Perform an internet search to identify an instance of environmental pollution in your state. Use the example you found and the imaginary scenario provided below to complete the assignment.

Scenario: There is a concern about environmental pollution in your state or community. Because of your expertise as an environmental scientist, you have been invited to be a panelist at a town hall meeting in which you will present an overview of the issue. The audience consists of community leaders, members of the scientific community, and some local residents.

Create a 5-to 8-slide presentation (Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Prezi, or Sway®) in which you explain the problem from a scientific perspective.

Address the following in your presentation:

  • What are the scientific factors that are causing the issue?
  • How is the issue identified? Describe the data associated with the problem.
  • What solutions or opportunities should be explored to address the issue further?
  • Incorporate relevant key words from the Environmental Pollution Key Terms document.

Use at least 2 outside references.

Format your presentation and references according to Ace homework tutors – APA guidelines.

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