Research Paper: Write about a work of art from an art museum in
Due by 2-17-20
Here is a link to the art painting and the museum in Philadelphia
George A. Weymouth
· Gustave Courbet. Stonebreakers. 1849 (depictions of everyday real life, and of their time) (realist)
· Jean-Francois Millet, The Augelus, 1857-1859
· Esgar Degas, The Tub, 1886 (Color, light, line, surface)
You can choose any work of art from the museum’s collection for your paper, with the following limitation:
· The artwork was created between 1945 – 1975
· Hint – for help – look at the movements we covered in Modules 4 – 7
Paper must be a minimum of 1000 words.
This is a research paper. Your research and observations should be illuminated by the class lectures and readings as well as outside sources (Internet sites, scholarly journals, books, etc.) Remember to properly credit your sources. I need help writing my essay – research paper use I need help with my homework – MLA format. If you are unsure about how to cite your sources, refer to: I need help with my homework – MLA Formatting and Style Guide.
A typical paper will spend the first part giving background about the artist and the style/movement to which your selected artwork belongs (ie. Activist art). In the next part of your paper you will describe your artwork from the museum in detail using terms learned in class (ie. sculpture in the round, complementary colors, etc.). You will first describe the form and then address the content (iconography, narrative, etc.). You may also want to talk about the artwork’s significance – how it may be a political statement or shows an innovative style, for example.
In the rest of the paper you will compare/contrast the artwork to an artwork that has been discussed in our class in Unit 1 (either in my Lectures or in the textbook). You should select a work of art that is more similar than different (in terms of similar time period and/or similar iconography). You will discuss how the works are similar and then how they are different, mentioning at least 3 ways they are the same and 3 ways they are different. You should write at least one page for this comparison (five paragraphs). Remember, the best comparisons have more similarities than differences. The comparison should be from Unit 1.
The paper should be double-spaced and 12-point font in either Times New Roman or Arial and a minimum of 1000 words. Your paper must include a Works Cited page at the end with at least 3 outside sources (the class lectures and textbook don’t count). You must include images of your museum artwork and your comparison artwork. You may attach separate images of your chosen artworks as .jpg files or the images can be embedded directly into the paper.
I DO NOT ACCEPT .odt files or .wps files or google docs.
I accept .jpg, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, .pages files ONLY
Worth 150 points.
1. Minimum 1000 words. Only the body of the paper counts towards this word requirement (not the title, your name or Works Cited).
2. Your selected museum artwork was created between 1945 – 1975.
3. A comparison artwork from class is included (from Unit 1). Talk about 3 ways the comparison is the same and 3 ways it is different.
4. Works Cited page is included at the end of your paper. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a minimum of 3 outside sources (other than the Lectures and the textbook).
5. Images of your museum artwork and your comparison artwork are included.
6. For 10 points Extra Credit — a Selfie of yourself with the artwork at the museum is included.
7. Your paper is not plagiarized.
· thorough description of the chosen artwork using at least 5 vocabulary terms correctly
Terms 3: realism, impressionism, complementary colors, Avant-garge artist, En plein-ari, Post-impressionism, Unmodulated color, Primitivism, Expressionism, Fauvism, Arabesque, cantilever, Ferroconcrete, German expressionism, Cubism, analytic cubism, synthetic cubism, collage technique Victoria space.
Terms 4, Purism, De Stijl, Bauhaus, surrealism 9: abstract surrealism & visionary surrealism
Trompe L’oeil, Regionalism, Abstract Expressionism: Gustural Abst. & Chromatic Abst.
Existentialism, Rectilinear
· thorough comparison/contrast to an appropriate artwork studied in class
· thorough research of selected work of art
· Works Cited page in proper format with minimum of 3 outside sources
· organization, clarity, grammar and presentation
· meet the minimum required number of words (1000)
· include images of museum artwork and comparison artwork
· Select an artwork created between 1945 – 1975