SMGT 404
Administration and Organization
Coaches Case Study
Education, skills, and experiences must be woven together to develop a strong leadership philosophy. As such, the purpose of this case study is to support students in developing their leadership capacity – not to teach them about coaching basketball – by examining the very public leadership styles of two notable NCAA Division I menвЂTMs basketball coaches.
“Effective leaders understand their own assumptions about human nature. How you lead (leadership style) is influenced by who you are (self-awareness) and the demands of the situation (situational awareness). Expanding your self-awareness, situational awareness, and ability to adapt your leadership style increases your overall range of effectiveness as a leader.вЂк (Sean Silverthorne, HBS Working Knowledge, Aug 14, 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers, On Managing with Bobby Knight and “Coach KвЂк)
In preparation for the group discussion, please read the following:
 Coach K:
 Coach Knight:
 On Managing with Bobby Knight and “Coach KвЂк by Sean Silverthrone (posted in Bb)
 Bobby Knight and Coach K: A Season on the Bench (posted in Bb)
 Other information posted in the Coaches Case Study Bb folder
Pre-Class Writing Assignment: Due In Class on the Discussion Day (25 points)
In 1-2 typed pages (12 point font, 1 inch margins) using bullet points and/or sentences, respond to the following (include subheadings):
1. Identify and describe some of the differences between leading a team and leading a business organization?
2. Write a page paper – Describe Coach K.
a. How does the above description translate into who he is (e.g., his character and values)?
b. How do his character and values translate into his leadership style?
c. Does he motivate using a “carrotвЂк or a “stickвЂк? Explain.
3. Write a page paper – Describe Coach Knight.
a. How does your description translate into who he is (e.g., his character and values)?
b. How do his character and values translate into his leadership style?
c. Does he motivate using a “carrotвЂк or a “stickвЂк? Explain.
Coaches Case Study
There are clear differences between leading a team and the leading of a business organization; firstly, the individual focus is important in leading a team. The coach is required to work with the specific players to understand their skills and abilities. On the other hand, leading a business organization mainly involves setting a vision and strategic focus without reviewing the performance of the individual employees. Even though both leadership for teams and business organizations calls for inspiring the teams, the leadership of a team is individual-based. Also, leading a team is less formal and requires proper understanding of the team and their motivations. On the other hand, the leading of a business organization is formal and requires the leaders to set clear guidelines on how to improve the productivity of the organization. These explain of the differences between the leading of a team and leading of a business organization.
Coach K is a former basketball player and an U.S college basketball coach. From 1980s, he has been the head cash of Duke University basketball men’s team. He has received may offers to coach in the NBA, but selected to stay at Duke University. The description shows that Coach K is focused and result-oriented. He is also principled because he has many offers to stay at Duke University. His values and characteristics translate into his leadership style of being a transformative leader. Over the time, he has been able to change his coaching style to remain relevant and be able to win championships. Coach K motivates using a carrot. He is able to communicate with the players effectively to push for improvement without threats of punishment.
Coach Bob Knight is a colorful and combative coach. Before joining Texas, Knight was able to win four championships with Indiana. He is popularly known for his episodes against reporters, players, and even players. He is defiant and extremely rude. He was fired from Indiana for his intolerant actions. Based on the description, Knight’s character is to push for success at all means. He values discourse and energetic engagements. His character and values translates into authoritarian style of leadership. He motivates his players using a stock due to his tirades against the players.