Select an article from the two articles cited in the syllabus. You may also use one you have chosen. Your review should include the following items and should not exceed 5 double-spaced pages. Make sure that the research review you submit is edited and grammatically correct before submission. Points will be deducted for failing to edit and for writing errors.

Article: Name, Author, Source: written using APA Citation format
Type of Article : informational, scientific study, research or other
Purpose of the study:
Subjects : Write a page paper – Describe the subjects of the study. How many subjects? Identifiers including age, grade level, IQ, SES, location – urban, suburban or rural, specific issues of concern – below grade level, reading difficulties, second language learners, special needs learners?
Method: Explain what the researchers/authors did in the study? Did they follow certain procedures?
Results: What were the results? How could the findings of this study be useful for teachers working with similar populations?

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