Sexual Health
The concept of sexual health was first introduced in 1975, when the World Health Organization WHO published its first definition. According to WHO, sexual health refers to a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social wellbeing in relation to sexuality and not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity like most people tend to believe.
Since then, the definition of sexual health has progressed with the most recent definition published in 2002. Coming up with the definition of sexual health has been difficult because it varies with each culture, subculture, and individual. Different people have different interpretations of what sexual health is. According to the American Sexual Health Association ASHA, sexual health is much more than diseases or unplanned pregnancies. Having a sexually transmitted infection or unwanted pregnancy does not hinder one from being sexually healthy.
All the current definitions were built up upon the original definition by WHO but added new ideas and factors that influence sexual health, such as mental health, responsibility, and rights. The concept is expected to continue to develop further as cultural and historical events continue to evolve. Any attempts to establish a standard definition of sexual health might not be fruitful because cultural norms and historical events keep on changing.
Health is an umbrella term that covers quite a wide range of topics. These include physical health, emotional health, financial health, spiritual health, environmental health, and sexual health. Sexual health is further broken down into various areas such as contraception, pregnancy and related issues such as reproduction and abortion, screening, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, gender identity, sexuality, body image, other issues that focus on the overall sexual wellbeing.
Like other types of health, sexual health impacts the overall health of an individual. However, the level of importance varies with each individual. Some cultures have not yet embraced sexual health completely. A personal view of sexual health will depend on factors such as region, societal norms and beliefs, spirituality, sexual rights, and upbringing. In some cultures and regions around the world, people can talk openly about other types of health but feel ashamed and embarrassed to talk about sexual health. In such cultures, issues related to sexual health are discussed in the utmost privacy.
Sexual health is the ability to embrace and enjoy sexual experiences throughout our lives. A sexually healthy person is one who understands their sexuality, recognizes and respects sexual rights, and have access to sexual education and care. A Sexually healthy individual also make efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs and is willing to get treatment when needed, and is also able to talk freely about sexual health with other people.
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