Read the following three research articles and complete written response to the readings. Ace my homework – Write a page and a half synthesis of the three articles plus 1 discussion question per article.

The following factors will be considered in grading: relevance, accuracy, synthetization of the reading materials, degree to which the responses show understanding/comprehension of the material, and quality of writing.

· Questions must be original, thoughtful and not easily found in the readings.

· Quality of Synthesis

· Follows Ace homework tutors – APA Rules

· Use proper citations

· Use past tense when discussing the studies (the research was already conducted).

· Avoid the use of the following words: me, you, I, we, prove, proof

· Refer to the articles by their authors (year of publication) (not by the title of the article or the words first, second, or third)

· Do not just summarize the articles. Dig deeper!


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Research Helper
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