The Issue of Bullying
A. Identify and explain in the map at least two examples of the cultural beliefs and biases related to the social issue. Some examples of cultural beliefs and biases include the economic system (such as capitalism), social theory (such as individualism), and religious beliefs. Be sure to label this within your map.
B. Identify and explain in the map at least two examples of the social roles played by the main individuals or groups in the social issue. For example, an individual may be a parent, a teacher, a provider, a criminal, a victim, or a dependent. Be sure to label this within your map.
C. Identify and explain in the map at least two examples of the social inequalities related to this social issue. Some examples of social inequalities include race, social class, and English language ability. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a label for this element of the concept map.
D. Identify in the map at least two examples of the existing social conditions that the social issue is challenging or impacting. Some examples include the media, crime rates, and unemployment. For instance, you may find that crime and violence are largely related to the war on drugs.