Responses to each question 1-5 below should be answered fully and please explore the question. It must be no less than 500 words total for all questions, and should be supported with scholarly research from outside internet sources. Exclude wiki sources or ones that use 100% user generated information. Remember that well-written responses do not need to be excessively wordy. Be sure to paraphrase and cite your sources. Must be in Ace homework tutors – APA style.
Check Your Understanding:
1. Why do we study ethics?
2. Why should we be concerned about doing “the right thing”?
3. If each of us has a unique set of influences and values that contribute to our personal value systems, how can that be applied to a community as a whole?
4. Based on the history of business ethics, do you think the business world is becoming more or less ethical? Explain
5. How would you propose the resolution of an ethical dilemma using the golden rule?
Exercises 1: a-d 750 words
Visit the following site:
a. What is the purpose of this organization?
b. What is the organization’s pledge?
c. Record three different codes/pledges/oaths from those listed on the site and discuss why they are important to you
d. Ace my homework – Write your own pledge on a topic that is important to you (maximum of two paragraphs)
Case Study approx. 750 words
Read Issues One and Two from Taking Sides. Choose one issue to respond to. Which viewpoint do you side with? Why? Explain. Reference at least two outside resources that further support the view point you side with.
Taking Sides: Clashing views in Business Ethics and Society 12th Ed
Each of the questions 1–5 below should be addressed completely, and you should research the topic. For all questions, it must be no less than 500 words in length, and it must be backed up with scholarly research from outside internet sources. Exclude wiki sites and those that rely entirely on user-generated content. Keep in mind that well-written comments don’t have to be overly lengthy. Make sure to paraphrase your sources and cite them. It must be written in Ace homework tutors – APA format.
Examine Your Knowledge:
1. What is the purpose of studying ethics?
2. Why should doing “the right thing” be a concern for us?
3. How can this be applied to a community as a whole if everyone of us has a unique collection of influences and values that contribute to our personal value systems?