Select a client from clinical experience with an acute health problem or complaint requiring at least two visits. Submit a complete H & P SOAP note from the initial visit with this client, as well as a focused SOAP note for the follow-up visit. Based on this client’s condition, conduct a literature search for two research articles that discuss various approaches to the treatment of this condition. Peer reviewed articles must address the standardized procedure or guidelines for this diagnosis. Incorporate the research findings into the decision-making for this client’s treatment. In the paper, compare and contrast or address how treatment or the plan may have been different based on the research findings. The discussion on relating research to practice should be 1-2 pages and the total paper should be no longer than 10 pages. The research articles must be original research contributions (no review articles or meta-analysis) and must have been published within the last five years. Cover the criteria listed below within the body of the paper. The paper should be Ace homework tutors – APA formatted and no longer than 10 pages (not including SOAP notes and references). Compare and contrast or talk about how the treatment or plan might have been different based on what you found in your research. The discussion of how research relates to practice should take up one to two pages, and the whole paper shouldn’t be more than 10 pages long. No review articles or meta-analyses are allowed, and the research articles must have been published within the last five years. In the body of the paper, talk about the points listed below. The paper should be written in Ace homework tutors – APA style and shouldn’t be longer than 10 pages.
• Reviews topic and explains rationale for its selection in the context of client care.
• Evaluates key concepts related to the topic.
• Describes multiple viewpoints if this is a controversial issue or one for which there are no clear guidelines.
• Assesses the merit of evidence found on this topic i.e. soundness of research
• Evaluates current EBM guidelines, if available. Or, recommends what these guidelines should be based on available research. Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the Standardized Procedure for this diagnosis.
• Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discusses how the evidence did impact/would impact practice. What should be done differently based on the knowledge gained?
• Consider diversity, cultural, spiritual, and socioeconomic issues related to the topic.
• Utilizes Ace homework tutors – APA guidelines, cite references
• Writing style at the graduate level
Title of paper
Type your introduction paragraph here. Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss what this paper will be about and the various topics that will be covered. Don’t forget to cite your sources throughout your paper. Avoid long quotes, if a long quote is absolutely necessary; be sure it is properly formatted per Ace homework tutors – APA 7th edition guidelines.
Review of topic and rationale for selection of topic
Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss why you chose this topic/patient experience for your paper. Why is it an important health care issue? Be sure to reference your appendices as needed by typing (See Appendix A). See the Ace homework tutors – APA manual if you are unsure how to use Appendices.
Evaluation of key concepts related to the topic
Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the key concepts related to this topic/disease process/situation.
Description of multiple viewpoints
Is there more than one guideline for this condition? How are they different? Is there any conflicting data, beliefs, or controversy surrounding this condition or treatment?
Assessment of the merit of evidence found on this topic (soundness of research)
Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the quality of the research/studies that you reviewed.
Evaluation of current EBM guidelines
If guidelines exist for this condition, explain and discuss them. If there are no guidelines, recommend what these guidelines should be based on available research
Diversity, cultural, spiritual, and socioeconomic considerations
Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss these special considerations regarding this illness/treatment.
Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion regarding the Standardized Procedure for this diagnosis
If you were asked to develop a standardized procedure for this condition, what would you include?
Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion on how the evidence did impact/would impact practice
This is a reflection portion. What would you have done differently based on what you learned while conducting your research about the topic?
Type your conclusion paragraph here.
Appendix A
Copy and paste comprehensive SOAP note here
Appendix B
Copy and paste focused/follow up visit SOAP note here