#Response 1
A. During which months is Carbon dioxide high in the Northern Hemisphere?
High concentration of CO2 is higher in the northern hemisphere during colder months, during the falls and winters. During this period, plants cannot absorb as much CO2 from the atmosphere. The NASA video from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1SgmFa0r04 shows high concentration of Carbon dioxide during the months of the late days of February through early days of April in 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers when it is cold season in the northern hemisphere.

B. During which months is Carbon dioxide high in the Southern Hemisphere?
Likewise, in the southern hemisphere, which experience an opposite season to the northern hemisphere, high concentration of carbon dioxide is experienced during the colder months and falls. The carbon monoxide from forest fires from Africa, South America and Australia contribute to high carbon dioxide concentration in the southern hemisphere. Less absorption of CO2 by plants during falls and winter seasons also contribute to the increase in CO2 concentration.
C. What is primarily controlling the seasonal highs in Carbon Dioxide in the Northern Hemisphere?
During winter period, plants cannot absorb as much CO2 from the atmosphere hence high concentration. Similarly, during falls, plants cannot absorb CO2 for photosynthesis hence high concentration.
D. What is primarily controlling the seasonal lows in Carbon Dioxide in the Northern Hemisphere?
During summer and springs, there exists a low CO2 concentration in the atmosphere because most of the CO2 is absorbed by plants for photosynthesis. Also, other natural land processes contribute in absorbing the CO2.
E. At which latitudes is the carbon dioxide most variable over the length of a year?
At latitude 71° N (northern hemisphere), enormous seasonal swing of CO2 is experience. These fluctuations are due to large seasonal variations of plants photosynthetic activities. Weaker fluctuations are experienced in the equator while there are hardly any seasonal variations at about 90°S latitude in the southern hemisphere.
F. What is the (chemical) difference between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide?
Carbon monoxide is formed from the incomplete combustion of Carbon in insufficient presence of oxygen whereas carbon dioxide is formed from complete combustion of carbon in sufficient presence of oxygen.
#Response 2
A. Why do you think Mauna Loa was chosen as the site of the Northern Hemisphere long term carbon dioxide observatory?
The measurements along Mauna Loa display a steady increase in mean CO2 concentration in the atmosphere around 315ppmv in 1958 to 401ppmv in 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay. Mauna Loa is located on Northern hemisphere where there is much vegetation and is therefore vital in measuring trends of CO2 in the northern hemisphere regions.

B. Why do you think the South Pole was chosen as the site of the Southern Hemisphere long term carbon dioxide observatory?
The Southern Pole was chosen since from the ice age, the kneeling curve observes a stable CO2 concentration trends over the years at the same location.
C. How large (in ppm, parts per million) is the northern hemisphere seasonal signal?
The cyclic variations as per the keeling curve is about 5ppm by volume yearly corresponding to the seasonal uptake of CO2 by the land vegetation in the northern hemisphere.
D. Does the season signal change over the time period of 1979 to 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay? How?
Over the years from 1979 to 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, season signals change as shown from the keeling curve. The trend changes normally to a warm climate due to increasing quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere. The monotonic increase of CO2 is in annual average basis is almost 398.6 ppm.
#Response 3
Air Force exploration explains that missiles and the ice age story both disclose the effects of carbon dioxide. Time difference shows the glaciers vast fluctuation due to CO2 increase. With the increase in CO2, global warming is the effect thereby resulting to glacier reduction. The introduction of missiles also resulted in increase of CO2 in the atmosphere due to the heavy emissions of CO2 from the combusted fuels hence global warming.
#Response 4
This is a ‘bare earth’ elevation model, unchanged from its original data sources such as ifsar, lidar, or an auto-correlated photogrammetric surface. It is supposedly free of ‘non-ground’ objects such as vegetation and buildings.
B. What shaped the landscape of northern Illinois and Indiana Illinois?

C. Paleoclimate
Paleoclimate is a climate that was prevalent at some past period of the geological age.
E. Factors that Control the earth Climate
Factors that control the earth climate include CO2 concentration, the suns angle, earth matters drifting regionally from the equator to the poles, magnetic field cosmic rays, space dusts and other space knobs.
F. Effects of the Earth Fast or Slow Changing
G. A long time ago over a very long time scale when the sun was younger, its output was 70% of now. What is the paradox over this “Faint Young Sun” time period?
At about 4.6 billion years ago, sun’s output of fusing hydrogen to helium was 70% and increased the solar core density. However, the evidence of liquid water as per the past records was about 4.4 billion year. Currently, earth reflects 30% of the sun and therefore, we would expect a black early earth which did not happen to offset the changing sun.
H. Snowball Earth
An extensive low-latitude, low elevation glacial deposits from some period of time in the middle aged earth is known as Snowball Earth.
I. How does the earth system adjust its temperature over the long variations when the sun was dimmer?

J. How long are MIlankovitch cycles? How do these related to the seasons we observe on earth
These cycles give descriptions of the general effects of changes in the movements of the earth upon its climates. The cycles also determine climatic patterns through earth’s orbital forces.
Lindsey, R., & United States. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Earth observatory. S.l: s.n.

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