
Sarah is a 69-year old female that presented to the emergency department with shortness of breath. Her past medical history includes heart failure and COPD. Her pulse oximetry on room air is 82%. You notify the provider, and he orders oxygen at 2 L via nasal cannula NC. Sarah’s chest x-ray reveals bilateral pneumonia. Her arterial blood gas result are below:

pH: 7.30

PaCO2: 58 mm Hg

PaO2: 78 mm Hg

HCO3: 26 mEq/L

Sarah is admitted to a general medical floor. You are the nurse assigned to Sarah.

1. What potential problems can occur based on the above findings?

2. How would you provide multidimensional care for Sarah?

3. Describe the roles of other departments in Sarah’s treatment plan.

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Sarah, a 69-year-old female, arrived to the emergency department complaining of shortness of breath. Heart failure and COPD are among her previous medical conditions. On room air, her pulse oximetry reading is 82 percent. You notify the provider, who orders 2 L of oxygen through nasal cannula NC. A chest x-ray confirms that Sarah has bilateral pneumonia. The following are her arterial blood gas results:

7.30 pH

58 mm Hg PaCO2

78 mm Hg PaO2

26 mEq/L HCO3

Sarah is transferred to the general medical floor. Sarah has been assigned to you as the nurse.

1. What difficulties might arise as a result of the aforesaid findings?

2. How would you give Sarah with multifaceted care?

3. Explain the roles of the various departments in Sarah’s treatment plan.

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