Service Marketing Group Assignment
This is a team project. Select a service organisation of your choice and apply your theoretical learning of
service marketing.
1- Analyse the customer satisfaction with regards to service quality components for a particular
service(s) offering of your industry/organization”. The five service quality dimensions learned
are tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Apply and relate the five
components to your selected organisation. Your analysis of service components should be 2 pages
2- You shall design and develop a new service offering for your selected organisation. Use tools and
frameworks from the course to assist your development efforts. Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss in detail your new
service offering and discuss its STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning), its USP and
advantages to users. You should also discuss the 7Ps of service marketing for the new offering,
the physical evidence and service scape to be applied, the demand creation strategy for the new
service offering, pricing strategy and the distribution channel structure and how technology can
be helpful in marketing and distribution on the new service offering.
3- The team presentation will be done in the last two weeks . The presentation should be divided up
so that each team member presents a part of the final project. The team member should appear as
he/she would in giving a presentation in-person to a group of investors or senior management.
4- Instructions on report submission: The following elements as discussed in point #2 should be
included in the report:
i. Introduction of the selected company
ii. Milestones and accomplishments of company’s existing service
iii. Description of the new service offering (also discuss the 7Ps of service
marketing, its USP and advantages to users)
iv. Servicescape/physical evidence of selected service provider
v. Segmentation and Target market and Service Positioning
vi. Demand creation strategy for new offering
vii. Description of employee/customer service team roles in new service
viii. Recommended pricing with rationale for new offering
ix. Recommended promotional and advertising strategy for new offering
including social media
x. How technology can be helpful in marketing and distribution of the new
service offering
Report Assignment
Your report should be 12-14 pages with 12-point font, Times New Roman font, and single space pages.
Annexures can be added as additional but not included in the page total.
The reports shall be submitted on the 13th week and presentation shall be delivered on the 13
th and 14th
PowerPoint Presentation: 8 – 10 slides. Calibri Font with headings =36 font size and sub- headings= 32
font size. Bullet points to be used with 24 font size. Use creativity in your presentations.
The Evolution of U.S. Global Engagement/df1r
The United States and Global Engagement: A Historical and Personal Analysis [Your Name] [Date] The engagement of the United States with the world has taken various forms throughout history, encompassing political, economic, and military interactions. From early diplomatic efforts to contemporary international relations, these engagements have shaped global dynamics in significant ways. One crucial aspect […]