In these last few units, you have learned many skills designed to build rapport and help clients share their stories. For this assignment, you will have an opportunity to view a counseling video and identify basic interviewing skills used in the session. This information is beneficial for your professional understanding of how elements in your interviews (such as choice of words, expressions, and tone) convey different messages to your clients.

I need help writing my essay – research paper begin by watching the video below (approximately 45 minutes):

[Creative Caption & Video]. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, September 24). Carl Rogers and Gloria – Counselling 1965 Full Session –

CAPTIONED [Video]. YouTube.

Then, using the Unit 5 Assignment Template, please answer the following questions about your observations in the video:

Interviewing Skills

    •    Identify what the letters “SOLER” stand for as demonstrated by Carl Rogers in the video.

    •    Provide one example of an “open-ended question” used in the session.

    •    Provide one example when Carl “validated” Gloria.

    •    Provide one example when Carl responded to Gloria with a “reflection of feeling.”

    •    Provide one example when Carl responded to Gloria with a “reflection of content.”

    •    Describe a time in the video when Carl used “silence” to allow Gloria more time to reflect on her own feelings.

    •    Based upon the readings, identify three ways that Carl demonstrated he was using nonverbal cues and “clinically listening” to Gloria.

    •    What are two “verbal prompts” (supportive sounds) Carl used to help Gloria expand her story?


In at least five sentences each, please respond to each of the following:

    •    Reflect on how the use of specific interviewing skills helped Gloria explore and elaborate her concerns and go from a surface level concern of “telling Pammy” to deeper concerns such as the “relationship with her father.”

    •    Identify how the use of interviewing skills will be helpful in your role as a human service provider to build strong client relationships.

    •    Identify an appropriate professional image, including describing tone, body language, and appearance when working with clients. Explain the importance of these characteristics in your role as a human service professional.

Assignment Guidelines

Your assignment should address all questions in complete sentences and paragraphs, reflecting appropriate personal and professional insights. The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose that is clearly established and sustained. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure).

This assignment assesses the following Course Outcomes:

HN205: Identify interviewing skills utilized by human service professionals.

PC-3.4: Project a professional image, such as appearance, confidence, and attitude, for a given work environment.

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