DRAFTED BY: LINDA PETERSON APPROVED BY BOARD ON: 01/08/2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online

RESPONSIBLE PERSON: CRAIG PHILLIPS SCHEDULED REVIEW DATE: 01/08/2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers

1. INTRODUCTION Jamboree Community School aims to successfully attract, recruit and select the most suitable applicants with the required skills and abilities for a position. This Recruitment and Selection policy ensures that the process is merit based, while being effective and efficient and meeting relevant legislative requirements.

2. PURPOSE This Recruitment and Selection policy is designed to align with Jamboree Community School’s strategic plan by ensuring it attracts, recruits and selects appropriate employees. This policy sets the framework to ensure the applicants are the most suitable and ensure the school acts in a fair, consistent and professional manner. While also ensuring it follows an unbiased, non-discriminatory and ethical process. The positions of Full-time, Part-time and Casual are covered under this policy for vacant, continuing and fixed term positions.


Jamboree Community School is dedicated to ensuring every students success and that they graduate as an engaged and active member of the community. This vision is aligned with the business strategy to ensure staff are involved with evolving strategies to move the school forward into the future. The school aims to attract, recruit and select employees of a high calibre with the necessary skills and abilities whom will add value and contribute to the school’s business strategies. This is ensured by employing the best and most appropriate people to fulfil vacant positions within the school. All recruitment will be advertised internally and externally to ensure to attract the most suitable applicants for vacant positions; Full-time, Part-time, Casual. Jamboree Community School will strive to provide a safe work environment for both employees and students that allows for cultural diversity and social acceptivness. It will ensure to eliminate harassment, discrimination while maintaining respect and fairness for everyone. Equal Opportunities polices will be followed to ensure that the assessment of potential applicants will be merit based.


CRAIG PHILLIPS BUSINESS MANAGER 01/08/2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online JAMBOREE COMMUNITY SCHOOL This study source was downloaded by 100000794272358 from on 03-03-2022 14:55:57 GMT -06:00


DRAFTED BY: LINDA PETERSON APPROVED BY BOARD ON: 01/08/2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online

RESPONSIBLE PERSON: CRAIG PHILLIPS SCHEDULED REVIEW DATE: 01/08/2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers


• BUSINESS MANAGER To implement and monitor this Recruitment and Selection policy and procedure to ensure it is performing to achieve Jamboree Community School’s Business Strategies. To provide approval and sign off on the Recruitment and Selection processes.

• DEPARTMENT MANAGERS (RECRUITING MANAGERS) To complete training in the Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures. To ensure familiarity with Recruitment and Selection policy. To ensure to follow Equal Opportunity and Legislative guidelines and regulations. Recruitment for the position is authorised by the Business Manager.

• HUMAN RESOURCES To develop and participate in the training of the Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures. To ensure that all Department/Recruiting Managers follow this Recruitment and Selection policy. To support and provide guidance during the recruitment and selection process. To Advertise (internally/externally) and comply with current legislative requirements. To ensure the Job Descriptions are accurate. To screen and shortlist the most appropriate applicants that meet the job criteria. To organise and administer any assessment tests relevant to the job criteria. To sit on the Interview Panel To notify successful applicant and unsuccessful applicants

• PANEL MEMBERS To complete training in the Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures. To be available to assist on the panel and be an active member (prepare, participate, comply).

6. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PRINCIPLES This Recruitment and Selection process will ensure that it follows the Jamboree Community School’s Core Values:

• Compassion

• Diversity

• Respect

• Honesty

• Fairness and equity

• Work as one team As well as ensure Transparency, Timeliness and Cost Effectiveness.

7. PRE-RECRUIMENT ACTIVITIES It is essential to ensure that prior to the Recruitment and Selection process beginning that the Department/Recruiting Manager completes the following to ensure that the process is successful and has the best opportunity at attracting, recruiting and selecting the most suitable applicant.

• JOB ANALYSIS The Department/Recruiting Manager to discuss with Human Resources the position vacant and complete a job analysis on the requirements for the position (tasks, skills, abilities, knowledge, qualifications). This will ensure that the position is relevant, if any changes or adjustments need to be made, prior to the Recruitment and Selection process starting. This will also analyse how the position aids the Jamboree Community School in achieving its Strategic plan.

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• JOB DESCRIPTION The Department/Recruiting Manager to work with Human Resources to develop a job description the is up to date and relevant for the position. This needs to incorporate all the tasks, skills, abilities, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the job analysis to ensure that all job criteria are met.

• AUTHORITY TO RECRUIT A staff requisition should be completed and given to the Business Manager for Approval and signoff. This should include a current job description which will outline the nature of the position and the requirements needed. It should also outline the required contract (Full-time, Part-time or Casual), the renumeration for the position and the length of time the contract will be required for. As well as any other relevant terms and conditions required for the position.


For Internal appointment or promotions, the Department/Recruiting Manager is required to consult with both Human Resources and the Business Manager to ensure that all the job criteria are met. The candidate is still required to go through the interview process to ensure the appointment/promotion is merit based and eliminate any bias or discrimination. This will also ensure that if there is more than one nomination for the position that the process is transparent and complies with Equal Opportunity legislation.


• INTERNAL All positions are to be Internally Advertised firstly, to ensure that we are promoting a culture where high performance is rewarded and acknowledged. This will also assist us in ensuring that we utilise the skills, abilities and knowledge of our current staff and ensure we maintain a staff turnover rate lower than that of the Alaska rural average. Not to mention ensure we are following through with our succession planning and professional development of our staff to support our goals in the strategic plan. Once the position has been authorised to be filled the Department/Recruiting Manager will inform Human Resources to advertise the position internally. Using the following methods:

▪ Vacancy Bulletins ▪ Notice Boards ▪ Word of Mouth ▪ Employee portal ▪ Newsletters

• EXTERNAL For any positions that can not be internally filled than the Department/Recruiting Manager is to consult with Human Resources to advertise the position externally using the following methods:

▪ Print Media (Newspapers; local, national, Teacher Journals) ▪ Online Recruitment (,,, ▪ School Website (

All advertisements must be approved by the Business Manager and receive signoff.


• SCREENING APPLICANTS Applicants are required to submit the interest for the position with a resume via email. The applicant’s resumes are to be screened by the HR Team to ensure that they meet the job criteria, outlined in the job description.

• SHORTLISTING Candidates will be shortlisted for interviews and assessment, based on their suitability to meet the job criteria.


• PANEL SELECTION The panel will include as a minimum the Business Manager, a Human Resources Team member and the Department/Recruiting Manager. Depending on the Male to Female ratio will decide whether another member of staff will be required to assist to ensure an unbiased, non-discriminatory and gender equal panel.

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• ASSESSMENT TESTS Depending on the position within Jamboree Community School certain assessment test are required. All shortlisted candidates will be required to complete to assist with the selection of the most suitable applicant. These may include:

▪ Psychometric test; aptitude and behavioural tests ▪ Staff Panels; general discussion with members of the current staff ▪ Presentations; curriculum, problem solving methods

All shortlisted candidates will be required to get a police clearance prior to their interview. This is a legal requirement that all staff must have prior to commencement of employment at Jamboree Community School.


This is a critical element of the selection process and should be done once all the applicant has been interviewed by the panel. It is essential to speak to a minimum of two references to grasp a good assessment of the applicant by speaking to not only direct supervisors/managers but also their peers or customers. Questions should be directed around specific skills, abilities, knowledge or qualifications the applicant has and how it will assist them to meet the job criteria or not.


• MAKE AN OFFER It is the responsibility of Human Resources to notify the successful applicant and make the offer of employment. An offer should only me made to the successful applicant once the panel had come to a decision and all the job criteria has been met. Then and only then can and should an offer be made. The offer should be determined using the job analysis and job description for the position and must receive approval and sign off by the Business Manager. The offer will include a contract outlining the position and must be in the form of a letter, the applicant has one week to accept or reject the offer.

14. NOTIFICATION OF UNSUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS It is important to notify unsuccessful applicants as this will ensure Jamboree Community School leave a good impression of how the school is run. It is important to:

▪ Direct ▪ Factual ▪ Be Positive ▪ Keep it Brief ▪ Be general ▪ Honest ▪ Avoid giving reasons ▪ Communicate as soon as possible ▪ Avoid arguments


Detailed records of all interviews and ranking sheets completed by panel members, should be kept in a secure file. This is important to have as a precautionary measure to ensure that if a complaint is made about discrimination or bias, there are documents to support the reasoning behind the decisions. Any correspondence between unsuccessful applicants should also be kept and marked as confidential. Documentation relating to unsuccessful applicants are to be retained for a period of three months.


• Staff Induction Policy

• Equal Opportunity Legislation

• Fair Work Ombudsman


CRAIG PHILLIPS BUSINESS MANAGER 01/08/2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online JAMBOREE COMMUNITY SCHOOL

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