Question description
Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction . post most have 4 or more sentences . you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings, ask questions of each other, etc. Second family can be created either bydivorce or remarriage and it involve a complex transition that requires thedisintegration of one family structure and reorganization to another (Lundy& Janes, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer;Mulina & Musil, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer; Ward & Hisley, 2009). Howparents cope during the situational crisis, as well as after the divorce is a significantvariable in long term individual and family adjustment. The coping system of any family created undersecond marriage depends on two adults that formed the union, an also theirvalues on family. We understand that it is difficult most of the times to bringtwo families together successfully as one, especially when children areinvolved, for instance there may be resistance to change by the children evensometimes among parents.HOW FAMILIES CREATED UNDER SECOND MARRIAGE CAN FUNCTION AS ONE(1) Before engaging in second marriage,both parents needs to resolve all theirespecially regarding visitation and financial support, to avoid creating uncomfortable environment in the secondmarriage.(2) If children are involved, they needsto understand that their parent will also be there to love them and will remainpresent in their life, this will help to understand that their stepparent isnot there to replace their biological parent.(3) There needs to be communication amongfamily members t help create trust, relationships, and resolve conflicts, and this needs to be open and nonjudgmental environment.(4) There need to be house rules in thefamily to be followed by both adult and children, and children needs to respectboth parents, also parent should show good examples to gain the childrenrespect.(5) Biological parents should try tospend time with their children, maybe there are issues they want their parentsto be aware of or they need advice on certain things they don’t want otherfamily members to know about , this will help to build up trust and also helpreassure the children that you(parent) will always be there for them.