Review the CDC’s Framework for Program Evaluation. Reflect on the steps and standards related to evaluation design.
Review the six purposes of evaluation (from McKenzie p 355)
In PUBH 4030, you developed a health program plan that you will use for the Course Project. If your plan is not available, contact your instructor. Review your public health program plan and select at least one outcome goal, one impact goal, and two SMART objectives. You may choose to revise your goals and objectives based on instructor feedback.
Review “Selecting an Evaluation Design” and “Evaluation Designs” in Chapter 14 of the McKenzie et al. text. Select an evaluation design to use as a guide for conducting your program evaluation.
Review “Formative Evaluation” and “Summative Evaluation” in Chapter 14 of the McKenzie et al. text. With your goals and objectives in mind, select two types of evaluation that you could use as part of your evaluation plan.
Consider the strengths and limitations of the evaluation design and types of evaluation you selected.
Review the Course Project Instructions (located in the Learning Resources).

The Assignment: (2½–3 pages):

Introduce your proposed program briefly with the title, mission statement, target population, and location.
Explain which of the six purposes of evaluation apply to your program.
Identify the stakeholders for your program. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include at least one stakeholder from each category (those involved in program operations, those served or affected by the program, and the primary users of the evaluation results).
Explain what the different stakeholders might expect from the evaluation.
Describe one outcome goal (long term), one impact goal (short term), and at least two SMART objectives for each goal from your public health program plan.

Refer to the Learning Resources on SMART objectives to ensure that your objectives are appropriately written.

Describe the evaluation design that would be most appropriate to guide your program evaluation and explain why you would choose that design.

Refer to “Selecting an Evaluation Design” and “Evaluation Designs” in Chapter 14 of the McKenzie et al. text to review the types of evaluation designs.

Describe two types of evaluation that you could use to evaluate your public health program plan and explain why these are appropriate.

Refer to “Formative Evaluation” and “Summative Evaluation” in Chapter 14 of the McKenzie et al. text to review the types of evaluations.

Describe the strengths and limitations of your selected evaluation design and types of evaluation.

Your written Assignments must follow Ace homework tutors – APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate.

Effective program evaluation is a systematic way to improve and account for public health actions by involving procedures that are useful, feasible, ethical, and accurate. The Framework for Evaluation in Public Health[1] guides public health professionals in their use of program evaluation. It is a practical, nonprescriptive tool, designed to summarize and organize essential elements of program evaluation.
Adhering to the steps and standards of this framework will allow an understanding of each program’s context and will improve how program evaluations are conceived and conducted. Furthermore, the framework encourages an approach to evaluation that is integrated with routine program operations.
The emphasis is on practical, ongoing evaluation strategies that involve all program stakeholders, not just evaluation experts.
Understanding and applying the elements of this framework can be a driving force for planning effective public health strategies, improving existing programs, and demonstrating the results of resource investments.
The purposes of the framework are to

summarize the essential elements of program evaluation,
provide a framework for conducting effective program evaluations,
clarify steps in program evaluation,
review standards for effective program evaluation, and
address misconceptions regarding the purposes and methods of program evaluation.

Evaluation framework materials and resources

Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Healthpdf icon – MMWR 1999;48(No. RR-11)
Overview of the Frameworkpdf icon – Provides 3-page key points from framework
Framework Homework help – Summarypdf icon – Provides summary of the framework with details
CDC Evaluation Framework – YouTube video

[1]Suggested Citation: icon

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Framework for program evaluation in public health. MMWR 1999;48 (No. RR-11)
Page last reviewed:  May 15, 2017homeProgram Evaluation

CDC Approach to Evaluationplus icon

Framework for Program Evaluationplus icon

Evaluation Steps
Evaluation Standards

Improving the Use of Program Evaluation for Maximum Health Impact: Guidelines and Recommendations
Logic Models

Events and Training
Evaluation Fellowship Program
About PPEO Evaluation Unit
CDC Evaluation Resourcesplus icon
Framework-Based Materials

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