 out of 5 pointsBefore the case of MacPherson v. Buick Motor Car in 1916, the law based a manufacturer’s liability for injuries due to a defective product onAnswer· Question 95 out of 5 pointsWhich of the following is an example of price gouging?Answer· Question 105 out of 5 points”Puffery” is an example of which of the following deceptive or misleading advertising techniques?Answer· Question 115 out of 5 pointsThe goal of advertising isAnswer· Question 125 out of 5 pointsAccording to Galbraith’s “dependence effect,”Answer· Question 135 out of 5 pointsThe case of MacPherson v. Buick Motor Car in 1916 changed product liability law. As a result of it, the courtsAnswer· Question 145 out of 5 pointsStatistically, there is strong evidence that exposure to television advertising is strongly associated withAnswer· Question 155 out of 5 pointsAdvertisingAnswerAccording to Shaw and Barry, utilitariansAnswer· Question 25 out of 5 pointsAn ecosystemAnswer· Question 35 out of 5 pointsA decade after wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone Park, their presence was discovered toAnswer· Question 40 out of 5 pointsThe philosopher Tom ReganAnswer· Question 55 out of 5 pointsCost-benefit analysisAnswer· Question 65 out of 5 pointsAccording to the philosopher Joel Feinberg,Answer· Question 75 out of 5 points”Pollution permits” are an example of which of the following methods of achieving our environmental goals?Answer· Question 85 out of 5 pointsConcerning future generations,Answer· Question 95 out of 5 pointsOne truth about factory farms isAnswer· Question 105 out of 5 pointsThe moral theorist William T. Blackstone claims that the right to a livable environmentAnswer· Question 115 out of 5 pointsWilliam F. Baxter addresses environmental ethics by notingAnswer· Question 125 out of 5 pointsAccording to the anthropocentric (or human-oriented) ethic of Baxter and others,Answer· Question 135 out of 5 pointsIn consideration for the obligation to others,Answer· Question 145 out of 5 pointsBusiness has considered the environment to beAnswer· Question 155 out of 5 pointsA moral vegetarianAnswerCorrect Answer:Week 4 Assignment 1 SubmissionIf ? Assignment 1: Occupy Wall Street Movementyou are using the Blackboard Mobile Learn iOS App, please click “View in Browser”.BUS309 WEEK 4 Writing Assignment 1: Occupy Wall Street MovementDue Week 4 and worth 200 pointsUse the Internet or the Strayer Library to research the âOccupy Wall Streetâ movement that began in the fall of 2011. Write a 6-8 page paper in which you:1.Discuss the moral and economic implications involved in the movement.Analyze each of the implications identified above against the utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics to determine which theory best applies to the movement. Support your position with examples and evidence.Determine who is responsible for income inequality and wealth distribution in the U.S. In your analysis, make sure to include if this is something that happened suddenly or if it built up over time. Explain your rationale.Suggest an equitable outcome from the movement that would be appropriate for our capitalisticsociety.Predict whether themovement will continue, fad away, or turn into something else. Provide a rationale with your response.Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:Be typed, doublespaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the studentâs name, the professorâsname, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Explain the considerations for and process of ethical business decision making to balance corporate and social responsibilities and address moral, economic, and legal concerns.Explain the concepts of justice and the factors that constitute rights using the predominant ethical theories such as utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics.Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics.Write clearl and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics.Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper,and language and writing skills. Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.
Israel: A Blessing to All Nations
“I will make of you a great nation? And you shall be a blessing? And all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you” (Gen. 12:2-3). Israel is a blessing to the other nations. As long as Israel succeeds in informing other peoples and proving that Yahweh is God, it will be understood […]