Despite the fact that shipping/maritime is known for being one of the most risky industries, very limited amount of quality research has been carried out in the area within the recent days. The recent days have witnessed very few numbers of articles and theses being published on safety culture within the maritime industry. In light to such kind of situation, it is very important to get into deeper understanding of what constitute safety culture on board vessels and how safety culture are related to safety response and preparedness during emergency. The aim of this study is therefore to outline and discuss issues of safety culture on board vessel, especially with regards to emergency response and preparedness.
1.4 Study objectives
1 To evaluate the design of emergency response software systems in the UK shipping industry
2 To discuss the current safety human responses in navigation emergency in the UK shipping industry
3 To determine the level of Shipboard emergency preparedness among the shipping industry in UK
1.5 Research questions
1 What is the design of emergency response software systems in the UK shipping industry?
2 What are the current safety human responses in navigation emergency in the UK shipping industry?
3 What is the level of Shipboard emergency preparedness among the shipping industry in UK?
Though the study aimed at assessing the issues of safety culture on board vessel, especially with regards to emergency response and preparedness, it will basically focus and narrow down to the shipping/maritime industry in the United Kingdom. It will look at issues related to safety cultures including but not limited to; design of emergency response software, the current safety human response in navigation emergency and the level of shipboard emergency preparedness in the UK shipping industry. The access problem in terms of transport and communication and logistics problems were encountered during the study, due to limited resource in terms of finance and time on the side of the researcher. This limitation was however sorted out by sourcing for more funds from friends and well-wishers to cater for heavy expenses likely to be incurred during the process of the study.
This thesis comprise of six main chapters. Chapter one has provided the overall introduction, background of the problem, problem statement, research objectives, research questions, and finally comments on the scope and limitation of the study.Chapter 2 (literature review) involve examinations of a number of literatures from various research done on a number of disciplines related to safety culture in the maritime industry. Chapter 3 (methodology) justifies the paradigms used in the research and approaches for the study and outlines the kind of methodologies that are used in answering the research questions. It gives explanation of the details of the data collection together with the data processing procedures and the techniques of analysis that are developed.Chapter 4 provides details of data analysis from questionnaire with regards to descriptive statistics using SPSS analysis. Multiple regression analysis is done for the purpose of investigating the kind of relationship that exists between the dependent variables and the independent variables.Chapter 5 presents discussion of the findings. The last chapter (chapter 6) provide conclusive remark on the findings and the implications of the obtained results. Study implications are divided into two aspects in this case: the implication for the academic theory and the implication for being applied practically. The last chapter also give suggestions/recommendations for future further research.


Though little is known about it, more than 90% of the UK’s visible trade use sea transport. Internationally, the shipping industry progressively expands to meet the demands of globalization (Theotokasand Alexopoulos, 1998). Despite the doubling of the world’s population in the last forty years the maritime trade has quadrupled. About 77% of world’s trade is conveyed by sea and seaborne trade is forecast to almost double over the next 15 years (Berg, 2013). The range of supporting maritime activities grows with increasing world trade and growing maritime leisure interests (Inttra’s New Shipping Application Delivery Platform, 2013).
A greater percentage of people are astounded by the scale and diversity of the UK Maritime Industry. The maritime sector covers shipping, subsea technology, ports, aquaculture, maritime legal and financial services, leisure and the Royal Navy to commercial fishing (Inttra’s New Shipping Application Delivery Platform, 2013). The history of UK maritime presents splendid contributions (Oltedal, 2011). It makes the largest maritime sector in Europe today with a turnover of about £56 billion larger than automotive sector. The industry is also larger than double the size of aerospace and agriculture sectors combined. An estimated 410,000 people are directly employed making the sector a major contributor to the economy of Europe (Oltedal, 2011). Both technological leaders in offshore oil and gas extraction are part of the team players. The sector leads globally in yacht design alongside building and racing. State of the art cruise companies in the world can still be traced to UK maritime industry (Inttra’s New Shipping Application Delivery Platform, 2013). The maritime industry actually constitutes travel, technology, good pay, safe working conditions, and real opportunities to explore full potential (Håvold, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer).
According to Anderson(2003), most of the accidents and occurrences in shipping are related endorsed to human error. Almost 75% -96% of shipping causalities is estimated to be as a result of human error (Kim and Ha, 2011). However, currently the cause of marine accidents is not associated to errors by humans but rather perceived as something trained and provoked by organizational factors from above. Therefore, human element is not just a cause but something that has to be explained (Oltedal,2011). The possible explanations to this could be linked to both seafarers’ cognitive system (training, fear, motivation factor) and also the situational system (for instance the climate stress, physical stress). According to Theotokas and Alexopoulos (1998), social systems such as life stress and roles are also some of the factors associated with human element. All this possible explanations are mutually interdependent (Celik, 2009). The individual factors are widely known to be inseparable from the organizational factors (Celik, 2009).
Additionally Berg (2013) argues that these errors are as a result of the social organization of the personnel on-board, economic pressure, the structure of the industry, and insurance and difficulties in international regulation. This review examines the current status of safety and emergency especially with regards to emergency response and preparedness in the maritime industry (Oltedal, 2011). The maritime industry is characterized by long working hours hence tiredness, pressure from work, climatic factors and long periods of time away from home, which could be potential contributors (Inttra’s New Shipping Application Delivery Platform, 2013). Today’s shipping industry faces other new challenges such as few operators compared to before. This has as a result increased human errors due to reduction of the failures in technology systems.
The safety at sea is controlled by the UN’s agency for shipping affairs, the International Maritime Organization (IMO). According to IMO, the human element and the management of safety are closely related (Berg, 2013). The ISM code became compulsory for every vessel and thus formally initiating the essence of safety culture in shipping industry (Kristiansen, 2013). Despite the fact that the ISM Code ought to support and also encourage the growth of safety culture in marine industry, according to research by Gasparotti (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer) recent statistics still show that accidents are still increasing and thus leading to not only an enormous damage to the environment but also to heavy loss of life.A Company measures its performance against parameters set within a documented system as allowed by the Safety Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment System (SMS) The SMS (Celik, 2009). The SMS enables a Company to identify areas of advancement in safety practice and pollution prevention measures. The effective implementation of a safety culture should lead to an improvement in safety consciousness and safety management skills.
Scholarly studies conducted in the United Kingdom based on the most obvious factors that are responsible for the kind of emergency situations faced in the maritime industry gave very long list of suggestions that were considered as very important for the purpose of ensuring safety during emergency in the maritime industry (Srinivasan, Bosco & Lohan, 2013). The study illustrated that safety is a kind of phenomenon that include every individual together with the top management of the shipping company and the whole maritime industry. Everybody has responsibility of enforcing behaviour and practices that are safe in nature when the ship is on board. Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment on the other hand is required to lay down policies, guidelines and resources required for meeting the safety expectation (Srinivasan, Bosco & Lohan, 2013). One of the easiest ways that any company can always demonstrate their commitments to their employees and customers is putting resource to guarantee their health and safety. In this sense, everybody in the company needs to be made aware of the safety policies and also understand the ramifications that an individual is likely to cause whenever they fail to yield to such requirements (Srinivasan, Bosco & Lohan, 2013). In the occurrence that employees are given room of providing their individual inputs on the on-board safety issues, there is a high expectation that they will follow it without having to be under external pressure. Participation of all the employees involved in the management and operation of ships is likely to result into increased practical ideas based on the fact that they are the ones performing the work and are provided with a sense of ownership and responsibilities.
Despite the fact that it is widely known that provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like the live jackets can reduce the amount of loses during the time of accidents, a number of studies have reported that such kind of equipment are yet to be 100 per cent in use. Ignorance as well as poor selection of materials has always received criticisms for this (Srinivasan, Bosco & Lohan, 2013). It is therefore important for the maritime companies to engage their employees and customers on on-board risk awareness, the kind of preparation that should be put in place to face such kind of unforeseen events and what should actually be done in the event that an emergency situation arises (Srinivasan, Bosco & Lohan, 2013). Sensitization on safety culture and practises while on board is very important. The focus also needs to be dived to the design of the vessels as well as the material selection. In a number of occurrences, cost has always been considered as the main determinant of the type of protective equipment or clothing that an individual on board will have (Srinivasan, Bosco & Lohan, 2013). In the occurrence that the selection of such live saving devices are based on the market price, chances that they are not original, properly fixed or having impeding performance is always very high (Talley, 2009).
Safety of individuals at the sea has been described as a long term problem despite numerous measures that have always been put in place to curb the possibility of occurrence of accidents (Inttra’s New Shipping Application Delivery Platform, 2013). The rate of mortality among people who are working in the maritime industry is very high in United Kingdom compared to those in the other professions. Hansen & Pedersen (2001) supported this claim in the study that aimed at investigating occupational safety and health among the organizations found in the United Kingdom. The findings in this assentation illustrated that more fishermen perished 52 times more often followed closely by seafarer at 30 times more than other workers within the industry (Hansen & Pedersen, 2001). The statistics show that shipping industry is the most hazardous and most dangerous occupation. There is need to reduce the death rate by ensuring safety of seafarers by eliminating unsafe working practices, for example, working in treacherous conditions (Hansen & Pedersen, 2001). Seafarers face problems with safety while performing their duties in the shipping industry.
Board vessel shipping is extensively known to be an occupation with a pronounced rate of deadly injuries that are instigated by maritime disasters and company’s accidents (Vinnem and Jan Erik, 2011). The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) states that “one factor still dominates the majority of maritime accidents; human error” (MAIB, 2000. According to Berg (2013), only 4 of possible 100 cases of maritime accidents occur without the human element, therefore this raises questions on how prepared the maritime industry is in the cases of emergency. Information that relates to sea accidents have been operated and looked at by government agencies concerned with the states in which the incidences have occurred or countries that flag the vessels (Talley, 2009).
However, there is no institutionalized accident reporting system in the shipping domain that shows a problem in attempting to make clear causal themes from the accident information, despite this retroactive research has assessed the factors leading to shipping accidents in a more general sense.Theotokasand Alexopoulos(1998)analysed shipping accidents from the 20th century to 2002. Their findings shows there has been a progressive increase in number of accidents occurring in the maritime industry, demonstrating that there were 82 incidents between 1981 and 1990 and 282 incidents between 1991 and 2000 (Oltedal, 2011). Statistics by the UK maritime industry show that the solution to technical problems such as improving navigation has decreased the level of machine related errors and at the same time reveal the contribution of human element to accidents causation factors. These statistics avail the case for research into the preparedness for emergency in the shipping industry with the aim of decreasing errors and resulting accidents (Håvold, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer).



As a leader that is recognized within the global fight against the acts of terrorism, UK is reported to be having a founding role to undertake in guaranteeing that the world trade arteries are safe from any form of danger. Literature illustrate that the UK is drawing years of experience in developing securities in the maritime industry. A number of companies in the UK are currently playing greater responsibilities of protecting the ports all over the world, UK inclusive; with a number of companies specialized in marine safety offering products that range from equipment of high technology monitoring and tracking all through to systems of access control and security planning (Pacella, 2011). These companies are of high values for their expertise in safety response during the time of emergency while the ship is on board. As illustrated in a number of literatures, safety while on board comprise of another area of great importance within the modern set-up of the maritime industry. The know-how of the United Kingdom in this area is organized by the port personnel and traffic together with the surrounding environment of the port(Pacella, 2011).
Recently, there has been a trend on UKCS to replace the old ERRV with upgraded vessels that can do transfer operations (cargo and bulk) in addition to the traditional standby vessel role. As a result, there is need to ensure that there is effective arrangement for preparedness for recovery and rescue (Fletcher, Potts, Heeps, and Pike, 2009.). Additionally, using the ERRV in the supply vessel can initiate huge problems in detection of a collision threat and so the collision risk management issue should be put into consideration (Fletcher, Potts, Heeps and Pike, 2009). When the vessel is positioned alongside an installation for example, it can cause radar shadows which could block an approaching vessel, UKCS are thus better as they do not form shadow sector or unavailability of the vessel to respond to a collision scenario (Celik, 2009).
MES has been widely recognized within the UK maritime sector as a competent solutions provider for more complex systems within the field of navigation and communications (Dupre, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Therefore, as a spin off to our system integration work we have been commissioned to provide design and consultancy services to several large organizations including governmental departments and multi-national companies (Fletcher, Potts, Heeps and Pike, 2009). Such work could include assisting ship designers with specifications, or on site surveys with a view to upgrading systems. MES is a leading independent shipboard navigation and communications systems integrator supplying and installing electronic packages for new ship building projects in the specialist naval and offshore market segments (Fletcher, Potts, Heeps and Pike, 2009). MES is also provides complex retrofit solutions such as major bridge upgrades on existing ships. Based in the UK but working in shipyards all over the world, MES will help you ensure that your project achieves technical, operational and legislative compliancy with a best value for money approach (Celik, 2009).
MES can benefit the shipyard by taking all of the integration risk for the equipment package, and MES can advise on the most suitable equipment in the marketplace for the ship owner’s operational needs (Talley, 2009). MES has an enviable track record of consistently good project management, system planning and onsite installation work leading to fewer commissioning and warranty issues (Fletcher, Potts, Heeps and Pike, 2009). This has led us in turn to have an excellent working relationship with many of the leading marine electronic equipment manufacturers, and major customers such as UK (Celik, 2009).

Human responses in navigation emergency are determined by but not limited to situation and fatigue. Research by Berg (2013) shows that there are harmful outcomes from fatigue such as poor health and thus reduced performance. For instance, the watch keeper had only 5-6 hours of sleep 24hours before the falling of the Exxon Valdez in 1989; this insinuates that fatigue also contributed to the incident. According to Kim and Ha (2011), fatigue is not a new trend in the shipping industry but the seafarers working conditions are becoming increasingly demanding in UK. UK shipping industry is characterized with reduced sea passages, increased traffic, reducing manning due to systems and quick turnarounds. Therefore, longer working times for instance in the last three days prior, are linked to shipping accidents which are related to fatigue (Kim and Ha, 2011). In a research by Oltedal (2011), the officers in charge of the 4 investigation were presented with at least 98 marine casualty reports and in at least 23% of these cases, they discovered that fatigue was a contributory factor.
The IMO introduced mandatory work rets but still in some instances personnel have no option but to work for more than 12 hours with a 6 hour break. For instance, during the discharging operations in ships, the main officer must be available at all times and mostly for very long hours as it takes a lot of time to discharge tankers with huge tonnages (Oltedal, 2011). Another report by the National Transportation Safety Board trying to deal with the issue of officer fatigue, seafarers were among those in occupational groups that involve working at most all the time in a month (Matutano Negro, López-Gutiérrez, Esteban & del Campo, 2013). Fatigue has risen much in the past 3-10 years in UK and Europe according to a study carried out by the National Union of Marine Aviation and Shipping Transport Officers in which most operators admitted suffering from fatigue. A further study byHåvold (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer) to UK seafarers, 50% admitted to have worked for more than 85 hours weekly while 68% expressed than provision of additional extra manning would definitely reduce fatigue levels.
Situational awareness is also an example of human response as it possess a model of what is going on at any one time and also to make projections as to how the situation will develop. Rees, Rodwell, Attrill, Austen and Mangi (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer) state that three levels: (a) operators should have the right perception of the components so as to have a vivid image (b) combining, interpreting and storing the information with much greater understanding and (c) combining the two (Matutano Negro, López-Gutiérrez, Esteban & del Campo, 2013). Situational awareness is important as it entails having the ability to use information from the environment to predict the possible future events. Theotoka and Alexopoulos (1998) illustrate in their research of 1000 shipping accidents that 70% of the errors were as a result of cognitive problems in humans and lack of preparedness to handle emergencies (Kao, Pearre& Firestone, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap).
Literature illustrates that damages and risk that are witnessed as a result of maritime accident can have their impact reduced with the assistance of better forecasts and efficient system of monitoring (Siddiqui &Verma, 2013). Within the UK, the TOSCA project (Tracking Oil spills and Coastal Awareness network) financed partly by the development fund of European region within the framework of the program of MED, have a plan of improving the effectiveness and quality of the process of decision making with regards to maritime accidents within the Mediterranean with regard to pollution of oil spill and policy makers of search and rescue operations (MISLA & Fajardo, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). This can be done with the assistance of a network comprising if local authorities, scientists and policy makers, having maritime monitoring system which is scientific and forecasting system and the initiation of the action plans and tools for decision making(Fabinyi, Pido, Ponce de Leon, De las Alas &Buenconsejo, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) and (Uyami-Bitara, Harani& Caceres, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). This project is developed towards developing the response strategies and also aims at implementing geospatial information system that provides important data to support decision making of local authority in the occurrence of maritime accident (Frodl, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). The establishment of a common strategy for coastal emergency response has also been highlighted as important for the purpose of reducing the risk involved when an emergency situation has occurred when the ship is on board (Lentarev, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap).


The widely known strength of the emergency inquiry system of the UK is that it is always exhaustive as well as meticulous. The only shortcoming of this system is the strict term under which operations are allowed even during the time of emergency (PINIELLA, SILOS & BERNAL, 2013). Further studies also illustrate that there is never follow ups on the recommendations made by the public agencies and those in authority(Fabinyi, Pido, Ponce de Leon, De las Alas &Buenconsejo, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) and (Uyami-Bitara, Harani& Caceres, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). The inquiry about the Zeebrugge disaster for instance, gave an excellent analysis of the prevailing weaknesses within the structure of the roll-on-roll ferry system in the United Kingdom which up to the current times, is yet to result into measures that can be used to prevent the occurrence of such situations in the future(PINIELLA, SILOS & BERNAL, 2013). This is because, regardless of the outcry from the public, the British government found it not very possible to get international action which is concerted. on a case of almost similar nature, Braer disaster resulted into numerous reports which gave information on how effective is the emergency planning and response during a disaster onboard and it also raised questions which are very important regarding public learning and the existing international regulations in the concern of safety of individuals in the sea (Bento, , 2011). The heart of this problem do not only end at the UK national control arena, but spread to the international maritime organization, the body of the UN that has sole responsibility for the international shipping agreements (Sharif & Qin, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Putting a call for an urgent action at the national level to changes in the international bodies has a lot of challenges.
The Braer incident would be considered as an illustration of serendity in two major ways as far as the concerned of the public agencies (Tenner, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). It was first taken to be a major disaster which resulted into maximum emergency response which by good luck rather than good emergency response, did not lead to very severe consequences (Kabakchiev, Behar, Garvanov, Kabakchieva, Daniel, Kabakchiev, Gashinova&Cherniakov, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). The reality witnessed of the incident resulted to an excellent effect of spinoff. It cornered the agencies to operationalize their plans for emergency for coping up with a big disaster (Karim, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay).This provided them with great opportunity to determine the effectiveness of their plans and how they can respond to an emergency issue at the sea (Kabakchiev, Behar, Garvanov, Kabakchieva, Daniel, Kabakchiev, Gashinova&Cherniakov, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Second to note is the fact that the incidence resulted into greater public shock that a formal inquiry was established to give advice on whether great measures are needed to protect the coastline and sea of the UK (Soszynska-Budny, 2013). Just for illustration, MV Braer was an oil tanker that was carrying more than eighty thousand tons of oil and sixteen tones of heavy fuel oil (Kabakchiev, Behar, Garvanov, Kabakchieva, Daniel, Kabakchiev, Gashinova&Cherniakov, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). As a result of engine failure and poor condition of the storm, the ship wrecked on the Shetlands.
All the cargo on board leaked into the sea or was blown into the environment by the heavy wind, with the tank sinking latter, leading to maximum lost.As a result of this, there was little delay in response and completing inquiries because of the legal proceedings and there was no incidence of blaming and defensive as had always witnessed in such incidences (Kabakchiev, Behar, Garvanov, Kabakchieva, Daniel, Kabakchiev, Gashinova&Cherniakov, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service).
The report regarding the emergency response on Braer crisis illustrate that the system of emergency management were established both efficiently and effectively. The contingency plan that had been established by the MPCU worked to success (Offutt, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). The important lessons learned from the emergency, which of course is being implemented as a measure of preparedness for any unforeseen future at sea disaster in the UK is the need for early warning whenever such event are suspected so as to build up the effort of response (Struett, Nance & Armstrong, 2013). It is widely recognized that the last thing the master or owner of a ship always want is to be heal responsible for accidents based on the fact that this can always result into legal proceedings and compensations whenever there is loss of life or pollution. As a result of this, masters are always very reluctant to call for assistance whenever an emergency arises while they are on board(Struett, Nance & Armstrong, 2013). They usually think that they are working in the interest of their employer without realizing that by reducing the chances of possible temporary help, there can be great loss. The problem on the side of those responsible for emergency response is that they can always do very little until there is a greater potential for an incident(Struett, Nance & Armstrong, 2013). As a result of that, there have always been a number of cases reported on delays to provide substantive responses especially in areas regarded as remote. The humble lesson learnt in this case is that the ship master needs to provide the emergency response team with early alert so that they can plan on how to respond(Struett, Nance & Armstrong, 2013). Additionally, there is great need for providing accurate information regarding the nature of pollution and weather condition within the scene of incident (Soares, Jacobs, Blomé&Ek, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). As in the case of Braer for instance, the weather was worst for more than one week and this made spraying of dispersants from the aircraft to be only possible on basis that were very limited (Fabinyi, Pido, Ponce de Leon, De las Alas &Buenconsejo, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) and (Uyami-Bitara, Harani& Caceres, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Observers reported that it was after a week of the disaster when it became possible to spray.


The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) of the UK envisions to drive progress towards safety in maritime industry. It coordinates the UK’s 24-hour maritime emergency response service and also monitors the quality of ships operating in water and thus reducing the negative impact on environment (Fletcher, Potts, Heeps and Pike, 2009). The MCA will keep on changing as our very own major aspect inward changes and those started by the Civil Service Reform Plan (Scott, 2011). In accordance with the modified calendar we distributed in September 2013, the Future Coastguard Program will finish in 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service,  write my thesis project conveying an administration fit for the 21st century, which will keep on being supported by the broad volunteer Coast protect Rescue Service (Celik, 2009). It runs a project of change to enhance our effectiveness and client administration in our boat overview and examination exercises. We have moved to the administration’s Shared Services center for the Department for Transport and its offices, incorporating our account, individual’s administration and acquirement capacities (Fletcher, Potts, Heeps and Pike, 2009).
The MCA’s most noteworthy test over the coming year is to join these progressions whilst keeping on keeping up our superb conveyance of bleeding edge administrations and obligations, in the meantime taking our clients, our own kin and the more extensive open alongside us, as the Agency advances and makes strides (Fletcher, Potts, Heeps and Pike, 2009). The Agency has added online networking to its correspondences channels, and has pulled in more than 31,000 devotees on Twitter (Lyovin, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). The MCA’s open site moved to GOV.UK in March 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay. We are likewise during the time spent transitioning a greater amount of our client confronting administrations advanced reaction to any sort of crisis, brisk and dependable arranging and task of team assets lastly, productive emergency administration (Fletcher, Potts, Heeps and Pike, 2009). These topics are probably the most vital in sea instruction and preparing and STCW Manila Amendments connected following 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap mirror a noteworthy need for preparing boat’s officers and teams of freight and traveler ships in adequate abilities and suitable techniques(Shop Floor Recording Systems Improve Cutting Productivity, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap).
The most ideal approach to accomplish experience and to pick up the important aptitudes are practice keeps running on uncommonly composed test systems which sensibly speak to the mind boggling ship conditions on board such vessels after a crisis caution happens (Gasparotti, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). In spite of the fact that there are numerous tenets and regulations as of now set up for example; SOLAS, STCW, ISM, and ISPS ‐it is still important to guarantee a changeless procedure of adjustment and change in wellbeing and security preparatory measures both in port and additionally adrift. This is finished by testing and enhancing advanced wellbeing and security hardware furthermore incorporates a steady survey of preparing and bores (Gasparotti, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Preparation is important for making a changeless abnormal state of wellbeing and security mindfulness on board to make preparations for human lack of concern on obligation and to better rouse boats’ teams (White, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service).
The circumstance on board ship respects crisis readiness is for the most part influenced by the accompanying issues: group capacity and involvement in the occasion of “exasperates” operation on vessels is restricted or even on‐existent, multi‐lingual teams cause correspondence issues in a crisis circumstance, lessening of group individuals causes absence of keeping an eye on accessible intricacy of crisis gear is for all time growing, yet preparing in crisis taking care of is not on a standard with these improvements (Shipping Safety and Risk since the Titanic, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). New administration frameworks and regulations of the IMO (ISM/ISPS) imply that new techniques in innovation for crisis preparing are fundamental (Gasparotti, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). HSW offers re-enactment based instructional classes in wellbeing and security at different levels of multifaceted nature; for appraisals at a fundamental level, for officers and bosses at administration level – all as per IMO benchmarks (Fletcher, Potts, Heeps and Pike, 2009).

The construction and design of the current vessels (both dry cargo and liquid vessels) has greatly improved since the last century, improving the safety, survivability and reliability of vessels in the sea. There are three main independent designs that covers the safety of ships when they are onboard: the load line Convention, the rules regarding classification of society and lastly the SOLAS Convention(Shipping Safety and Risk since the Titanic, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). By early nineties, the sailor had a chance of more than 4 per cent to lose his ship. With proper emergency preparedness witnessed in the UK’s maritime industry, the chance of losing a ship during an emergency has been reduced to less than 0.5 per cent(Shipping Safety and Risk since the Titanic, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Steam and Sails have all been replaced by the modern concepts of propulsion, steel together with the current materials have since replaced vessels that were made of wood, communication and navigation have also witnessed new technologies being applied.
There is a national regulation developed under the principle of IMO that is responsible for the managerial together with other aspects of shipping operations that are not technical. In the case of an emergency or disaster, UK has established provisions for investigating the occurrence of these events through their Maritime Courts or the committees for accident investigations (Hunter, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Despite all these amount of efforts however, maritime accidents still occur among the UK maritime companies causing a huge number of casualties among the crews, raising a lot of concern from the public regarding the safety of the maritime industry in case of great emergency and there is a call for further improvement so that the sector can adequately be prepared to response to any kind of disaster that might be experienced when the ship is on board (Stephens &Rothwell, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Additionally, the maritime sector is currently changing with regards to the design of the ship, organization of safety and risk awareness among the public. With regards to ship design, a shift has taken place from the rules prescribed and the standards of quantitative design to specify the safety levels of their ships (Kennedy, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). As a result of the economy of scale, vessels have become conceptually different and they have become very large. In consolidating the safety in the maritime industry, safety culture and quality assurance are generated to comply with the international safety management code of IMO (Gökhan, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Public acceptance and societal risk awareness have changed too, with the current emphasis being made on prevention, emergency handling and rescue. Such type of changes are likely to have unforeseen adverse impact on safety during the time of onboard emergency.


Wherever an accident occurs, investigations are done for a number of reasons and at different levels. The main reason in this case is to identify the factor/error that might have caused the accident so as to prevent such type of accident from taking place in future or elsewhere. Findings of such kind of investigations usually work as indicators of safety culture performance, policy making, for further safety research and finally to allocate blames in the court of law (Al Jourani, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Those blamed for having been responsible for the disaster can be investigated further and punished so as to draw lessons that help prevent the re-occurrence of events of similar nature(Al Jourani, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). The responsibility put forward towards investigating accidents that have occurred in the sea lies with a number of authorities depending on the severity, nature and extends to which the accident has occurred. Minor accidents that occur on board, like minor injuries that are occupational are sole responsibility of the captain involved(Heavy Lift and Maritime Surveillance Aircraft, 2011). Major accidents are the responsibility of those in national authority, specifically the maritime inspectorates and are submitted to the current regime of legal notification.

Accidents that comprise of fatalities and hull losses are described in UK as naval disasters and are left to the role of committees in charge of accident investigation or the maritime courts. Such type of courts has long history with nations having strong maritime tradition like in the case of UK (Heavy Lift and Maritime Surveillance Aircraft, 2011). The courts in this case are formed on the basis of protecting the crew, passengers and the whole cargo from a possible misconduct on the side of the captain during journeys in deep sea. Such courts undertake investigations together with disciplinary actions focusing on the safety behaviors of the captain and the officer who was on board (Pazovsky, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). It is however important to highlight here that the institutional and policy gaps that have the potential of causing such kind of accidents are never taken into account by these courts. The investigations done in the UK are specifically restricted to the traffic in the sea with the cargo and passenger sector(Pazovsky, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap).
In the last years, a newer branch within accident investigation community has been witnessed: agency of independent accident investigation, mostly named as board responsible for safety ship transportation (Bhattacharya, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Unlike the court system which is mainly responsible for establishing a blame, the independence accident investigation board is focused on future preparedness and learning (Chiu & Lin, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). During the time of investigation, they are categorically interested in establishing what actually happened by revealing the efficiencies experienced in the system. The other aim is to put to rest that public concern that had risen due to accident occurrence(Chiu & Lin, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). As a result of the ever growing interest of the public after serious incidents have occurred in passenger ferries, some other objectives have always been added so as to assist the victims together with their families to come to terms with the kind of suffering they are going through (Shop Floor Recording Systems Improve Cutting Productivity, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap).

This chapter presents with itself the data collected during the process of the study; including the systematic review, questionnaires and observations made on the maritime vessels. The chapter also presents the discussion of each of the results generated from the findings that have close association with the safety and emergency issues within the UK maritime industry.
Data in this case was collected via self-administered questionnaires. A total of fifty five questionnaires were distributed to individuals involved in management and operation of maritime industry. As had been mentioned, the research population comprised of the controlled dry cargo and liquid carriers above 500 gross tons. A total of 50 target group vessels were randomly selected from the 900 vessels within the UK Shipowners’Association’s list of members for 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service. Respondents in this case included Engineers, project managers, captains, mates, AB/seaman among others. A total of 55 questionnaires were face to face administered to the respondents and out of this, only 50 were returned completed, presenting a response rate of more than 90%. Bristol on-line surveys was applied in collecting more information from the respondents
Thissection presents the type of individuals who were involved withdry cargo and liquid carriers, their current position and work experience. Based on the figure presented below, study participants included project managers (8%), mates (32%), engineers (8%), captains (40%) and others (12%).
Figure 1: Professions of the study participants

As described in the table below, the work experience of the study participants within the maritime industry in the UK ranged from one single year to more than forty years with the median experience being 17 years. While most of the respondents have been operating within their current position at work place for a period of around ten months to thirty years, the median period of time under which they have been working in their current placement was found to be 5 years.
Table 1: Work experience of the study participants
N Minimum Medium Maximum
Number of years in which the participant has been working in the maritime industry 50 1.0 17.0 40.0
Number of years an individual has taken in his current position of work 50 0.8 5 30

Of all the respondents from the dry cargo and liquid vessels, male constituted 92 percent while females were only 8 percent.
Figure 2: Gender of the respondents


Asked to note safety concerns that need Shipboard emergency preparedness among the shipping industry in UK, a number of responses were obtained. These comprised of drowning, pirate attack, and technical problem with the ship itself, small fire break out, propulsion problems and electrical outages that might result into the ship sinking. As one of the respondents put it “there has always reported cases of pirate attack on the vessels on board and due to this, ships have always taken precaution when traveling in areas known for the activities of the pirate.” Ships moving through such areas usually take serious precautions in ensuring the security of the passengers as well as their safety. For instance, in the case of cruise, all the exterior lights are normally dimmed and the travellers in the cruise asked to set the lights of their cabins at its lowest settings so that the ship can be less on target. Very few ships also sail through the routes known to be of security concerns. The other safety concern that was mentioned widely by the respondents is the collapse or sinking of the ship while on board. In this sense, everybody inside the ship is usually required to be having lifesaving floaters. Additionally, there is usually a constant communication between the captain and the port of origin plus that of destination so that should there be a security issue when the ship is on board, then a quick response can always follow so as to save lives and properties involved.
Such kind of arguments is also found in the literature which perceives safety culture as a reciprocal of fusions of three main interrelated elements. The first element quoted in the literature is about psychological factors, including the attitude and perception of each given individual towards safety and during shipboard emergency. This element was assessed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Additionally, both formal and informal interviews were done for the purpose of understanding the comprehensive happenings that usually take place in an individual whenever there is shipboard emergency that requires safety response. The second element described in the literature is observable behaviors that can be defined as safety, or the kind of safety activities that individuals are actually doing while they are on board.
The safety related behaviors during the time of shipboard emergency was also evaluated using the questionnaire in which individuals reported their own behaviors whenever they are involved in incident/accidents that require quick safety response. Other than that, participatory field study was conducted on a number of ships to witness the kind of safety behaviors and emergency preparedness put in place. The respondents regarded behavior patterns as the manifestation of the shipboard culture and the kind of safety culture practiced on the higher level of the company. Lastly, the third element was organizations factors such as efficiency versus safety, and safety culture policy which were evaluated using the interviews. The questionnaire also comprised of a number of questions related to the organization safety culture policy. With regards to this, the background influence was also regarded as very important. The commonly known distinctive features of the context of shipping comprise of inter alia, work and life on board as an institution which is total in itself and running for twenty four hours a week.
Regarding the comparison made on the confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis, a number of factors were found to be having some truth: reporting practices of any danger faced while on board, crew interaction with the original port of departure and the port of destination, ensuring high rate of competency among people on board, proper local management and developing some kind of proactive work practices such as training, putting alerts, regular servicing and maintenance of the ships, surveillance and provision of both technical team and security on standby for the purpose of any emergency that might arise (Struett, Nance & Armstrong, 2013). This kind of qualitative data did indicate that the shipping industry’s strategy of crewing, which comprise of the terms of employment, rotation systems and proper policy towards management of the shipboard emergency are interlinked with how safety cultures get manifested while the ship faces emergency situation while on board. Taking into account that seafaring is a kind of 24 hour society and the earthly distance between the on-shore organization and the vessel itself might have great influence on the safety systems and safety plans that had been developed on shore and how they are applied in the vessels.
The article by Soares, Jacobs, Blomé&Ek (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap) described safety preparedness during emergency on shipboard. The article described the theoretical emergency preparedness. It is described in the article as a system containing four sub-systems: reporting and collecting information related to all the possible emergency situations that can be experienced when the ship is on board; summarizing and analyzing all the data that have been collected, coming up with possible safety measures that can curb the disaster from taking place and also what will be done should there be an emergency and finally implementing the safety measures either to prevent the disaster or during the time of emergency which the ship is on board (Soares, Jacobs, Blomé&Ek, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). The argument in the article was based on the context that safety concerns need to balance with the economical and profit concerns. The safety preparedness in this case was according to the international emergency preparedness code. The article explicitly adopted a combined approach of case studies, surveys, interviews together with other qualitative information(Soares, Jacobs, Blomé&Ek, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap).
Despite the fact that individuals involved with dry cargo shipping usually have very few related safety requirements to prepare for emergency, the tanker segment is entrenched extensively within the UK maritime industry, which give an explanation of the kind of serious safety issues put in place(Soares, Jacobs, Blomé&Ek, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Failing to adequately report some of the minor incidents and near misses are very common among the industry of dry cargo. In the two sectors, the frequency of reporting is associated with the amount of feedback given upon the events that are reported(Soares, Jacobs, Blomé&Ek, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Despite the fact that both dry cargo and oil vessels usually have cases of underreporting, existing data from the survey revealed that safety campaigns which are very important in emergency preparedness had some positive impact on safety culture behavior during the time of shipboard emergency. The results obtained revealed that such kind of feedback play significant role in safety control on the side of the dry cargo sector as compared to the tanker sector(Soares, Jacobs, Blomé&Ek, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap).
Further analysis revealed that the shore tankers are usually not prepared to manage the kind of ever increasing workload that increase in reporting carries itself with. In such occurrences, the organization fails to get the right feedback, something that does not add well with the safety campaigns carried out as an approach to emergency preparedness. It is however suggested in the literature that the dry cargo companies would benefit from such kind of campaigns when it comes to increasing the awareness of crew and recognition of the possible near misses together with understanding the importance of reporting in case an emergency situation arises when the ship is on board. It is always required that the shore side give out resources for any possible increase in the total number of emergency cases reported and speed up quick follow-up. The experience gained from the tanker industry shows that the coming up with a response system which is procedurally detailed might undermine safety, especially when speed response is required during emergency. Further analysis suggests that measures of safety need to be introduced by the industrial and internal need and not when there is external demand from the customers (Struett, Nance & Armstrong, 2013).
Asked to the state the extent in which they agree with the statements related to shipboard emergency preparedness within their shipping company, a number of responses were obtained with majority of the respondents (90%) asserting that safety during emergency is considered to be important just the same way of getting the job done. Only one single individual had a strong contrary opinion regarding this question and he stated that he strongly disagreed with the statement that Safety during emergency is considered to be important just the same way of getting the job done. Asked, however to indicate their level of agreement with the statement: We always conduct a “Safe Job Analysis”/“Risk Analysis” before undertaking high risk operation in the sea, most of the respondents (60%) disagreed, 10% agreed, 20% were neutral while the remaining 10% either strongly agreed or strongly disagreed. This was a clear indication that safe analysis is never conducted in most of the ship companies in the United Kingdom. The figure below illustrates this finding:

Table 2: We always conduct “safe Job Analysis”/”Risk Analysis” before undertaking high risk operation in the sea
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly agree 3 6.0 6.0 6.0
Agree 5 10.0 10.0 16.0
Neutral 10 20.0 20.0 36.0
Disagree 30 60.0 60.0 96.0
Strongly disagree 2 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

It was also evidence that safety evaluation is never carried out before newworking methods, tools, or routines are introduced into the vessel as majority of the respondents in this case showed that they disagreed with the statement. The illustration is shown in the table below:

Figure 3: Safety evaluation is always carried out before new working methods, tools, or routines are introduced into the vessel

Further investigations revealed that on the job site, employees believe it is their responsibility to maintain their safety and health during emergency on board. With regard to the use of personal protective equipment such as live jackets, most of the respondents illustrated that such protective equipment and the emergency kit are never on standby while on board.
Respondents were also requested to state the main reasons why they would not report an emergency situation while on board. The respondents were allowed to write all their alternative answers due to the fact that the question was somehow open ended. The three main results obtained are shown in the table below:

Response Frequency (%)
The incidence lack serious consequences worth reporting 35
There was possibility of negative reaction either from my co-workers 25
I was afraid the information could be used against me 30

The questionnaire which was presented in this case was about safety cultures on board vessel from the side of human point of view. It was developed in a structured manner with the aim of presenting the real picture of design of emergency response software systems, human response in navigation emergency and shipboard emergency preparedness. As mentioned earlier, documents on the human response and preparedness for shipboard emergency are very limited hence such effort should be taken as important instruments that is used to generate important information related to safety culture on the board vessel.
One of the greatest findings shows that shipping companies have placed much of their attention on the aspects related to safety preparedness like emergency prevention and training of everybody on board. This is however mainly if not exclusively a human factor. Safety of Marine has been reported to be the main goal of the currently developed emergency response software systems. Some of the respondents argued however that implementation of emergency response software system has made reporting and documentation of emergency situation become both easy and complicated. For instance, instances of system failure has always lead to extra paperwork and this has always brought the crew into situations which are very boring, increasing the chances of marine accidents getting out of control due to error made by human being. As one of the respondents illustrated, “this is a fat that need to be addressed urgently”. It is important for the authorities within the maritime industry not to allow some of these weaknesses associated to emergency response software system so as to overtake the huge number of safety driven advantages it poses. Unlike the situation in the developed countries, it is important to state here that countries providing labour force do never have deep culture of ensuring safety while the ship is on board.
The aspect of safety is in most cases missing within their education system. This make SMS provided in UK to act as a good guide in the process of emergence preparedness and response on shipboard. In the event that an incident/accident occurs, the guidelines from ISM improve the individual point of action that will conclude finally with existing unfortunate mishap. There are however a number of topics such as individual motivation, attitude of the crew and crew honesty to dispose off information related to safety of the ship in good time so that adequate response can be organized. It look like the important section of marine accidents that are driven by human error can be associated to inadequate emergency preparedness and human response especially on the side of the individuals on watch. The International Maritime Organization has already put an action towards this matter by introducing STCW. The other larger proportions of accidents that are related to human beings originate from choices and actions which are not correct as a result of fatigue, boredom, stress of inadequate training/education. The other main causes of human related poor response and preparedness to disaster is bad usage of radar and failing to properly chose the correct speed of the vessel or problem attached to language.
There exist numerous instances when communication between the captain in the shipboard and the offshore became impossible due to technical problem either with the ship’s communication system or bad weather pattern. In such cases, adequate response to an emergency has always proved to be very difficult. The people interviewed in this case showed their strong believed that the implementation of schemes which are safety oriented like in the SMS approach, can actually improve the level of emergency preparedness as well as the level of safety response whenever there is an emergency. This is done based on the fact that this kind of effort can efficiently handle all the issues related to human factor and hence neutralizes the basics of delay in human response during an emergency occurrence. The general view of implementation of the code is however not 100 per cent positive based on the fact that a number of seafarer have strong believe that ISM need a lot of paper work, increases the workload they are required to accomplish and hence expensive and time consuming. On the other hand a larger proportion of seafarer maintain positive attitude towards the code, illustrating numerous advantages that the instrument is likely to bring in the nature of emergency preparedness and response especially when accidents classified as serious disasters are experienced.

This section of the paper give perception of the researcher regarding the kind of experienced witnessed during the process of completing the project. It also reflect on the new understanding developed on the topic and acknowledges the field as a whole. The reflection dwells on safety cultures appraisal on board vessel found within the maritime industry, the design of emergency response software systems, human response in navigation emergency, and shipboard emergency preparedness. This section acts like a bridge that connects the knowledge and experience gained to professional application of findings in improving safety culture within the maritime industry. The study utilized both primary and secondary data so as to gain deep understanding of what actually happens with regards to emergency preparedness and human response during the time of navigation emergency.
The event being reflected upon in this case is a dissertation that has been developed by employing both systematic review of literature and collection of primary data through the use of interview guides and questionnaires. The study involved a total of 50 target group vessels which were randomly selected from the 900 vessels within the UK Ship-owners’Association’s list of members for 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service. Questionnaires were randomly administered to the people found on board. The people interviewed were of different professions including: captains, engineers, manager, AB/seamen, mates among other people.
The dissertation started with the introduction chapter where the researcher described in details, the background of the study, problem statement, study justification, aim and objectives of the study, research questions, limitations and the scope of the study, the source of information and lastly the a summary of how the dissertation has been structured. The researcher then reviewed a number of scholarly literatures on the topic of the study so as to gain more knowledge on what other scholars have done in relation to adoption of safety culture in shipboard emergency. Review of literature was also considered important as it would help the researcher to identify the existing gaps that have not been adequately addressed by the existing literature. The methodology chapter was considered important in explaining how relevant data and information regarding the design of emergency response software systems, human response in navigation emergency and shipboard emergency preparedness would be obtained. Three investigation chapters have been developed as per the study objectives followed by data analysis chapter that relate the findings to previous studies before the project was concluded and reflected upon.
The strategy that the researcher selected in this case was considered as the most appropriate as it help meet the study objectives and aim. Mixed method, comprising of systematic review of literature and primary data collection methods (administering questionnaire and in-depth interviews) was a better approach of its kind though such kind of study design is usually time consuming as well as expensive. The other possible approaches that would have been utilized were undertaking qualitative research that only involves systematic review of secondary literature or a quantitative study that involve meta-analysis of secondary data. However, this kind of approach would not provide a comprehensive finding as in the case of mixed method of data collection.
This dissertation has transformed the knowledge of the researcher regarding safety cultures appraisals on board vessel, the design of emergency response software systems, and the manner in which human response during emergency in navigation, and the level of shipboard emergency preparedness in the current maritime industry. The findings illustrate that a lot of emphasis have been placed on safety culture while the ship is on board. These have mainly been influenced by the standard put by the International Maritime Organization that requires all the shipping companies to put in place necessary measures for emergency preparedness and response. A lot still need to be done however as the study reveals that emergency response and preparedness is never 100 per cent successful. The researcher has developed individual confidence on how to appraise safety cultures on board vessel so as to ensure safety and security of all people involved in the shipping industry. The researcher celebrated the project as one of the most wonderful activity carried out within the course of professional development and has recommended more research to be done on the same topic.

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Section 1: Demographic information of the study participant
1.1 Which of the following can best describe your job position/title?
(a) captain (b) Engineer (c) project manager (d) AB/seaman (e) mate (f) Others——(specify)
1.2 For how long have you been working within the shipping industry?————————-
1.3 How long have you been working for this shipping company?———————–
1.4 How long have you been working at this vessel?_________________
1.5 What is your gender
a. Male b. female
1.6 What is your age——————-
Section 2: The level of Shipboard emergency preparedness
2.1 Kindly note any type of safety concerns that need Shipboard emergency preparedness among the shipping industry in UK
2.2 With reference to Shipboard emergency preparedness, to what extent are you in agreement with the following statements in which case 1= strongly disagree, 2= disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree, 5= strongly agree
Statement Strongly Neither agree Strongly
agree nor disagree disagree
Safety during emergency is considered to be important just the same way of getting the job done

We always conduct a “Safe Job Analysis”/“Risk
Analysis” before undertaking high risk operation in the sea

safety evaluation is always carried out before new
working methods, tools, or routines are introduced into the vessel

On the job site, employees believe it is their responsibility to maintain their safety and health during emergency on board

Personal protective equipment and the emergency kit are always standby while on board.

2.3 In your opinion, how do you consider the level of Shipboard emergency preparedness in your company?
Section 3: Current safety human responses in navigation emergency and the design of emergency response software systems
3.1 During the last 1 year, have you ever been involved in a serious incident that requires emergency response?
a. Yes b. No
4.3 During the last 1 year, have any of your co-workers been involved in a serious incident that requires emergency response?
a. Yes b. No

4.4 During the last 2 years, have you been involved in what was almost a serious accident?

a. Yes b. No

3.4 If yes, comment on how you responded to the navigation emergencies in the above situations
3.5 In your own words, how can you describe the design of emergency response software systems in the UK shipping industry?

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