• A description of the relevant characteristics of the Participants you are planning to recruit, include criteria for eligibility and exclusion from the research
• A description of the Setting where the research will take place and the Materials required to conduct the research
• A description of your Dependent Variable, including any operational definitions and data collection procedures
• A description of the process by with data for IOA will be collect and the formula with by which IOA will be calculated
• A description of the Experimental Design your research will utilize
The Method section should use all Ace homework tutors – APA formatting conventions, including appropriate headings for the different sections.
The participants of the study will be children with ASD and their parents, who will be part of a convenience sample of participants who will meet the inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria will be the age of below 12 years, an ASD diagnosis that demonstrates the difficulty in language and communication skills, and informed consent from the parents. The exclusion criteria will be the failure to consent to participate in the study or if their behavior instability puts them at risk of injury. The children will be accompanied by their parents during the educational training. The eligible participants should not have had a DTT in the past. To ensure there is diversity in the group of participants selected, several demographic characteristics will be considered, including gender, race, and socioeconomic status. A total of 6 participants will be selected.
The DTT sessions will be conducted in a special education center for children with autism based on the southside of Chicago Illinois. The study will involve four interventionists, who are all education staff members, including clinicians, special education teachers, and paraprofessionals, in the special education center. The interventionists will complete a Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training that would educate them about ethics on research involving human subjects. They will also be trained on the use of intervention procedures through protocol scripts, didactic instruction, role play, and watching a video. The training session will be conducted weekly. The intervention room will contain various study tools including car, plane, and bicycle toys, and a Dolch noun sight word list. The participants will be screened for eligibility based on a reading pretest of the sight words that would demonstrate their difficulty in reading skills.
Experimental Design
The study will apply a multiple schedule design for the participants that will be selected to determine the effectiveness of DTT methods in increasing word mastery. The interventionists will collect the data in three phases, including a baseline, discrete trial, and generalization in an autism classroom. The same measure of mastery of skills will be used in the baseline and the generalization phases.
• A technological description of all of the Procedures to be utilized in the study
• A description of the process by which data for Treatment Integrity will be collected and the formula with by which Treatment Integrity scores will be calculated
• A description of the process by with data for Treatment Integrity IOA will be collected and the formula with by which Treatment Integrity IOA will be calculated
• A description of the process that will be used to obtain information regarding the Social Validity of the goals, procedures, and outcomes of the study
Dependent Variable and Response Measurement
The dependent variable in the study will be the number of accurate responses that the participants will give after the DTT education session. A participant with an accurate response will be able to point to the correct word following the instruction in less than 5 seconds. The instruction from the interventionist will be “show me (a word on the Dolch noun list).” The interventionists will record the response accuracy daily and prepare a graph of the same, that would be analyzed through visual analysis. The interventionists will complete the data collection process to determine the feasibility of the intervention. The Dolch noun list is developmentally appropriate and each participant’s target words will be selected from the list. The same set of words will be used for all the participants, during the pretest and the posttest. However, at the start of the study, the interventionist will select only a single word, and increase the number of words in the other sessions to determine the accuracy of the responses. The target words will only have three letters.
The accuracy of the participants during the DTT sessions will be assessed, with each experimental session consisting of no more than twenty trials. During the study, there will be no more than three experimental sessions in a day, with each lasting about twenty minutes or less. The classroom teacher will determine the specific times in which the sessions will be conducted to ensure there is a minimum disruption of the participants’ normal schedule of daily activities.
Interobserver Agreement (IOA)
An independent observer will collect the interobserver agreement data for about 95% of each participant’s sessions. The agreement will be calculated by dividing the number of agreement trials by the total number of trials. The mean agreement will then be calculated for all trials of each of the participants. Interobserver agreement observations will be included for all trials where the interventionist will be the primary investigator. What is the name for this type of IOA? What is the formula?
Informed consent. The children’s parents will be provided with information about the study, including the details of the intervention, the period of the study, the people who will be involved, as well as the risks and benefits of the intervention. They will be required to give both oral and written informed consent. A special education teacher in the teaching facility will engage both parents of each of the participants before issuing a written consent form that will be signed after the participants are satisfied with the information provided. The participants will be allowed to opt out of the study any time they wish to do so.
Baseline. The instructors will conduct baseline sessions which would consist of a list of words that the participants would be required to identify. The instructor will give instructions verbally at the beginning of each session. The academic instruction would be “Show me …..” and wait for 5 seconds to receive a response from the participant. If a participant gives the correct response, the instructor will record that a correct response was provided, give reinforcement of “Yes,” and move to the next prompt. If a participant gives an incorrect answer, the instructor will record an error, give a correction of “No,” and a neutral statement such as, “Let us try the next one.” How many words will be in the field during baseline (e.g., will there be 4 words available for the participants to choose from, 1 word, 10 words, etc.?)
Discrete Trial Teaching. The DTT intervention sessions consist of instructor-directed instructions with clear contingencies, reinforcers, and repetition to teach an individual a new skill. The technique allows educators to teach children one skill in a series of teaching attempts (discrete trials) rather than teaching a skill in one attempt (Rabideau et al., 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Some of the essential elements of DTT sessions include an environment without distractions, verbal direction, correct materials, positive statements, correction procedures, contingent reinforcers, and data collection (Rabideau et al., 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). The DTT sessions will take place both in an individual room and a group classroom. So what exactly makes the DTT sessions different from the baseline condition? You need to provide the same amount of details here that you did in the baseline condition section.
Treatment Integrity
The instructors will follow scripts to ensure there is treatment integrity. The scripts will provide a detailed breakdown of the DTT procedure that would be followed in each of the sessions. For each of the DTT sessions, an interobserver will fill a scripted checklist to obtain treatment integrity data. What happens once the checklist is complete? What type of treatment integrity IOA will be conducted, and what is the formula?
Social Validity
DTT is socially valid because evidence from research indicates that the intervention can produce positive outcomes. In the current study, social validity will be measured by two measures, that is, a report of the educators, the performance of the students, and the ability to maintain the intervention over time.
Rabideau, L. K., Stanton-Chapman, T. L., & Brown, T. S. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Discrete trial training to teach alternative communication: A step-by-step guide. Young Exceptional Children, 21(1), 34-47. https://doi.org/10.1177/1096250615621357