“Open Full Attachments for Assignment”
 Most organizations face a disruption in their business continuity based on an “event” that creates a change in life cycle.
Coming into your new role, you recognize that a Crisis Management Plan has never been created for the company, Blossoms Up! In your last company, it experienced a business continuity disruption that had a severe impact on its financial standing, but an effective business continuity and crisis management plan significantly helped to respond quickly to the major issue and in an organized manner. This is one more area in which you can prove HR to be an important strategic partner.
For this assignment, you will focus on one of three main events that could happen to Blossoms Up!

Unexpected death of the CEO, Seth Smith
Negative media publicity–For example, a news story breaks out about a $500,000 sexual harassment claim filed against a high-ranking director
Strike–Upon possible unionization and a collective bargaining impasse, a strike occurs disrupting the company’s ability to harvest their products

You assess the three events that could cause Blossoms Up! to undergo business continuity disruption rising to a crisis state and decide to get to work on the one you think is most pressing and should be implemented now. 

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Ace Tutors
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