She encourages further research on transformational earning with an interest In deferent methods to achieve such an experience other than high cognitive development, Miseries Transformational Learning Theory Jack Muzzier fostered a revolutionary theory for transformational learning with his studies throughout the sass. Muzzier explains his reasoning that transformational learning will sustain cognitive behavior changes throughout an individual’s life as affected by different experiences.
He found that development is the key to transformational learning in that one will attain this level of cognitive function after a certain developmental benchmark is reached. Shoran B. Merriam of the University of Georgia researches deeper into the context of Miseries transformational learning theory. Merriam does not argue the theory that development is necessary to transformational, instead she suggests a parameter. She claims, “one must already be at a mature level of cognitive functioning to engage in the transformational learning process,” depicting the aforementioned developmental benchmark (Merriam, 2004).
Muzzier believes that a transformation of one’s perspective is the key to adult development. Merriam elaborates on this argument by detailing how ore experiences create a “more inclusive, discriminating, open, emotionally capable of change, and reflective” perspective (Merriam, 2004). To surmise, more experiences yield a more mature perspective. Merriam continues to develop this this theory by elaborating on two main elements of Miseries transformational learning theory. The first element, critical reflection, is defined as “the ability to reflect critically,” “on our own assumptions as well as those of others” (Merriam, 2004).
The second element, reflective discourse, requires openness to different viewpoints and opinions. Merriam agrees that these two abilities can be very important in aiding transformational change. However, she proposes that these skills require extensive cognitive development. Unfortunately, Merriam proposes that many if not most adults, are simply not capable of these high level skills. Those who are unable to achieve these skills tend to “react by denial, entrenchment, and other manifestations of cognitive rigidity’ (Merriam, 2004).
Cognitive rigidity is the term that Merriam uses to describe non-dialectical thinking. Merriam then references a study of women’s epistemological placement by Blenny and Station’s, and also thinking of Muzzier himself, that the ability of critical reflection and reflective discourse is influenced by certain preconditions of development. This means that ones social, environmental, emotional, etc. Status can heavily influence ones level of cognitive development and thus ones capacity to undergo transformational learning.
Lastly, Merriam offers a bit of counter thought in that one can undergo transformational learning without intent (critical reflection and reflective discourse). She references studies by Taylor and McDonald who examined adults who knowingly underwent transformational learning. Basically, individuals can have a transformation learning experience while unaware that a change is occurring. This means no critical reflection or reflective discourse is mandatory. Miseries work reflection, … Or of mindless assimilation” (Muzzier, 2000).
Merriam presents her argument with well-researched information and properly analyzed data. After reading her work and reflection, it is easy to understand her mode of thinking. Her extension onto Miseries claim that one must be developmentally mature enough for Geiger level cognitive functioning is sound and logical. Referring back to her point on unintentional transformation learning substantiates that critical reflection and reflective discourse are not absolutely mandatory and suggest others routes to a transformational learning experience.
One day, while in line at Zoo’s Illegal Burrito, I happened to be behind a rather overweight couple. Once this couple got to the burrito roller, they asked if they preferred a whit or wheat tortilla. Upon hearing this question, the woman asked her partner what the difference was between the two, which he admitted to not knowing. They shared a chuckle and proceeded each get the largest white burrito with all the trimmings and double meat. This made me realize that l, too, was on a deadly path to bad nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle.