RN-BSN experiences Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion
RN-BSN experiences Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion

There will be total of 6 Journal entries for Modules 1-6. Each Module you are expected to address 3 key points from the Module content, discuss how each point applies to your practice as a nurse, and, finally, how will your practice change in the future because of this information.

In Module 7 your Journal entries will be used as you write the last paper for the program, the Synthesis Paper.

Journal Rubric for each Module

Criteria Target Unacceptable
Address 3 Key Points from Module for each Journal entry
(50 points)

Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the 3 key points selected and why they are important or memorable.
(50 points)

Does not sufficiently record connections or reflections
(0 Points)

Relevance and Evidence Based Practice
(25 points)

Connect RN-BSN experiences from each key point to career goals, prior nursing practice, a previous RN BSN course, nursing theories or research. Cite and reference as necessary.
(25 points)

Fails to connect RN-BSN experiences to goals, prior nursing practice, coursework, theories or research to key areas addressed or no references.
(0 points)

(25 points)

Describes how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program as a result of the 3 key areas addressed.
(25 points)

Fails to describes how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program
(0 points)

Late submissions will be penalized 5% per day unless prior arrangements have been made with your Academic Coach to complete the assignment at a later time.


Each week, record your experiences, connections to your course goals, and reflections as they relate to the given prompts and/or your course project. You must record one entry each week, but may record more (insert rows as needed). You may find it helpful and rewarding to record one entry at the beginning of the week, think about the prompt during the week, then record another at the end of the week. For privacy, refer to patients, online colleagues, and/or co-workers with initials instead of names.

Save this document to your own computer desktop or storage device after each entry to create a cumulative journal. You will upload the document and submit it each week by 0800 CST Friday following the course week. (You will not submit your Reflective Journal for Week 5 entries, but may continue to record entries for your own purposes.)

Remember that the more thoughtfully and intentionally you record your immediate reflections, the easier it will be for you to pull all your experiences and thoughts together for your Journal Paper in Week 5. RN-BSN experiences Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion

Module Journal Entries
A separate Journal entry is required for Modules 1-6 by 2359 Saturday of each indicated module. Provide details of your thinking, including insights, challenges, paradigm shifts, and goals. Identify previous course topics, readings, or research that relate to the prompt.

Journal Entry

Module 1: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area.

Key Point 1
Key Point 2
Key Point 3
Module 2: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area.

Key Point 1
Key Point 2
Key Point 3
Module 3: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area.

Key Point 1
Key Point 2
Key Point 3
Module 4: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area.

Key Point 1
Key Point 2
Key Point 3
Module 5: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area.
Key Point 1
Key Point 2
Key Point 3
Module 6: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area.


Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion of RN-BSN experiences
Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion of RN-BSN experiences

Modules 1-6 will include a total of six journal entries. Each Module, you are expected to address three main themes from the Module content, discuss how each point applies to your practice as a nurse, and finally, discuss how this information will improve your practice in the future.

In Module 7, your journal entries will be utilized to help you compose the program’s final paper, the Synthesis Paper.

Each Module’s Journal Rubric

Criteria Target Unacceptable sAddress 3 Module Key Points for Each Journal Entry (50 points)

Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the three essential aspects chosen and why they are significant or memorable.
(Points: 50)

It does not capture enough connections or reflections (0 Points)

Evidence-Based Relevance

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Research Helper
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