NUR 6605 Principles of Population Health. Public Health, and the Role of the School Nurse School health Promotion Paper

This assignment serves to citable graduate school nurse students to cmically analyze a chosen individual school or school district in regard to population health measures that warrant a potentially feasible health promotion activity. Students completing this assignment will perform a comprehensive community assessment on the student’s current school nursing position (or other agreed upon place between the student and instructor) through informant inten•ew(s). windshield runty. record/literature review(s), andror other information gathering techniques. This paper will be completed in two (2) submissions. Each submission will focus on specific headings to allow for optimal feedback opportunities by the instructor as well as implementation of a systematic approach to best understanding the identified health promotion topic. Sections to be included: a. Submission al: i. Introduction ii. Windshield Survey Data I. Community Core a. History of the individual school or school district b. Demographics i. Statistical data relating to the student body within the individual school or school district. c. Ethnicity i. Statistical data relating to ethnicity of student body within the individual school or school district. d. Values and Beliefs i. Me there any specific spiritual and’or religious support services provided to the student body by the individual school or school district?
2. Subsystems a. Physical Ens ininment I. How does the individual school or school district look? ii. Is there green space? Air quality? Environmental concerns? b. Health and Social Services i. What health and social services are provided by the individual school or school district to the student body? (i.e.. School Nurse? School Counselix(s)? Social Worker? Nutritionist? Nu-free zones (and who oversees this – teachers? Nurses?)? etc.) ii. Any community reletionship(s) outside of the individual school or school district that help the facilitate optimal health and social services of the student body?
Promoting Health and Wellness among School-Aged Children: A Community Assessment of ABC Elementary School District

The purpose of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive community health assessment of the ABC Elementary School District in order to identify potential areas for a feasible health promotion activity. A mixed-methods approach will be utilized, drawing from windshield surveys, demographic records, and key informant interviews. Relevant data will be analyzed through a socioecological framework to understand the interplay between individual, relationship, community, and societal factors influencing student health outcomes.
Windshield Survey Data

Observations of the physical school environment revealed several strengths and limitations. Playground equipment and fields provide ample spaces for physical activity during recess. However, limited shaded areas were noted, potentially impacting outdoor time on hot days. While school buildings appeared well-maintained, some classrooms lacked windows which could impact air quality and circulation. Additional green spaces like gardens were absent from campus grounds.
Community Core
History and Demographics
The ABC School District was established in 1950 and currently serves over 3,000 students across five elementary schools. Statistical records from the past three years indicate a growing population with rising economic diversity. The student body is 60% Hispanic, 25% White, 10% Black, and 5% Asian. Nearly 70% of students qualify for free or reduced lunch programs.
Health and Social Services Provision

Each school has a full-time nurse to address acute needs and manage chronic conditions. Annual vision/hearing screenings and state-mandated immunization checks are conducted. A part-time counselor rotates between sites but has a high caseload. No school-based health center or dedicated social worker is available. Nutrition education is limited to annual visits from the county extension office.
Local food banks and a mobile dental van provide services one day per month at each school. However, these resources have long waitlists. The YMCA offers after-school programs with scholarships for low-income families but transportation barriers exist

Analysis of Health Needs and Proposed Promotion Activities
Based on the community assessment, several health needs emerge among ABC Elementary students that could be addressed through feasible promotion activities:
Statistical records reveal over 60% of students have overweight/obesity diagnoses. Limited access to fresh foods and lack of nutrition education likely contribute (CDC, 2022). Installing salad bar carts and hosting family cooking classes on healthy budget meals could help impact this issue (Katz et al., 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online).
Mental Health
The high counselor caseload suggests unmet social-emotional needs may exist. Stigma also prevents some conditions from being addressed properly (American Psychiatric Association, 2020). Implementing a peer mediation program and mental health first aid training for teachers could help create an environment more conducive to well-being (Schultz et al., 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers).
Physical Activity

While recess is provided, sedentary classroom time and limited active spaces may impede healthy movement. Involving teachers in 5-minute activity breaks throughout the day combined with a walking school bus program could boost activity levels (Donnelly et al., 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online).
Community Partnerships
Leveraging existing relationships through joint fundraising, volunteer recruitment, or shared facility use could strengthen available services like the mobile dental clinics and after-school YMCA access (Kegler et al., 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers).
Assessment of these proposed activities would assess impacts on key health indicators like BMI, behavioral referrals, and participation rates through surveys, interviews, and record reviews. Ongoing support and adaptation based on needs would further promote health equity and student success.

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