Social Policy Briefing: Social Inclusion
Social exclusion has been rampant in Australia for a long time. Different Australian government have tried to put in place policies that would help to improve social inclusion but social exclusion remains a challenge. Social inclusion is the process of improving the terms in which individual participate in society programs for example creating opportunities without disadvantaging other groups in society (Shucksmith, 2000). The government is working hard to remove social exclusion to ensure every still Australian citizen is involved in the projects and initiatives of the government. Some of this initiatives include ensuring sustainability, creating initiatives for investment and other support initiatives in the country. Social inclusion policies are aimed at scaling the heights towards meeting the OECD standards for social inclusion (Suchowerska, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online).
Why Is this Issue Important?
In Australia, most of the people seem to be content with their lives despite issues of social inclusion or social exclusion. The level of contention with lives of Australians is higher than in other countries. Due to this, despite the differences in the social settings the government is working hard to address social inclusion (Bills & Nigel, 2017). Social inclusion has become a matter of importance to the government which means suitable policies need to be put in place to ensure everyone is accorded with equal opportunities as well as seeks to have more.
Promoting social inclusion in Australia has been a goal of every government since 2007. The governments’ intentions re to ensure al Australians are given equal opportunities in employment, development issues as well in promoting trade. The government intends to improve capacity and grow the level of social inclusion higher as required by OECD. Therefore, as much as social inclusion is important it is also used as a tool to ensure economic growth and development in the country so that every citizen is appreciated for his or her efforts towards developing Australia. Different policies are to be put in place to promote and encourage every Australian citizen to have similar initiative towards social development in the country (Cheshire, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online).
What Does Research Tell Us?
Social inclusion issues have brought about a lot of research and studies that aim at coming a up with a solution to social exclusion (Ronzi et al., 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Different scholars and researchers have developed studies address policy changes and different govern strategies in social inclusion. Some of the themes in social inclusion policies are participation and responsibility, people living with disabilities, poverty and deprivation as well as employment issues.
Participation and responsibility
Social inclusion is intended at increasing the participation of every individual Australian in the nation building activities. Social inclusion also aims at building responsibility among the people. Due to his, the government initiatives and policies towards social inclusion are to increase the participation and responsibility of every individual (Carey, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). These initiatives also aim at increasing patriotism of every citizen and make everyone responsible in creating opportunities for self-growth and development. Participation and responsibility are also inherent in building autonomy among the young people. Most of the young people face independence issues but trough self-inclusion they can develop autonomy and be able to come up with their own decisions.
People Living with Disabilities
Social exclusion is characterised by issues and problems of people living with disabilities. Therefore, by developing social inclusion policies the problem and desires of people living with disability are considered (Godley, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). They will be looked after and proper programs are to be put in place to encourage to seek for jobs and employment as well as thrive in business and other aspects of society. Social inclusion initiatives further involve instilling constitutional reforms geared towards addressing the problems faced people these people as well as coming up with strategies that make them active members of society (Cantle, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). In Australia there had been a lot of ignorance towards people living with disabilities until the government put in place policies and measures to address disability issues.
Poverty and deprivation
Social exclusion makes it difficult for everyone to afford the cost of living in the country. The Australian government has come in place with social inclusion policies which will help deal with poverty and deprivation in Australian societies (Abello, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). The intention is to help those with low income or standards of living through empowerment programs and initiatives to create opportunities for them. Social inclusion will help raise the standards of living and build capacity of every citizen to grow and develop as well as eradicating poverty and deprivation. By addressing social exclusion through poverty and deprivation program it would be easier to improve social inclusion.
Lack of employment opportunities is one of the problems making it difficult to achieve social inclusion. In order to improve social inclusion there is need to put in place strategies that would help create employment and built the capacity of the young people. In most cases, the youth lack jobs which makes them socially vulnerable in exclusion issues. Eventually, when employment opportunities are created everyone is able to gain employment and build their capacity towards social inclusion (Bock, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Availability of jobs enables every young person to be self-sustainable and be socially included in the day to any activities of the country.
What are the Implications of the Research?
• Participation and responsibility creates a sense of inclusion in any country across the world. In most countries that have achieved social inclusion OECD regards them as nations which have been able to make it possible for every member of society to be engaged in all nation’s activities (Grinde et al., 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Also, this has helped instil patriotism.
• Dealing with issues of people living with disabilities is one of the best way to build a nation. Disabilities represents people of marginalised groups who ought to receive better rights as if of secondary citizens so as to build capacity.
• Poverty and deprivation indicate low living standards and inadequate opportunities for the people (Breheny et al., 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). No state should leave its citizen to be deprived or live in poverty. Poverty denies growth opportunities to a country citizen and may make them less productive. Non-productivity is painful to the government as it will find it difficult to achieve economic growth and development.
• Every state in Australia needs to create employment opportunities which should aim at providing jobs to the youth and the unemployed. Employment opportunities is a tool used to fight social exclusion in any country or state in the world. Employment is a form of empowerment through which young people who are either unskilled, skilled or semiskilled can built their capacities for growth in society.
Considerations for Policy and Practice
• The government needs to continue reviewing of the welfare system to help every citizen become social active in government programs. These initiatives will help improve productivity as well as lead to social inclusion and development in the country. Due to this, social welfare will lead to social inclusion of every citizen in the country.
• The ministry of social welfare needs to continue estimating the social strategies of every Australian citizen on average so as to establish the impending social inclusion problem (Popova et al., 2017). By doing this it is possible to identify the real issues and problems inhibiting social inclusion thereby making it easier for creating development agendas.
• There is need for investment programs to empowering people in the country and facilitate their social inclusion in national programmes.
• Social inclusion needs to be considered as a national programme to ensure social exclusion is widely addressed and done away. Eventually, this will help in creation of capacity for including every citizen in the country (Brants & Valerine, 2017).

Abello, A., Rebecca, C., Anne, D., Gabriela, D., & Riyana, M. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). “Youth social exclusion in Australian communities: A new index.” Social Indicators Research 128, no. 2. Pp. 635-660.
Bills, A., & Nigel, H. (2017). “Social inclusion education policy in South Australia: What can we learn?.” Australian Journal of Education 61, no. 1. Pp. 54-74.
Bock, B. B. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). “Rural marginalisation and the role of social innovation; a turn towards nexogenous development and rural reconnection.” Sociologia Ruralis 56, no. 4. Pp.: 552-573.
Brants, K., & Valerie, F. (2017). “Inclusion and exclusion in the information society.” In Media, technology and everyday life in Europe, Pp. 39-50. Routledge.
Breheny, M., Christine, S., Annette, H., Brendan, S., Kristie, C., & Fiona, A. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). “Measuring living standards of older people using Sen’s Capability Approach: development and validation of the LSCAPE-24 (Living Standards Capabilities for Elders) and LSCAPE-6.” Ageing & Society 36, no. 2 pp: 307-332.
Cantle, T. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Community cohesion: A new framework for race and diversity. Springer,.
Carey, G., Pauline, M., & Brad, C. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). “Implementing joined‐up government: lessons from the Australian social inclusion agenda.” Australian Journal of Public Administration 74, no. 2 pp: 176-186.
Cheshire, L. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Governing rural development: Discourses and practices of self-help in Australian rural policy. Routledge.
Goodley, D. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Disability studies: An interdisciplinary introduction. Sage.
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Ronzi, S., Daniel, P., Lois, O., & Nigel, B. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). “Using photovoice methods to explore older people’s perceptions of respect and social inclusion in cities: Opportunities, challenges and solutions.” SSM-population health 2: 732-745.
Shucksmith, M. (2000). “Endogenous development, social capital and social inclusion: Perspectives from LEADER in the UK.” Sociologia ruralis 40, no. 2: 208-218.
Suchowerska, R. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). “The corporate contribution to social inclusion in Australia: risk, opportunity, responsibility.” PhD diss.

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