Ace my homework – Write notes in the margins of the readings or on a separate sheet of paper or separate file. Then answer the following questions in full sentences (either handwritten or typed is fine). Your answers should be 2-6 sentences, depending on the question. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include page numbers in your responses so that you can refer back to the reading during the discussion or when asking questions. Turn in this assignment on the course website before class on July 18.
Questions for Foucault (1978), Discipline and Punish, pages 3-31, 195-228:
1. According to Foucault (1978), what are the two ways that punishment changed since the eighteenth century?
2. How are power and knowledge related? (Hint: look for the answer in both chapters).
3. What is Bentham’s Panopticon? What are its effects on prisoners? (Hint: this is about the structure of prisons).
4. How can the panopticon be applied to other contexts (besides prisons)?
5. Interpret the following quote: “The movement from…a schema of exceptional discipline to one of generalized surveillance, rests on a historical transformation: the gradual extension of the mechanisms of discipline throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, their spread throughout the whole social body, the formation of what might be called in general the disciplinary society” (Foucault 1978, p. 209)
6. How was the growth of the disciplinary society (which we live in today) linked to the historical development of states and capitalism?
7. What is an example of disciplinary mechanisms (or the panopticon more specifically) in your own life or 21st-century societies? How is it an example?

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