OverviewThe final project for this course is the creation of afinal report for planning a new business venture or the launch of a new product. You will work in teams of two or three. Based on the knowledge obtained in this course and through previous course work, you will examine project management techniques; risk management; cost, schedule, and resource management; milestone creation; and performance index monitoring. This project is divided into seven milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven. Main ElementsYou will choose one of the following scenarios:Scenario One:Using the course materials and Microsoft Project (OpenProj.org), you will develop a final report for planning the creation of a new business venture.You can either create a fictional business or work on establishing a real business.Some examples include establishing an internet-based business, opening a bakery, opening a consulting agency, helping with non-profit start-up, etc.Scenario Two:Using the course materials and Microsoft Project (OpenProj.org), you willdevelop a final report for planning to launch a new product.You can develop a project plan to upgrade existing products, add new features to existing products, or come up with an entirely new product line.Examples include creating a new application for smartphones, creating a new clothing line, updating existing passenger cars with additional safety features, etc.Project ParametersRegardless of the scenario chosen, the following parameters will be used:Project Start Date â January 2 of the following yearProject Lengthâ 3 to 12 MonthsProject Phasesâ 3 t o5Major Scale Unitsâ WeeksMinor Scale Unitsâ DaysMinimum Taskâ 1 Day (8 hours)Maximum Taskâ 10 Days (40 hours)Costs will be loaded and simulatedHolidays and vacation time will be loaded and simulatedYour Final Report should include the following components:SectionNameContentsIExecutive SummaryProvide an overview of your project.IIGoalsWrite a page paper – Describe the specific results you want your project to accomplish.IIIScope StatementDefine what is in and out of scope.IVAssumptionsList the assumptions made, including what is out of your control.VPhasesProvide a diagram of the phases and length of the project.VIMilestonesWrite a page paper – Describe and map milestones to the phases of the project.VIIWork Breakdown StructureIndicate the tasks and durations required in each phase.VIIIResource HistogramIndicate the resources required to complete the tasks.IXProject Plan (Cost, Schedule)Combine all of the above elements. Make sure that cost, schedule, CPI calculations, and SPI calculations are included.XConclusion/SummaryInclude a summary of your project. Provide post-mortem review of the project, milestones, and lessons learned.XIAppendixInclude any additional details and supporting documentation.MilestonesMilestone One: Team Member RosterIn Discussion 1-2, you will submityour team member roster. Identify team members for the class project. This is a group effort, and each team should have a maximum of three members. Prior instructor approval is required to ensure that each project team will have sufficient resources. This milestone is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your instructor.Milestone Two:Project Selection/ProposalIn2-4, you will submit your project selection/proposal.Select one of the two proposed scenarios (above) and submit a short project selection/project proposal document.The proposal should be approximately 125-150 words. Please outline your reason for selecting the particular scenario, and explain what you hope to accomplish with the course project.One submission per team will be sufficient.This milestone is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your instructor.Milestone Three:Project Scope, Project Charter, WBS, Cost and Schedule BaselineIn 3-5, you will use Microsoft Word/Excel to create a project scope and project charter.Use Microsoft Project to create a work breakdown structure (WBS), baseline schedule, and cost estimates.One submission per group will suffice.This milestone is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your instructor.Milestone Four:Risk Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment (Risk Matrix and Risk Mitigation Plan)In 4-5, you will use Microsoft Word/Excel to create a risk matrix and risk mitigation plan.Please submit one per team. This milestone is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your instructor.Milestone Five:Update Project Costs, Calculate Cost Performance IndexIn 5-4, you will use Microsoft Project to update the schedule and cost estimates, and to calculate the CPI. One submission per group will suffice.This milestone is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your instructor.Milestone Six:Project Schedule, Resource Allocation, and Schedule Performance Index (SPI)In 6-4, you will review the project schedule and complete the resource allocation as a team.Calculate the Schedule Performance Index (SPI). This milestone is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your instructor.Milestone Seven:Final ReportIn 7-4, you will submit your final project report.There should be one submission per group.This milestone is graded using the Final Report Rubric.
Travelling Experience
Can you remember your best experince in another country? Last summer (in 2007), I traveled to the United States for working and spending some time with my friends. I stayed two months in that country. I decided to travel because I wanted to do something different. I was bored about all my daily activities, so […]