The roles, responsibilities and boundaries of a tutor within the FE/adult education sector are ever progressing qualities which are reflected upon using the teaching cycle. This cycle can be used by both tutor and learner as discussed in ‘Prepare to teach in the lifelong learning sector’ – Ann Gravells 3rd Edition. Roles 1. 0 The role of a tutor is to create a safe and healthy learning environment, where learners are able to work at their individual level. This is backed up by the use of initial assessment upon induction to the course.
This will allow the tutor to pinpoint who may eed additional support through one to one support and extra tutorials. I, as the tutor will be teaching the subject effectively following the scheme of work, ensuring the aims and objectives are met. Continual assessment throughout the course will aid learner progression and also allow learners to re-evaluate their own development. Also by using learning style questionnaires like ‘Fleming 1987’ the tutor is able to teach using various learning styles such as, visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.
This allows inclusive teaching and will develop learners and cover all of their specific needs. The utor is able to adapt the lesson plan to incorporate all students giving them a chance to become involved. Planning and preparation are key issues ‘By Failing To Prepare, You Are Preparing To Fail’ as quoted by Benjamin Franklin. You must decide what you want to achieve, plan and deliver you lesson accordingly. Targets need to be set, SMART targets should be used specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time related.
These targets will enhance learning and can be used by both learner and tutor. At the end of the session it is vital to evaluate the lesson with the learners, by re-capping the aims to see if they were fully chieved. Once this has been carried out it may mean a change to the following weeks session. My role is also an assessor, so I need to prepare learners for practical assessments and give thorough guidance on the set criteria. Learners are encouraged to self assess giving them the opportunity to evaluate their own progression.
Feedback is given on a one to one, the learner is given praise regardless whether the result is a pass or fail. This is to ensure learners are encouraged and never feel downhearted, this in turn will boost moral and motivate the learners to succeed further. Responsibilities 2. My responsibilities are very important, I have a duty of care to provide a safe environment and conduct risk assessments on learners and follow them up with an action plan. During practical session enforcing the correct use of personal protective equipment.
I must ensure I keep an up to date register every session, this is essential to check learner attendance, achievement and also monitor progression. The awarding and funding bodies also need a record for their own evidence. Safeguarding learners, we carry out reviews every ten weeks and this involves covering Every Child Matters. Encouraging the learners to say how they stay safe, healthy and how they enjoy and achieve. The safeguarding policy we have in place not only covers our learners but also covers tutors.
Teaching all learners with equal respect regardless of their sex, race, religion or ability and promote equality and diversity to all learners within their lessons. This also allows the tutor to incorporate differentiation within the session. Planning, ensuring that I am following the scheme of work and the course content is clear but also meets the needs of the individual learner. This also means turning up efore the learners do and making sure all resources are prepared and you have taken into account any materials being used are suitable for all learning styles.
Data protection is an essential part of my responsibility as learners upon induction give information about themselves and this is to remain confidential at all times. Information about other staff members must not be passed on to learners as part of the data protection act. Standardising practise with other colleagues through attending standardisation meetings are vital to ensure practises are met and that all work is being marked to the correct standard. Homework handed in, is marked and returned within a reasonable time and any feedback and praise is constructive.
Above all self control is extremely important, be prepared for confrontation and negativity but to answer or handle the issues calmly. Acting, dressing and speaking in an appropriate manner at all times as learners look to you as a role model to follow. Boundaries 3. 0 As tutors,we have professional boundaries which we must work within and it is very important not to over step those boundaries. You must be able to identify where the role of a tutor stops and remain there. As a tutor I must keep to standards and work within egulations set by the awarding body.
Contact with learners should be kept to a professional level at all times, this means when contacting learners for assessments or to provide information to them it should be done using company mobiles or emails. Safeguarding yourself while using social networking sites having no learners on your profile, this protects both you as a tutor and the learner. Confidentiality of learners should be treated with respect, but the learner needs to be informed that although they have told you this information, you may have to refer it to a professional.
Conclusion 4. 0 This is a brief description of my roles, responsibilities and boundaries as a tutor within the FE/adult education sector. These are the most important issues to be able to carry out the role successfully and help learners progress. By using a skills audit for my own work I am able to identify that I can demonstrate my skills effectively and should use the audit to reflect, although I know personally that within the areas of numeracy and literacy skills my weakest skill is numeracy. I have been using BBC Skills Wise website to help me develop my skills and give me the confidence to guide learners through their own issues with numeracy.