Question description

Using 300 employees as the population for this study, we can
find the annual salary and the training program status for each individual by
referring to the firm’s personnel records. The data set containing this
information for all 300 employees in the population is in the data file named
NOTE: You need to use EXCEL to do the following. Please do
not copy and paste for I want to see the functions you used.
1 (a) Draw a histogram for the annual salary of all the
300 employees (assumed to be a population).
  (b) Find the average,
variance and the standard deviation for
the annual salary of all the 300 hundred
2 (a) Draw a histogram for those who completed the
training program out of the 300 people. 
  (b) Find the
proportion, variance and the standard deviation for those who completed the
out of the 300 people.
3. Select 20 random samples, out of the annual salary of 300
employees, where each sample has ten
using the SAMPLING function in EXCEL (We discussed this in class).
4. Using the samples in step 3, below each sample, compute
the sample average, sample variance and
  sample standard
deviation, using annual salary. Next line, compute the average of the sample
  averages, variances and the standard deviations.
5. Repeat step 3 for those who completed the training
program. (HINT: To take random samples from
  those who completed the training, please
use If Statement to change ‘Yes’ to 1 and ‘No’ to 0. Thus the
  samples consist of 1s and 0s.)
6. Using the samples in step 5, below each sample, compute
the sample proportion, sample variance
  and the sample
standard deviation. Compute the average of the sample proportions, the 
  sample variances
and the sample standard deviations.
7. Draw a histogram of the 20 sample averages. Compare
this graph with the result of step 1 (a).
8. Draw also a graph of the 20 sample proportions.
Compare this graph with the result of step 2 (a).
9.  Compare the
results of step 1 (b) with step 4.
10.  Compare the
results of step 2 (b) with step 6.
11.  What did you learn
out of this project?

personnel.xls2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service_fa_case_ii_1_.doc

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