discussion 1Go to a popular jobsâ website (such as Monster.com) and find out what the responsibilities of an operations manager are. Share your findings with the other students.module 2 discussionNASA has a record of both successful projects and failed projects. Discuss when a project is, at any organization, considered successful and when is it considered a failure? What are the potential causes of a projectâs failure? Give real-world business examples for your statements.module 3 discussionGo to the following website:.businessballs.com/qualitymanagement.htm”>BusinessBalls.comUnder âquality process improvement tools and techniquesâ, click on the link for âtools and techniques for process evaluation and improvementâ. Review all of the tools and techniques. Select one tool or technique and discuss how you would use it to analyze and improve a manufacturing or service process in a real-world situation. Provide specific examples from your current or previous work environment.module 4 discussionOne of the most important activities in supply chain design is selection of suppliers. Discuss what criteria (besides price) might be used to select the suppliers.module 5Visit the following sites:.nist.gov/baldrige/#”>National Institute of Standards Technology.iso.org/iso/home.html”>International Organization for StandardizationFor the first site (NIST), review the “History” and “FAQ” links under the “About Us” heading to get some background information and review frequently asked questions about the award. Then, under the “Publications” heading, review the Business/Nonprofit Criteria, Healthcare Criteria, and Education Criteria. Compare the three different types.To get an overview of the ISO program and its long-range strategies, go to the IOS site. Enter the site and select the heading “About Us” where you can read about the International Organization or Standardization. Then go the “Standards” heading and review the ISO 9000 standards (Quality Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment) and the ISO14000 standards (Environmental Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment). Explore the relationship and compare the two different set of standards.How do the goals of the NIST program and the ISO program compare?module 6Identify the types of layout performance criteria that might be most important in the following settings:1. Airport2. Bank3. Classroom4. Office of product designers5. Law firm6. Parking lot7. Human Resource DepartmentHow is designing the layout of a service facility different from designing the layout of a manufacturing facility? Explain.module 7 discussionRefer to the steps in Phase Four (Site Selection) at.wdgconsulting.com/Site_Location_decision_process.htm”>https://essays.homeworkacetutors.com/write-my-essay/wdgconsulting.com/Site_Location_decision_process.htmDiscuss in detail what WDC Consulting likely means by each of those steps.module 8Discussthe advantages and disadvantages possibly experienced by the American computer manufacturers, such as HP, in outsourcing manufacturing and assembly to countries in Asia. Your discussion should address the following aspects:CostFocuson core activitiesRisksEmployee moraleProduct qualitymodule 9Review the videos on Radio Frequency Identification .rfident.org/”>Resource # 3 and the article about RFID at Wal-Mart .snhu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=cookie,ip,url,cpid&custid=shapiro&db=bth&AN=4764811&site=ehost-live”>Resource # 5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of RFID by businesses. Your discussion should address the following aspects:Cost-benefit analysisEase of useConsumer privacyShort-term effects and long-term effectsmodule 10 Read the article that presents another philosophy called Six Sigma:.com/facilities-management/mhm_imp_5827/”>Competition or Complement: Six Sigma from Material Handling Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment, also available in the resources. Are TOC and Six Sigma really different? If so, discuss the differences. Which of the two philosophies do you prefer for your company? Why?module 11Reviewthe descriptions of the Nine Knowledge Areas. Recall the definition of aproject from Module 2. Have you everworked on a project, either as a team member or the project manager? If so, how many of these nine knowledge areas did you actually apply? Discuss how the application of those knowledge areas helped you succeed in the project (if you were the project manager) or the tasks you did for the project (if you were a team member). Also, if you did not apply any of the 9 knowledge areas, explainwhy.Module 1Visit the following sites:.coca-cola.com/”>Coca-Cola.nestle.com/”>NestléThe companies highlighted in this section are two of the most recognizable global brands. To remain competitive, they must be able to compete on a global scale. Explore both sites.1. What is Coca-Cola’s mission? How dedicated are they to competing globally? What are they doing to make it a reality?2. Where in Europe, Africa, and Asia does Nestlé have operations? How many factories do they have in Spain and Thailand? Why does Nestlé have multiple facilities in a single country?3. How well have these two companies performed financially? Does this relate to their global approach to business?Refer to the Short Paper/Case Study Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section.Complete the following problems: Chapter 1: Problems 1-4.For additional details, please refer to the Homework Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Modue 2Complete the following problems from Chapter 2: Problems 5,7,8 and Problems 21-24.For additional details, please refer to the Homework Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Module 3Short Paper: Process Strategy.androsia.com/Factory.html”>Androsia.thehersheycompany.com/about-hershey/our-story/making-our-chocolate.aspx”>Hershey Foods CorporationAndrosia manufactures batik fabrics in a labor intensive, low-volume process on the island of Andros. The Hershey tour shows how cocoa beans are processed into chocolate using a high-volume, line process.1. Which process design strategy does each use?2. Why would the two processes be configured differently?3. What process management issues in one facility not be a problem in the other?4. What competitive priorities are important for each?5. How does the way they configuer facilities allow them to be competitivet?Refer to the Short Paper/Case Study Rubric in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section .Complete the following problems from Chapter 4: Problem 23,24For additional details, please refer to the Homework Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Module 4Visit the site .boeingsuppliers.com/” title=”Boeing suppliers”>The Boeing Company.To explore Boeingâs relationship with its suppliers and its efforts to reduce inventories, maintain quality, regulatory compliance, and competiveness; go to their web site. Review the items on the website, specifically âSuppler Qualityâ, âTerms and Conditionsâ, and âBecoming a Supplierâ.Close supplier relations are essential for reducing costs and inventories. What aspects of Boeing’s supplier relations program specifically address reduce inventories; maintain quality, regulatory compliance, and competiveness? How do planning and scheduling, ordering, and logistics come into play when running with minimal amounts of inventoryRefer to the Short Paper/Case Study Rubric in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section .Complete the following problems: Chapter 12: Problems 3-5.For additional details, please refer to the Homework Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Module 5Considerable success has been achieved by companies practicing TQM. What are the major hurdles to continuing quality improvements that manufacturers and service providers face? Support your reasoning with real-world examples.For additional details, please refer to the Short Paper/Case Study document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Complete the following problems: Chapter 5: Problems 4, 5a, 11 and 17.For additional details, please refer to the Homework Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Module 6Mid-term ExamOperations Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage mentQSO 600 Operations Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage mentThe mid-term exam consists of five essay and two problem questions. Answer all the questions.Essay Questions:There is no set length for answers; students may be as verbose or brief as they feel necessary to cover the question. Use this same exam document for your answers, placing them below each question.Problem Questions:Make sure to show all your work to get full credit. The instructor needs to know the formulas and calculations you used to get to your final answer. You can do part of the exam in Excel and Paste your Excel work into this document.File Convention:File name for the exam attachment to bestudentlastname-finalexam (Be sure there are no spaces)Be sure to put your name on the exam paper.Note: You may use the text and any other materials. You are NOT to work with anyone else including other students in completing the exam nor discuss it with them.Essay QuestionsQuestion 1:You are designing a grocery delivery business. Via the Internet, your company will offer staples and frozen foods in a large metropolitan area and then deliver them within a customer-defined window of time. You plan to partner with two major food stores in the area. What should be your competitive priorities and what capabilities do you want to develop in your own core and support processes?· Is it possible for a project to have more than one critical path? Discuss the implications of such a situation with respect to each of the following aspects:· Project risk· Total available slack· Resource dependencies· Responsibilities of the project managerQuestion 2:A flow chart helps us see all of the steps in a process, which in turn help us improve the process. It also helps us identify and eliminate any redundant steps in a process. Read the introduction to and the example of a flow chart on the following webpage:.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_97.htm”>https://essays.homeworkacetutors.com/write-my-essay/mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_97.htmSelect ONE real-world service process (for example, at a bank, at a movie theatre, at a theme park, etc.), and draw a flow chart for that process in MS Word. How can this process be improved by eliminating any redundant steps of the process and/or simply improving some of the specific steps? What you are asked to do here is called Process Mapping and is done by operations managers all the time!Question 3:Complete additional investigation on the JIT and EOQ models. Discuss which of the two inventory models is better and why: Economic Order Quantity or Just-in-Time?Question 4:Are quality management practices similar in manufacturing and service companies? How do they differ? Explain your answers.Problem QuestionsQuestion 5:The ABC Company has a large order for special uniforms to be used in an urgent operation. Working the normal two shifts of 40 hours each per week, the ABC production process usually produces 2, 500 uniforms per week at a standard cost of $120 each. Seventy employers work the first shift and 30 the second. The contract price is $200 per uniform. Because of the urgent need, ABC is authorized to sue around-the-clock production, six days per week. When each of the two shifts work 72 hours per week, production increases to 4,000 uniforms per week but at a cost of $144 each.Did the multifactor productivity ratio increase, decrease, or remain the same? If it changed, by what percentage did it change?Did the labor productivity ratio increase, decrease, or remain the same? If it changed, by what percentage did it change?Did weekly profits increase, decrease, or remain the same?Question 6:At ZYZ Company, a custom manufacturer of printed circuit boards, the finished boards are subjected to a final inspection prior to shipment to its customers. As XYZâs quality assurance manager, you are responsible for making a presentation to management on quality problems at the beginning of each month. Your assistant has analyzed the reject memos for all the circuit boards that were rejected during the past month. He has given you a summary statement listing the reference number of the circuit board and the reason for rejection from one of the following categories_A= Poor electrolyte coverageB=Improper laminationC= Low copper platingD= Plating separationE= Improper etchingFor 50 circuit boards that had been rejected last month, the summary statement showed the following:C B C C D E C C B A D A C C C B C A C D C A C C BA C A C B C C A C A A C C D A C C C E C C A B A C· Prepare a tally sheet (or checklist) of the different reasons for rejection.· Develop a Pareto chart to identify the more significant types of rejection.· Examine the causes of the most significant type of defect, using a cause-and-effect diagram.Module 77-3 Short Paper: Integrated Systems Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage mentRead the.snhu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=5360905&site=ehost-live”>Location Selection through Integrated Systems Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage mentarticle. Define Integrated Systems Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment in your own words and discuss the application of the 3 stages of facility location to the company that you work for or a company that you know of:Stage One: Is location predetermined?Stage Two: Solving a centralized versus decentralized location problemStage Three: The selection of an optimum siteFor additional details, please refer to the Short Paper/Case Study Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Complete the following problems: Chapter 11: Problems 2,3.For additional details, please refer to the Homrework Rubruc document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Module 88-3 Short Paper: Aggregate Planning StrategiesVisit the following sites:.ups.com/”>United Parcel Service.upsjobs.com/”>United Parcel Service CareersExplore the UPS site. Be sure to look specifically at the UPS Jobs site.Their stated purpose is: “Enabling commerce around the world.” Observe the types of business UPS is in. How do their various business units fit this statement?How much volume variability do you imagine each of the business units face? What resources do you imagine are required to provide capacity in each of the business units?What kinds of job opportunities are available? How many employees does UPS have?From the nature of their businesses and the types of jobs they describe, what do you think the majority of their workers do?Given the above, what aggregate planning strategies are appropriate for them to use?.snhu.edu/webapps/blackboard/execute/uploadAssignment?content_id=_2457588_1&course_id=_22249_1&assign_group_id=&mode=view”>8-4 Problem SetsComplete the following problems: Chapter 15: Problems 10,11,12,14,15. For additional details, please refer to the Homework Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Module 99-3 Short Paper: MRP BenefitsVisit the site:.schwinn.com/”>Schwinn. In order to explore Schwinn Bicycle Co.âs use of part commonality in its bike lines, go to their site and click on “Bicycles”. Under the âProductsâ menu click on a bike style that interests you. Choose a bike style of your liking and review the different models. Scroll down and view the components and specifications that make up each model. Pay particular attention to the amount of part commonality between models.What role does part commonality play and how does it benefit the company?How might MRP be useful to a company like Schwinn?For additional details, please refer to the Short Paper/Case Study document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course..snhu.edu/webapps/blackboard/execute/uploadAssignment?content_id=_2457599_1&course_id=_22249_1&assign_group_id=&mode=view”>9-4 Problem SetsComplete the following problems: Chapter 16: Problems 21-25. For additional details, please refer to the Homework Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Module 1010-4 Short Paper: Constraint Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage mentVisit the site:.wsd.dst.il.us/”>Wheaton, IL Sanitary District. This tour of a wastewater treatment plant is an example of a high-volume, public project.How is capacity defined at a wastewater treatment plant?Throughout the year, the demand on capacity can vary significantly. How do they meet peak demand?What are the constraints involved in changing the capacity of a facility like this?For additional details, please refer to the Short Paper/Case Study Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course..snhu.edu/webapps/blackboard/execute/uploadAssignment?content_id=_2457611_1&course_id=_22249_1&assign_group_id=&mode=view”>10-5 Problem SetsComplete the following problems: Chapter 7: Problems 3, 4, 10, 12, 16. For additional details, please refer to the Homework Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Module 11 finalQuestionFinal ExamOperations Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage mentQSO 600 Operations Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage mentThe final exam consists of five essay and eight problem questions. Answer all the questions.Essay Questions:There is no set length for answers; students may be as verbose or brief as they feel necessary to cover the question. Use this same exam document for your answers, placing them below each question.Problem Questions:Make sure to show all your work to get full credit. The instructor needs to know the formulas and calculations you used to get to your final answer. You can do part of the exam in Excel and Paste your Excel work into this document.File Convention:File name for the exam attachment to bestudentlastname-finalexam (Be sure there are no spaces)Be sure to put your name on the exam paper.Note:You may use the text and any other materials. You are NOT to work with anyone else including other students in completing the exam nor discuss it with them.Essay Questions1. What is operations management? Why is it important? Is a good knowledge of operations management more important in service or manufacturing industries? Explain your answer.2. Discuss the use of PERT/CPM techniques for managing projects. Write a page paper – Describe what PERT/CPM does. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of using it. What other techniques might you choose to manage your project?3. What are economies of scale in a manufacturing plant? Do they continue forever? What are diseconomies of scale? How might you decide the optimal size of a plant?4. What, in your opinion are the 3 most important issues in supply chain management. Discuss why you think these are the key issues.5. Discuss why (or if) inventories are necessary. What are the benefits of inventories? What are the disadvantages of holding inventories?Problem Questions1. Thermostats are subjected to rigorous testing before they are shipped to air conditioning technicians around the world. Results from the last five samples are shown in the table. Draw and R Chart and an x-bar chart. Based on the charts, is the process under control? (20 Points)ObservationsSample12345173.570.872.273.671.0271.371.073.172.772.2370.072.671.972.473.3471.170.670.374.273.6570.870.770.773.571.1Answer 1:2. A professor records the number of students who complain each week throughout the semester. If the class size is forty students, what are 3-sigma control limits for this class? Construct a control p-chart and interpret the data. Is the process in control? (20 points)Week numberComplaints152237415362788193105114126133141154Answer 2:3. A department store chain is designing a layout for a new store. The store manager wants to provide as much convenience as possible for her customers. Based on historical data, the number of trips between departments per hour is given in the following closeness matrix. A block plan showing a preliminary layout is also shown..gif”>.gif”>Closeness Factors (Trips per hour)1/O 2/S 3/H 4/T 5/A 6/E.gif”>1. Office Supplies (O) — 40 100 50 20 102. Sporting Goods (S) — 100 80 60 803. Hardware (H) — 70 100 504. Toys (T) — 70 905. Automotive (A) — 606. Electronics (E) —1. OFFICE SUPPLIES.gif”>1. .gif”>SPORTING GOODS3. HARDWARE4. TOYS5. AUTOMOTIVE6.ELECTRONICSCustomer travel between departments is restricted to the aisles shown in the block plan as dotted lines.CALCULATIONS TABLE:Dept. PairCloseness Factor (w)Original Distance (dO)w´ dORevision #1 Distance (d1)w´ d11 â 21 â 31 â 41 â 51 â 62 â 32 â 42 â 52 â 63 â 43 â 53 â 64 â 54 â 65 â 6TOTALComplete the calculations and fill in the table above. Based on the table above answer the following questions.a) What is the total expected weighted-distance score between Office Supplies and Hardware? (4 points)b) What is the total weighted-distance score between Hardware and Toys? (4 points)c) What is the total weighted-distance score for the entire store? (4 points)d) A suggestion has been made to switch Hardware and Automotive. What would the total weighted-distance score for the entire store if these two departments were switched? (4 points)e) Based on your calculations, would you recommend that Hardware and Automotive be switched? (4 points)Answer 3:4. Balance the assembly line for the tasks contained in the table. The desired output is 240 units per day. Available production time per day is 480 minutes.Work ElementTime (Sec.)Immediate Predecessor(s)A40—B45—C55AD55BE65BF40C,DG25D,Ea) What is the desired Cycle time in seconds? (4 points)b) What is the theoretical minimum number of stations? (4 points)c) Use trial and error to work out a solution in the table below. Your efficiency should be at least 90%. (10 Points)StationCandidatesChoiceWork-ElementTime (Sec)Cumulative Time (Sec)Idle Timed) Calculate the efficiency of your solution. (2 points)Answer 4:5. A manufacturerâs research and development center must expand by building a new facility. The search has been narrowed to five locations, all of which are acceptable to management. The assessment of these sites is being made on the basis of the five subjective location factors that follow. Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment has agreed to use a five-point scale (Excellent = 5, and Poor = 1) to quantify and compare their subjective opinions about the relative goodness of the sites. The weight reflects the importance of each factor in the decision.LocationsFactorWeightABCDELabor climate0.3042142Proximity to markets0.3053344Quality of life0.1513215Proximity to suppliers0.1525343Taxes0.1044413Calculate the weighted score for each alternative. Which location would you recommend?(15 points)Answer 5:6. Complete the following MPS Record (15 points)Lot Size130Lead Time1Quantity on Hand4512345678910Forecast25252525505050504020Customer Orders (booked)3020582Projected On-Hand InventoryMPS QuantityMPS startAvailable to Promise InventoryAnswer 6:7. Use the bill of materials and inventory records to determine the quantity of purchased items necessary to assemble 20 end items if the manufacturer uses lot-for-lot ordering. There are no end items currently on hand, and none of the components have any scheduled receipts. (20 points)ComponentOn-handComponentOn-handA5D15B75E3C10F20.gif”>Answer 7:8. Use the table below to answer the following questions..gif”>a) Use the information in the Table above, what is the throughput time for the process, assuming that the Call Center is always busy and has customers waiting to be processed? (5 points)b) Use the information in Table above, what is the process bottleneck? (5 points)c) Use the information in Table above, what is the 8-hour capacity for the process? (5 points)d) Use the information in Table above, where would you expect customer wait times to occur? (5 points)Answer 8:
My plans for the Future
The contemporary society is a rather cruel environment. Those, who are confident, experienced and wealthy, feel at home in it, but there are people who need help adjusting to the existing conditions, and those are social workers who provide them help and support. In my opinion, children are the most vulnerable group, the one that […]