Question description

This assignment is ongoing from the assignment you completed last week about why students don’t complete their Capstone courses.Complete your work on the Common Research Activity this week.  Thus far you have posted research questions and reviewed literature.  This week you must develop the following:– Specific procedures that explain the details of how you plan to conduct your data collection activity including the target population (e.g. all MSA students who have completed the capstone) and your sample (e.g., a random selection of those who failed to complete the capstone class within the past 3 years). Indicate how many surveys will be given out, how they will be distributed and returned, how many you expect to be returned and why, where you are going to get the contact information for those in your sample, whether they will be anonymous or not and why, and any other aspects of your data collection activity that you think are relevant;– A series of relevant questions focused on why so many students do not complete the capstone project. These questions should be included in a survey format and should include scaled (e.g., Likert) responses. Include an open-ended question at the end (e.g. Do you other thoughts regarding why students do not complete the capstone class in 16 weeks?). When you develop the survey questions ask yourself if those questions will collect the right information to help you answer the research questions. Everyone must do this assignment. Submit your methodology and draft survey questions as a Word document. Post the final version via the title link by the end of Week 4.

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Ace Tutors
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