Case Analysis:
 Roger Clark, the young advanced expert in market development in Universal computers. He expects career growth. Now he has good relationship with Conrad Dawson, the group vice president, who sees a good specialist in him. But relations with the new boss  had no luck.  Mr. Carter had his own  candidate for a new position, so he wanted to get rid of Roger.

Dislike between Clarke and Carter, which may lead to Clarke’s dismission.
a.      People
·           Mr. Clarke – young advanced market development specialist in Universal computers.
·           Mr. Carter – Mr Clarke’s boss..
·           Mr. Dawson – the group vice president, who sees a good specialist in Clarke. Promoted Clarke to the current position.
b.      Institutions
Universal Computers

Clark learns about his new appointment. He carefully prepares to begin work. But then he meets his new boss,which he did not like, because he had his own opinion as to who was busy with a new position.

Carter’s overly optimistic goals.Carter’s dislike


Arrange a meeting with Dawson.
a. Let Dawson see what the situation is
            b. Possibility to spoil the relationship with Dawson.
2. Respond in writing.
            a. Justify own vision of the situation.
            b. Serious conflict is possible
3. Try to move laterally to another group in Universal Computers
            a. No conflict.
            b. Hard to move and get used to new position. May lose position
4. Send out his resume to other firms.
           a. No conflict.
           b. Hard to move and get used to new position. May lose position


Arrange a meeting with Dawson and discuss the problems in the marketing of the group. Try to persuade Dawson that Carter is leading the group to a difficult situation and that his plans and reports are mostly fabricated. Show clear and persuading proofs.


a.    It is not necessary to boycott  Carter’s orders because the situation can be worse
b.    Get all the essential proofs from the previous Carter’s reports and from customers and salesmen.
c.    Arrange a meeting with Dawson.

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