Introduction to Business
Assignment: Emerging Economies

Assignment: You will choose one country considered an
emerging economy, research it, and
propose to a business that they expand operations in some
way to that country.

Here’s how: Imagine that you are a junior executive in
an American company of your choice,
writing a proposal to your CEO. Write a recommendation
that your company undertakes ONE of
the options below in the emerging economy of your choice.

1. Open a plant in that country for manufacture of products
to be shipped back to the U.S.,
2. Open a plant in that country for manufacture of products
to be sold in that country or
another foreign country,
3. Open an of?ce to serve that market, or
4. Export your existing products to that market.

The purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking “outside
the U.S”—to try and get you to
imagine what life and business is like in countries that are
very different than ours. International
students will have an advantage here.
I also want you to try and imagine trying to conduct
business without the infrastructure that is so
widespread in American life we consider it a
given: ef?cient phone service, computer access and
dependable (usually!) connections, reliable shipping methods
over decent roads and dependable
railways, a currency that is accepted around the world,
banks that can accept and transfer money
anyplace on the planet and are safe repositories for your
company’s earnings. Take away even
one of those things and imagine how things would change.
The United States evolved from an agrarian economy to our
current developed one in 200
years. Emerging economies are trying to compress that
process into only a few years, and it’s
proving a very bumpy road for many of them.

I. Research your chosen country.
Emerging economies include but are not limited to Singapore,
Chile, Estonia, Peru, Slovenia,
South Africa, Lithuania, Venezuela, Taiwan, Kuwait, Latvia,
Romania, Ivory Coast, Mexico,
Zimbabwe, Guatemala, Hungary, Poland, North Korea, Russia,
Vietnam, and China.

See the document, “A Few Suggestions,” for more
info. There are also a few resources listed at
the end of this assignment.

II. Write your recommendationa. You are writing as the
employee of a FOR-PROFIT business, not a non-pro?t
agency. Most, if not all, of these countries are in
dire need of the type of
assistance offered by non-pro?ts, but for this assignment we
are concentrating on
a business. You must support your proposal by pointing
out the advantages to the
business, not just to the country involved.
b. I want to see the company name in the title, salutation,
or ?rst sentence of your
paper. For example….
• “Tully’s Expansion into Ethiopia” (title)
• Memo To: John Jones, CEO
Boise Cascade Company
• “I propose that Boeing expand production into Namibia….”
c. You are recommending that an identi?ed company expand a
certain type of
operation in a named country.
• For example, you recommend to the CEO of Starbucks that
they begin
opening stores in Romania. Better yet, recommend to Howard
(Starbucks CEO) that they establish coffee carts rather than
the usual stores,
starting in Bucharest, because foreign investors are
forbidden bay law from
leasing more than 200 square feet of commercial property,
yet coffee is a
strong part of the Romanian culture. (This example is
facetious, of course).
• DON’T make a recommendation that some vague Company X open
a branch
of?ce offering unde?ned services in, oh, say, Nigeria.
• You will explain the advantages and challenges for your
company by covering
the following points:
? What is the size of this
market? What is the average income? Which of
your company’s products do you see a demand for and
why? Does the size
of the market justify this expansion? Would it be the
beginning of an
expansion into a larger geographic area?
? What is this government’s
stance on foreign investment and U.S.
businesses operating in their country?
? What is the condition in that
country that would affect business
operations? I.e., transportation, communication,
?nancial systems,
economic conditions, culture.
THIS <== · DON’T include a lot of obviously copied and pasted factoids off the Internet (“5,000 miles of railroads, 14 radio stations and 3 TV stations…the currency is the Naira.”) Yes, discuss the country’s infrastructure, but in the context of how it will affect your proposed operation. If I detect plagiarism (which is pitifully easy to spot), I will not be a happy camper. Draw your own conclusions about how it will affect your grade. III. Include a paragraph describing a community service project your company will undertake in this country. As part of the negotiations with the foreign government, and in part to meet your company’s social responsibility, your company will agree to donate time and money towards helping this country’s developing economy in some way. It could be by providing products, services, expertise, whatever. For example, if you are an engineering ?rm, you might oversee the building of a bridge or roads connecting key trading areas if that country’s transportation infrastructure is lacking. You will determine what this country needs and how your company can help. IV. Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays - Professional help in research projects for students - Cite your sources. Include all your sources: books, newspapers, Internet, personal interviews, video, etc. For formatting guidelines, use MLA Style formatting. You will ?nd an index to different style formats at Submit two concise, organized, well-written pages of text (that means two pages excluding citations). Top executives are pressed for time, and you need to deliver a good argument in a relatively short space. Don’t bore or annoy the reader by going on at length about the country’s history, etc. when it is not directly tied to some point you’re making in the proposal. IMPORTANT NOTE: I’ll say it again. Beware of copying and pasting off the Internet—this is called plagiarism, and I will be checking your sources. By all means use the information on the Internet, but cite your sources and use your own words. If I identify any plagiarism, that assignment will automatically receive a zero. Grading: • Demonstrates understanding of conditions in the country: 25 pts • Demonstrates understanding of how American company can advantageously trade with this country : 8 pts. • Recommended social responsibility project demonstrates what is needed to move towards market economy: 5 pts. • Grammar, spelling, general quality of writing: 2 pts

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