Using specific examples from the extra readings on mushroom (psilocybin) research, what was most surprising to you about the results? Were you shocked by how much these participant’s experiences differed from some of the stories in last weeks reading? Do you feel these results are enough to merit more research into the plausibility of using psilocybin therapeutically?  Many of the participants in both studies who received psilocybin described having “mystical” or “spiritual” experiences, so I want you all to reflect for a moment on this concept of the religious use of psychoactive substances. Being that our western, Judeo-Christian society does not typically embrace states of altered consciousness as a means to commune with “God”, what do you make of the idea that many different groups of people across the globe do, and believe particular plants/herbs are here to enable more direct connection with higher states of being? Given that the Supreme Court has extended our Constitution’s freedom of religion amendment to include the religious use of peyote cactus for members of the Native American church, and the use ofayahuasca (DMT) for members of a small Brazilian-based church (União do Vegetal) which has a handful of members living in the USA, is it fair to deny other religious groups who use different drugs in their rituals that same right? How do you personally define “religious” use, and would it even be possible to define a cultural standard for this? Those of you who have used psychedelic drugs, would you say that your experiences under their influence have been “religious” or “spiritual” in nature?

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Ace Tutors
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