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The top five strengths theme results of my StrenghtsFinder assessment are as follows (CliftonStrengths for Students, 2020): 

Achiever: Hard worker with the stamina to keep working. They like to keep themselves busy and make their time useful (Schubring, 2017). 

Learner: Like learning new things and continuously want to improve things. They get satisfaction in learning new things.

Futuristic: Dreamers, perceivers, and inspired by what could be in the future. They have a clear vision of what they would like in the future and go towards that goal.

Focus: They prioritize their tasks before acting on it. Make corrections as needed but stay on track.  

Analytical: Are thinkers, they like to think of possible causes and reasons that might be causing a problem in the situation. 

Your personal values are things that are important to you. It is what guides us to make our decisions (What Are Your Values?, 2020). My two core values that guide my decisions are being persistent and being dependable. Being dependable comes with being honest and reliable. If I am given a task, I have been known to work hard and long hours to get it done. I believe in this, whether I am doing something at home or at the workplace. My previous manager once said, she likes putting me in the team lead position because she knows I will make sure everything will get done even if my shift is over. Working hard leads to me having perseverance. I will not give up until I have figured out or completed what I am working on. I do not like leaving work I have started for others. 

My two strengths of being an achiever and focus go hand in hand with being dependable and persistent. I am able to work hard and long hours on something is because I am able to stay focused on not get sidetracked. I do like making a list of things to do as it states in behavioral examples of the StrengthsFinder Theme of Achiever (Schubring, 2017). I am task-oriented and will keep going down on the list of things to do until it is completed. 

This is actually also my weakness. I am so focused on getting things done, that I forget to ask for help and delegate tasks to others. I have a hard time delegating because I feel like I will get things done faster if I just do it myself. This causes me to work harder and end up doing a lot more work than others in the same position as I am. 



CliftonStrengths for Students. (2020). Retrieved September 27, 2020, from

Schubring, L. (2017). Exploring the StrengthsFinder Theme of Achiever. Leadership Vision. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from

What are your values? (2020). MindTools. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from

Responses 2 Al

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According to Rath (2007), a person is six times less likely to be engaged in their job when they are not in the “strengths zone,” and that person is quite different than they usually are. (p. 12). I find this to be true. If a person has a purpose and knows their strengths, they are more likely to try to achieve things using them and attempt harder to succeed. When I took my StrengthsFinder assessment, it found my top 5 strengths to be as follows: 

Achiever- “You relish on the feeling of being busy, but you also need to know when you are done.” (Rath, 2017, p. 38). This is true for me. On my days off, I am thinking about what in the heck I am going to do today. I cannot ever sit and be still.  

Communication- I did not think this would be a strength for me, although I am ok with communication. What I have done in the past, if I need to present something, is practice alone first, which the book guides us to do.

Input- “Schedule a time to read books or articles that stimulate you.” (Rath, 2017, p. 127).

Command-This is the one that fits me the best. “Your take-charge attitude steadies and reassures others in times of crisis.” (Rath, 2017, p. 63). There have been many codes on the unit where this has happened with my team.  My family would agree with this one also. Our book said a “command” is to partner with a “woo”.

Woo- “You are drawn to strangers.” (Rath, 2017, p. 169). A course of action here is finding a job where I interact with many different people, and I do this in psych, which I love.

“Although people certainly do change over time and our personalities adapt, scientists have discovered that core personalities adapt, scientists have discovered that core personality traits are relatively stable throughout adulthood, as are our passions and interests.” (Rath, 2007, p. 18).

I have always had core values of compassion and advocacy. Compassion for all the different situations people are in and where they have come from, along with their current situation. At times, my advocacy has gotten me into trouble. I try just to dive right in and solve problems.  I would like to strengthen here by getting all the facts and understanding all the history before trying to solve any problems for patients I may have ideas for. Working in psych, all kinds of issues come into the hospital frequently and my mind seems to be always going to give these people ideas on how to solve this when they get out.  I need to sit back with the patient and not just be the problem solver on my own. I do this with friends too. If there is an issue, I will not rest until its solved. I would like to work on handing the reins over and trusting the job will get done. At times I take on too much and do nothing but stress out. This would be part of the achiever piece; learning to let some go.

A strength I have is always being a team player. We, as nurses, take care of people. This is a huge job and it takes different members to produce the best outcome for these people, especially in psych when there is so much follow up to be done to ensure success. When it comes to being a leader, it is important to know your strengths, so your drive of the mission continues and you know your worth. “You have to have a lot of energy, a lot of direction, and be focused on the mission.” (Laureate Education, Producer, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, 2:04).


Laureate Education (Producer). (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Leadership [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert   

    clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

Rath, T. (2007). Strengths Finder 2.0


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