While completing a health assessment, you notice that there are indications that the patient may have been cutting herself. You inquire about the marks and she indicates that she scratched her wrist when she tried to break her fall. How do you handle this information? How can you incorporate your Christian worldview to help in providing quality care? What are the key elements to accurately obtaining the needed information for effective treatment?
As an instructor, you are working with a nursing student in the second year of a 4-year nursing program. The student does not perform an ear exam correctly. How would you explain the appropriate technique to examine the ears?
You are working the triage desk of the ED. A client presents with sudden loss of vision of the right eye after a head collision during a volleyball game. What would your assessment include? What could be initial problems and would they warrant emergent intervention?
Select one pulmonary, cardiac, peripheral vascular, or lymphatic system disorder. Discuss the clinical characteristics and identify the appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic and screening tools that apply to this disorder. Explain why these tests or tools were chosen as appropriate to the conditions. Select different topics from that of your classmates.
You are called to the bedside of a critical patient as a rapid response team member. Upon initial inspection the patient is cyanotic, has labored breathing, and is not responding well. Develop an SBAR (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) for this patient. Use references to substantiate your approach to this clinical scenario.