I look forward to meeting with each of you, and having a fun and productive class!

6:39 / 13:081x


Prepare a 2–3 page document that addresses the questions below. A title page and reference page must be included.

Section I: Software Purchasing Strategies

In this course, we have covered many types of business technology. Review the software products that we have examined in this course.

  • Choose three business technologies that you would consider purchasing for your business. Then, find and describe an example of an open-source software alternative for each.

Section II: Technology Teams

Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the following in the context of your current or future entertainment business:

  • What are the pros and cons of outsourcing an IT team?
  • How would these advantages and disadvantages affect your decisions either way?


You will submit 1 item:

  1. Your project should include research and citations. You may use MS Word or the word processing program of your choice.
  2. Name your file using this naming convention: LastName_FirstInitial_AssignmentTitle (for example, SORKIN_A_AssignmentName.docx).
  3. Upload your files to the Completion field below.
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Ace Tutors
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