This response is to be double-spaced and typed, 12-point font, standard 1 inch margins. Each person is responsible for turning in their own write-up. It will be due during section to your TA next week. If you have section Monday, then it’s due Monday. If you have section Friday, then it’s due Friday. Each response is to be 1-2 pages in length. I need help writing my essay – research paper answer the following questions:
1. Where were you in the end? Did you end up in the front, back or middle of the group? Is this where you expected yourself to be? Were there any questions that surprised you?
2. What can this exercise tell us about privilege?
3. How can privilege affect the experience people have when interacting with race and culture? For example: do all people of color have the same experience? How can experiences vary because of differing levels of privilege? I need help writing my essay – research paper provide two examples.
Be sure to answer each question as thoroughly as possible. I expect to see critical thought.
-1 point per infraction for formatting
-.5 point per typo
-2 points per question that goes unanswered
TAs also have the ability to adjust scores for quality of response. If your TA deems your response to be lacking in depth of thought or critical analysis, they have the right to deduct points.
**Group readers are to answer #2 and #3 as they are written. An alternative for #1 would be for the reader to consider the placement of all the individuals in the group. Were there any surprises for you as an observer? Did you expect to see as many people as you did in the front or back? Where do you think you would have ended up?
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