SQL Exercise 2:
Name___________________Student No._______________________
Go to the following link and type SQL statements to finish the following questions.
1) List all product IDs and product names in category 3.
2) Find the maximum, minimum, and average prices of products in category 2.
3) Find the number of customers from each country.
4) Find the number of orders processed by each employee.
5) Find the employees whose background are related to psychology.
6) Insert a new row into the table shippers supplying data for all columns.
7) Give all products a 3% price increase.
8) Give all products in category 2 a 5% price decrease.
9) Delete all products from supplier 8.
10) Find all customers who have not placed any order.
11) Find the number of product categories offered by each supplier.
12) For each product category, find the number of suppliers.
13) List full details of all customers who placed an order in 1997 February.
14) List all details of shippers that shipped the orders placed by customerID 5.
15) For each category of products with more than six products, find the number of products.
16) List names of all products that have been ordered more than 100 units totally.


SQL Exercis 2: Name______________________

To answer the following questions, go to the following link and type SQL statements.

https://www.w3schools.com/SQL/trysql.asp?filename=trysql op in

1) List all of the product IDs and names in category 3.

2) Determine the highest, lowest, and average prices of products in category 2.

3) Determine the total number of customers from each country.

4) Determine the number of orders completed by each employee.

5) Identify employees with a background in psychology.

6) Add a new row to the table shippers, filling in the blanks for all columns.

7) Increase the price of all products by 3%.

8) Reduce the price of all products in category 2 by 5%.

9) Remove all products from the supplier’s inventory 8.

10) Locate all customers who have yet to place an order.

11) Locate

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